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Everything posted by Siamey

  1. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the response! Thanks for the tips tesla! I'll definitely give some of you guys a shout, and also try to check out the idea about native speakers Our class is using Nakama 1, but they said its the last year that they will use that text book, so who knows whats next. I've been watching some japanese news channels on the campus cable, and I think its definitely helpful, and will be more helpful once I can keep up with their speed. I also watched some japanese tv channels online, and one of them was really hyper and 80s as hell, which was cool and unexpected. Amazon shipped those 3 books today, so I'll be getting those soon, hopefully they will help out In case anyone wants to know, they were: 1 "All About Particles: A Handbook of Japanese Function Words (Power Japanese Series) (Kodansha's Children's Classics)" Naoko Chino; Paperback; $10.88 1 "Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You (Power Japanese Series) (Kodansha's Children's Classics)" Jay Rubin; Paperback; $10.88 1 "Japanese in Mangaland: Basic Japanese Course Using Manga" Marc Bernabe; Turtleback; $16.32 The idea bout getting rid of romaji sounds good. Right now during tests I end up using it to write stuff quick before I translate it into hiragana, but I fear that if I don't get over that soon it'll bite me in the ass.
  2. Hey guys, Im really struggling in first year Japanese class. I've really stepped up my studying, and I'm ok at memorizing vocab, but there are no tutors available here, and really no one from my class is interested in forming a study group. I really don't want to fail this class, infact I really want to do well enough that the teacher will give me the thumbs up for continuing next semester. Is there anyone here who knows japanese, or at least more japanese than I do, who could help me out. I really just need someone to converse with (about simple things) over msn or skype or something. I have so many questions, and I'm really lacking experience speaking. If this sounds super tedious then I totally understand, but to me it sounds really fun, plus I really need/want to get awesome at the things we are doing in class. We just started on katakana, and we are mostly doing small conversations about our majors and where we are from etc. Lately we got into how to negate adjectives and also how to describe things and their location and stuff like that. I'm not completely lost in class yet, but I really need to nail down these concepts, cause right now they are fluttering in the wind at the edge of my memory and comprehension, and the only way I can see that happening is if I have some good talks with someone who knows the ropes. Im also going to try to meet with my teachers as much as possible during office hours, Ive heard thats a good way to get more experience. If anyone can help at all, I would really appreciate it.
  3. Thanks dude! Jonas, I'll make sure you get one
  4. Not really a phobia, but to this day I can't play through Act 2 of Sandopolis Zone without breaking into a cold sweat and having goosebumps and just being fucking on edge the whole time. More often than not I will end up turning off the genesis before I get to the end of the zone. Something about the music plus those ghosts that follow you and get bigger and Bigger and BIGGER and you can't find the lightswitch and you're trapped in a hole that is filling up with sand and you have to get out of there, and the lever that you just pushed to open this door 50 yards away is making this continuous pounding noise like some sort of monster from the deep and it all comes together to FREAK ME OUT. Getting to Lava Reef would always mean putting down the controller and taking some deep breaths and just thanking the powers that be. Also, HAHAHAHAHAHA have fun with Ravenholm. Hey I cut that zombie in half with a fan, sweet. HOLY SHIT THE TOP HALF IS CRAWLING AFTER ME.
  5. Damn dude, sorry to hear that. I heard someone in some thread say that you can request a sample case from the site though, so maybe you can replace it with that. http://www.jewelboxing.com/sample.php Hope it works out! Thanks for buying man, I appreciate it Also, Thanks PlastikBag!
  6. About half the album's current tracklist was on my site for a period of 3 or 4 months, but the other half are new tracks. Plus the old tracks have been altered in several ways, and remastered(HAHA). I think its worth getting, personally :D I'm an impartial party in this situation, so totally listen to me.
