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Everything posted by Siamey

  1. Please Delete
  2. Thanks Guyzez!
  3. Dude, I totally forgot you can put stuff on there for free! Thanks man
  4. Hi Everyone, I released my latest album for free. You can grab it from my site if you want: http://heathmorrismusic.com/?p=51 There are 192 and 320kbps versions in separate zips. Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy! EDIT: Also for free on http://heathmorris.bandcamp.com/ Thanks Mustin!
  5. i love you
  6. lol awesome at least now it is obviously wrong and will get fixed thanks!
  7. I don't have an account at wikipedia nor have I ever edited anything there. If anyone here has an account, they should go edit this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_Original_Soundtrack Take out anything relating to "kent edwards" whoever the hell that is, the soundtrack was by martin and michael.
  8. Thanks for the tip jimmy but that mix is closing in on 5 years old. I'd like to think I've improved since then. EDIT: aaaaaaaand you weren't talking to me, whoops. next time I will read the quoted post first :/
  9. Yea it was a pretty cool feeling. Whoa Jesper Kyd is awesome, congrats on that one! I'm afraid I don't know Neil, but that's awesome too!
  10. He came out of hiding and complimented my remix, wtf
  11. Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know I have a new EP called "Night Sounds" and it is up on iTunes and Amazon. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/night-sounds/id409959501 It is 4 tracks which have elements of house and electro. My friend Michael Cook did the album art. If you check it out in the actual itunes program you get much longer previews, so you can get a pretty good idea of each song. Tell me what you think! Thanks guys Heath
  12. dude, Haista Vittu Trombi Mies just blew my damn mind

  13. thanks guyz!
  14. word up, I have been messing with Alone in the World so I'll upload a WIP soon

  15. I just thought I might have a crack at one if it was still an option.

    Which are the important ones?

  16. Hey! What are you gonna do with all the unclaimed and red tracks in the Wild Arms project? Are you gonna release it without a song for these?

  17. For anyone who was wanting a longer version of this mix I finally got around to it! TimeShock Extra is what I'm calling it, cause it's like an extended more chilled out version with slightly different mastering. Also there is a new ff8 song thrown in for good measure! I hope it is what you are looking for http://heathmorrismusic.com/music/index.php?dir=remix/ Thanks guys!
  18. Hey guys, Some people were wanting an extended mix of my TimeShock remix a while back. Here it is on youtube and it should be up on my site as an mp3 within the next week. It is kinda a chilled out longer mix with some different mastering. Hope you like! I don't know how to undo the emoticon in the url.... but you can find it at my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/DJSiamey
  19. That's cause this wasn't originally posted in "post your game remixes", sorry for confusion. They're still good though!@
  20. Big big fan of this. Yea maybe the drums could use a little bit more snap or something but I'm 100% overjoyed by this song right now. Lotsa awesome fleshing out with pianos and junk in the back ground and some funky other stuff. really awesome
  21. poor choice of thread title, in retrospect edit: YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHH
  22. Hey all, long time, hope everyone is well! I thought I would throw down a folder of some recent tracks I've made First we have a mix of Float Island theme from Kirby's Dreamland (GB) and Yoshi's win theme from Super Mario Kart (SNES) http://www.siamey.com/ace/Kirby%20Island%20Parkway.mp3 Next we have a mix of 2 themes from Gameboy Camera and one of my own themes I threw overtop to keep it interesting. http://www.siamey.com/ace/Secret%20Menu%20Memories.mp3 Next is a short remix of Without Regret by Zircon from his Antigravity album. I used some chopped slices of Warhead's drum track in the second half of the song, I hope this is alright with him. I forget what the download license was on the remix pack. http://www.siamey.com/ace/Zircon%20-%20Without%20Regret%20(Heath%20Morris%20Remix).mp3 Next is a short remix of Flying Battery Zone from Sonic & Knuckles, complete with a ton of game sfx a la tricky swamp style. http://www.siamey.com/ace/Speed%20Run.mp3 Next up is a remix of a Neshi Futuro song, Spinback. I did this for Inspired Records but the label (or someone else like their distributer, according to them) f-ed up the online distro so it is the wrong track for sale. As a result no one is able to purchase this. So take it and spread it around if you like it. http://www.siamey.com/ace/Neshi%20Futuro%20-%20Spinback%20(Heath%20Morris%20Remix).mp3 Last but not least is my remix of Spinal Chord by Dan Stone. This one was also done for Inspired Records and was distributed properly by them, so if you like it, you can get it at beatport and itunes and wherever else. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to post this in C-disc but if not plz move me to WIP I guess. I've ditched the Siamey name, just going by my real name. If I submit to ocr again it'll be under Siamey though, since they already did me the favor of 1 name change in the past. Thanks for listening guys! edit: look forward for an extended mix of TimeShock, and several housey electroy mixes of megaman 8 and dkc2!
  23. Thanks, that means a lot to me.
  24. Thanks to the people who told me to post it on youtube!
  25. lol just realized there is an entire channel muted during the big part, that sucks, why did i have to accidentally mute that before exporting
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