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Direct any iPhone 2g/3g unlock/jailbreak questions this way
Siamey replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
lol i love the serious business line I think that there is a difference between the legal and ethical implications of jailbreaking the iphone. I'm not so stupid to say that it is fine and right to try to rip off a company just because they are huge and have an obscene profit margin. I think this issue has far reaching implications in the field of free software. They are within their means to make crazy copy protection and security, but don't you think that it is within the user's rights to dick with it and make it more usable to him? I mean it doesnt even come down to stealing software. This isn't like modding a ps2 or something, we're not trying to get commercial software for free here, just escaping from apple's creativity stifling policies. Yes they have investors and themselves to think about, but it makes me laugh at how their marketing department spews these McDonald's commercials where everyone is dancing and creating and collaborating, and then they bust out this communist iphone shit. I think it has to do at least partially with the iTunes store and the amount of alternate music sources that a jailbroken or freed iPhone has at its fingertips. I can understand the conflict of interest but its on their shoulders. I figure that since this is so common practice, and I have a lot of experience on the matter, that I could offer a hand. This isn't the same as pirating software or stealing cable Jared, any iPhone you purchase has already been on contract for 2 years (or bought out of it for a shitton of $$), and thus payed apple and ATT many times over what it took to make the product and market it. I'd love for you to point out 1 risk of jailbreaking, 1 downside to the user. You hit the nail on the head; my replies were pretty long, probably cause I have the time on my hands and its an interesting subject to me. Nothing wrong with that in my book. Anyways no hard feelings from my end, just a friendly discussion, 2 different sides of an interesting issue. -
Direct any iPhone 2g/3g unlock/jailbreak questions this way
Siamey replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
I respectfully disagree with everything you just said. For one, you can't fry a phone with an app. If you were some crazy hacker, messing with the Mobile Terminal app and somehow found a way to over-ride some sort of low level... I don't even know how its possible, you'd have to physically modify it in some way, circuits just aren't built to fry themselves if software tells it to. Jailbreaking and Unlocking an iPhone has been made almost foolproof and very user friendly for both mac and pc users, thanks mostly to the iPhone Dev Team. I don't even know if it is possible to "brick" your phone during this process anymore, unless you deliberately disobey one of the the many warnings to "not unplug right now" For two, Jailbreaking a phone doesn't change the way that the iPhone OS functions, so it isn't correct to claim that it makes it buggy or slow, it doesnt change the speed or functioning at all in fact. What it does to is allow programs that have been coded with the official iPhone SDK, but have not been "approved" by apple to be run on the iPhone. Saying that this is a bad idea is like saying that you would be fine if Windows or OS X only allowed you to run software that was approved and distributed by Microsoft and Apple respectfully, it just doesn't make any sense for anyone who wants their computer (or smart-phone) to be a remotely functional tool. Needing service on any iPhone that has been jailbroken or unlocked is as simple as plugging it into your computer and hitting "restore" in iTunes. Then you wait about 5 minutes and you have it an iPhone at factory default settings, ready for sending in for service or repair or whatever. When you send it in they will send it back to you with factory default settings anyways, even if you never unlocked/jailbroke it, so you have to back it up in both situations. I'm not sure why you think that the iPhone is loaded with features; its taken 2 full years to get a simple "cut/copy/paste/" function built into the OS. The iPhone is notorious for lacking built in functionality. That is why jailbreaking is such a godsend. Also, I would like to point out that somewhere in the vicinity of 90% of the "new" features on every iPhone OS update are ideas ripped from a program available on the app store. Voice dialing and shake2shuffle were available long before OS 3.0 my friend. I feel sorry for the independent programmers who try to make a couple bucks off their miraculous apps, only to have apple rip their idea and shove it clumsily into the next firmware update. According to wikipedia, over 25% of all iphones sold in the USA are not registered with AT&T, and in the case of iPhone 3G, you must jailbreak it to unlock it. Thats a pretty big jailbreak user base. Speaking of your RAZR, bluetooth OBEX file push is enabled based on what carrier you are with, not because of intentionally crippled firmware, like the iPhone. Jailbreaking the iPhone means you can enable bluetooth file transfer by the way, which is not available by default. And what about Apples insistence that non-apple programs close themselves when the home button is pressed. The iPod program, or Safari can run just fine in the background, but non-apple programs are shut off by default. After jailbreaking, you can install Backgrounder, which simply turns off the "apple programs only" switch, and also gives you a "task manager" type menu to switch from program to program as well as perform many other useful tasks. Even if multitasking was the only benefit of jailbreaking it would still be completely worth it. And lastly, the way Jailbreak apps are distributed are through a very secure and professional system. Anyone who wants to have their app distributed needs to have it sponsored by a trustworthy iPhone software source, and no viruses or bullshit programs get past that. The fact is that "Johnny Coder" in his basement consistantely makes the iPhone an awesome piece of technology, instead of the flashy, gimicky, shitbrick that steve jobs was shitting himself over back in mid 07. -