  7. Hey guys! In a complete pose off of Audix's post, I'd like to announce the release of my debut album "Going Away" on Sgx's new label, Protagonist Records. Track listing: Prologue Menu Valley of the Sea Breeze Suspicion Morning Departure Enter the Forest Lands On the Move So Much for Today Travels Into the Wild Going Away Smoke Spirit Exit the Forest Lands A Secret in the North Strive Polar Sky Battery Life Capital City Showdown Oppression Mechanics Time Loss Credits Reminiscence Total time: 59:05 Going Away is a unique mix of orchestral and electronic instruments, arranged in sometimes unorthodox ways. The concept behind the album is that it is the soundtrack to a game that I haven't written. It is very melody driven, so pop some dramamine and head on over to Protagonist! Art by my pal Mike Cook and lettering by Sgx. Digital Only - $7.99 Physical CDs (includes digital version)- $12.99 - Limited run of 20, so get them while they are hot! Siamey - Going Away @ Protagnist Records Check it out! And check out the home page for some free tracks from the album!
  8. Dude, nice job. I noticed that a while ago and I was like whaaa! awesome. Nutritious, why is cgi larry in your sig
  9. Thanks:) and you dont really, only in that second pic
  10. dzamn! Im really liking these dude. Also, you're dave foley from kids in the hall AWESOME
  11. lol a song written for the spc gets a downgrade to ricoh, cool
  12. Pretty cool, someone decides to view the OCR system in a different light and people flame the christ out of it. At least Shariq and Matt saw. Those are some of the guys who I think the message was meant for. It takes guts to say something like this and also express your appreciation for a community that you maybe haven't thought to thank. I think Neos has a good heart. I recently had a similar awakening, through an interesting turn of events, and not to pose off Neos but I've taken another look at OCR and everything its meant to me, and what all the people have done for me, and realized that I owe a lot, and that I've being a douche in several situations. Anyways, sorry. No one here, who has helped this community grow into what it is, deserves that. My anger and doucheyness has been misdirected and unjustified. I have reconciled with the fact that trance, in the form that I usually listen to, consists of long spaces of uninteresting music, followed by somewhat bluntly introduced melodies which try so fucking hard to pluck at your extasy bone. Stepping outside the box of being a seasoned trance listener, I find it easy to see how unappealing certain aspects of it are to most people, and how tactfully a song must by remixed in order to be considered a quality piece of work that OCR can serve up with good peace of mind, considering the wide audience. I've bitched and moaned about it so much here, in fact I probly wrote the book on whining about trancehate and judgfgts on the forums (arguably). That was the old me though. I'm turning over a new leaf. Im not saying that trance can't get on ocr, because it can. I just finally realize why the judges do what they do, and say what they say. The judges are not perfect, human bias can never truly be removed from the equation, but when you put down your angry defensive shield, and realize that you will never get ahead by bitching, you realize that these guys are a collection of highly talented music dudes, and they have some smart shit to say. My new mission is to learn to take constructive criticism, and grow in my musical ability as much as I can, because honestly, despite what I may have said in the past, I have never once accepted someones helpful criticism and allowed myself to grow from it, and that is sad. Time to throw away the angry shield and make some fuckin music! Peace!
  13. Sweet! I'll check it out. System does rock btw
  14. best of luck hollidayrain/sgx!
  15. <shitstorm> lol ill be back to add the closing tag later.
  16. Thanks for rallying the OCR troops to vote.
  17. Its a damn shame that you guys are working so hard on your mixes when I've already won. BOOM http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC127
  18. Since when is it good practice to not have a "report post" button Much thanks coop!
  19. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm464821504/nm0000579 What movie is that:O???
  20. See on the surface thats completely fine, until you realize "wait, zircon doesn't work in the advertising department of ourstage.com, nor is he responsible in any way for directing traffic to their site" That is what bugs me. I would agree though, that most of the good songs in the 2 electronic categories are by OCR people, so that is something that needs to be taken into account before saying "9/10 of the top 10 are ocr people!!! this is a conspiracy!!" OCR happens to be a breeding ground for good electronic musicians, so that should be expected. Yea! See, thats total balls.
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