Ahoy, After purchasing a melted iphone 3g (8gb) from a guy i worked for, and rebuilding it with some parts sent from HK (thanks ebay!) I now know my way around the iphone 3g pretty well. I have also dicked with the 2g (first gen iphone) a tad and feel comfortable advising people on it too. I am by no means known as a resident tech at ocr but in this case I would be happy to advise and help anyone thinking to purchase or do anything to an iphone 2g or 3g, since ive invested about 30 hours into all the bs you have to go through to get things working properly. If you have any questions about iPhone unlocking or jailbreaking (illigal according to the service agreement though not enforced, yet), what they are, why you would do them, and how to do them; please ask away. I would also warn that if you are thinking of upgrading itunes or your iphone firmware, then do NOT until you find out what the consequences are, or you will end up like me, with no way out until the iPhone Dev Team releases their next batch of magic software. Alrighty
intro arp sounds like undersea palace ill try to wip something up LOL GET IT WIP edit yea, CHILL OUT GARIO GOD lol kindof an intense thing to say to someone who casually mentions they hope they didnt ruin the competition. ARARR
whatup joe i dont like metal usually but the synthy part in agency really allowed me to dig it. good job dude
Hey guys, here is a track my and my friend mike are working on. its kinda chippy and electroy. its for an indie game. still some rough transitions in there but otherwise its a nice demo. hope you like edit: heres the link... www.siamey.com/temp/fire.mp3 wow... one of those days
17... christ UNSTOPPABLE</quake or unreal tournament voice, whichever that is from>
PRC141 - It's A Me in the Stardust Road (Super Mario Galaxy)
Siamey replied to Bundeslang's topic in Competitions
lol gameboy is a dickbag for calling trance rubbish etc, but i would say that expecting most music fans to listen to seto's song and be like "oh this isnt trance, its suchandsuchsubgenreoftranceortechnoorwhatever" is unrealistic, and though i enjoy setokaibarocket's stuff, i do think it is not as palatable to the masses as a lot of mainstream trance stuff, because the masses aren't techno connoisseurs, and as such, wouldn't appreciate the nuances of his genre. ps WOO! lets get this show on the road, lets get the next tune picked pronto so we can battle royale this shit. rexy please dont pick a bad song or some random song which is a total drag to work on, to the point where I delete the project 10 hours in. cough supermariogalaxy cough terribleuninspiredsource cough -
Hey all, I want to sell or trade my CME UF8 Midi controller. Its 88 full weighted keys with hammer action. It also has 9 faders and 8 dials. Its got aftertouch, a breath controller port, midi out, usb midi and a firewire audio expansion slot, which I have not filled. http://www.cme-pro.com/products-list/product-uf.html Here is a review of it at keyboard mag: http://www.keyboardmag.com/article/cme-uf8-usb/Apr-05/7400 I bought it for looks, played it approx 15 times for about 30 minutes each, and its pretty much been sitting in my room ever since. I bought it about a year and a half ago, and it was 500 usd when i got it. I would be happy to get $350 for it. But we'll see... It is in perfect condition except for the fact that it is sleek black and so you can see dust on it easily, and so im sure there is some dust on it right now, but not a crazy amount or anything. I don't want it anymore because i realized that full weighted keys are not what I want. I thought I wanted realism, but what I want now is a more synthy, light-keyed machine. I am in the market for a Nord Lead or an Access Virus of any kind (preferably one with a keyboard attached as opposed to the desktop module). This is another reason I want the money. If anyone is interested, I can post pictures or even videos of it. I have the driver cds and ill throw in a usb cable if you want. I have the manual too, and the box it came in. Shipping would probly be intense since this thing is HUGE. But we'll work that out later. Peace!
Sorry about the pun earlier, I honestly didn't realize it until someone pointed it out. wow. Glad you are on here Mike, I have no technical knowledge of this stuff, and its refreshing to hear someone speak with authority, and specifics, on the subject.
Yea I think its a neat idea too. "The gameplay is simple and the cut scenes are hippy propaganda, what else is there to say?" quoth SA forums. I'd agree about the gameplay but I think solar power is an issue which needs more light shed on it.
Thanks for checking it out Arek. Completely the opposite response that I got from the somethingawful forums. ROFL they basically tore me a new one over there.
Hi everyone, I wanted to give you all a heads up about a project my friend Mike is doing. He has a degree in sustainable living and also loves video games, which led him to start a game project called "Solarcade" The Solarcade concept is an arcade box with original games on it, which runs entirely off of its attached solar panels. Mike is making a series of oldschool style video games which also educate about solar energy and sustainability. So far he has finished "Solarcade: PowerUp!" the first in the Solarcade game series. He has also entered it into the YoYo Games "Save the Planet" competition, in hopes that he will win 1st place, $1000 bucks! That will be a good chunk of change towards designing and building the Solarcade cabinet. Mike is a really good artist, and he has developed a pixel-art style all his own; I think you will really enjoy the cut-scenes as well as the in game graphics. Please check out his site http://solarcade.org/ or find his entry at the YoYo Games website and tell him what you think of it: http://www.yoyogames.com/games/show/64038 Thanks guys! P.S. Mike and I both provided the music. Just wanted to put that out there so no one discovers it later and thinks that its the only reason I posted this. Peace
"better off dead" with a young john cusack. ya ya ya i know its a cult film and has many jokes that have been recycled into other stuff but it was fucking terrible. and i love john cusack john carpenter's ghosts of mars was also awful but if you watched it in the right mood with the right friends you could laugh at it the whole time and it was cool.
shit, double post, mod plz delete
OCR01789 - Tales of Destiny "Pretension"
Siamey replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
congrats dude! I'm really digging this. It really shows how hard you worked on this. -
yaha!!! congrats guys
I have xbmc installed also, but i never use it because its a sack, imo, The dashboard software that I am using (UnleashX) can to basically everything that xbmc can do except some of the live streaming stuff, which is glitchy at best. This is my limited experience of it, so I could be wrong. The site you linked to says you need: Items You'll Need Microsoft Xbox ($150) Networked PC Computer ($???) Original MechAssault game ($20) Datel Xbox Action Replay ($25) Krayzie's NDURE installer ($0) Xbox Media Center (XBMC) ($0) FlashFXP ($0) 7-Zip ($0) uTorrent ($0) If you're interested I can describe how to do it without the datel xbox action replay, which could save some money (and time having it shipped here). I don't quite know how to do it with MechAssault, but Im sure I could figure out how to get that to do the exploit. I used splinter cell myself, so if you have that, i would use it, it was a breeze. Anyways, gimme a shout if you want a walkthrough of my way, or if not then best of luck with your mod
Hey guys, Im writing to you from my xbox using xdsl (linux), which is based on DSL (damn small linux). It was a jiff to install after getting ftp set up with UnleashX (an alternative dashboard software). I don't advocate ripping off game companies by playing coppied games; i mostly wanted to play my legit SegaCD games on a tv, and xbox has a huuuuuge list of good emulators that you can use once you mod it. Thats why I threw together an xbox controller port (which is just usb with a different plug shape) to female usb port, and then used a flash drive with a modified game save on it (softmod bootloader thingy) to take advantage of an exloit in Splinter Cell's game save loader, which allows you to execute your own code on the system, opening it up to mods etc. It took like 5 hours in total, but it would be extremely fast for other people to do it if I explained it to them in detail. I had to piece together the info from like 7 different forums. What I would really like to do now is find a linux audio app that can run on xbox's 700mhz/64mb ram system. To remix an xbox game soundtrack, ON the xbox is my ultimate goal. I'll keep you posted!
"Going Away" is Siamey's concept album soundtrack to an RPG that exists in his mind. Heavily influenced by Nobuo Uematsu, composer of the Final Fantasy game series, "Going Away" exhibits 16 and 32-bit Japanese role playing game style modulated with electronica, trance, and chiptune elements. 23 bite-sized tracks fill out this disc with an impressive gamut of unique tunes. Total length 59:05 Generous description by SGX, much thanks to him. I know that I'm not an impartial party here, but at 8 bucks, I really think its a good deal. It's got music to fit every mood! Check out the site for a flash player with demos of the songs, and pick up 4 of them for free even if you decide the whole album isn't for you! http://protagonistrecords.net/?q=node/71
Anyone who knows Japanese willing to help me out?
Siamey replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
Hey does anyone have a mixi account? It requires an invite apparently. It sounds like a cool place, id love to try it out and practice japanese there. -
OCR01766 - Final Fantasy VI & VIII "TimeShock"
Siamey replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. Hey Keer, here is the source file http://www.siamey.com/index.php?title=title&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 so if you use Reason, you're welcome to make yourself an extended edit from the source. Peace! -
Anyone who knows Japanese willing to help me out?
Siamey replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
yea they do talk really fast thanks for the tips and links guys! -
Siamey - Going Away album release on Protagonist Records
Siamey replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
cool, im glad thats all worked out