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Everything posted by Toadofsky
You just saved so much time for so many people stumbling on this thread. Not sarcasm.
I'll just go in agreement that that's solely my opinion. I've said enough about this game, it's not very good to me, at all. All this thread has boiled into is of ones who somehow think the story was good in this game (granted, it had SOME good ELEMENTS), and others who think it wasn't necessary. I've said my peace on it. I'm just waiting for this thread to get locked up if it keeps spiraling like I think it will.
And screwing up a character in the process? Yeah. I don't necessarily have that much of a problem with creativity, or peoples creative vision. But all I see with this Sakamoto guy is egotism, and if this game flops and any other metroid games, and Nintendo STILL let's this guy handle them, they're stupid. And what Bleck said is right, they could have had cutscenes in previous games, they just didn't do it then, there was no hardware limit on small cutscenes, Ninja Gaiden on NES anyone?
I highly doubt it. Read this from a recent interview, prior to release of the game... "So for all of these people saying that they really want a 2D Metroid, what I’d really like to say to them is I think this is your game. I’d like to see these people play it, and if they still want a purely 2D Metroid game after they’ve had this experience, then they should certainly let me know, then we’ll have to think about what to do next.” Now read what he says POST release of the game: "We might be able to come up with a better Super Metroid but, some day sometime, we would work ourselves into a creative dead end if we were simply moving forward in one direction. I, myself, have been seeking new stimulations and new play feels with the games that I’ve been working on so at least I am trying to avoid repeating the same things. I definitely consider the feedback of those players that prefer Super Metroid but the fact of the matter is that Other M has other features that must be exciting and appealing to the audience." http://www.gamestm.co.uk/interviews/yoshio-sakamoto-discusses-metroid-64-metroid-dread-and-the-unwritten-future-of-the-warioware-series/ If that says anything to me, he's saying, "My vision is all that matters, you don't like it, doesn't matter, only my vision is important!" Granted, my link is a few days older than yours....
I tend to feel opposite. Sakamoto wanted to cram his "vision" into Metroid, so he retcon what happened in the original and put in some cutscenes (though they were nowhere near intrusive), the last part reeked of Metal Gear with the sneaking around in her skimpy Zero Suit. Zero Mission to me is a better game than Fusion, and is the only 2D Metroid that holds up for me anymore. I'm not hopeful for any future Metroid games if Sakamoto is involved in any part of it, story or otherwise. If Nintendo does finally release a new Metroid game, they'll need to understand WHY the last one didn't sell well, or any of them, other than the NES Metroid, Metroid 2, and the first Prime. If they don't, well, they'll keep wasting money again and again... Sorry, you lost me on that last part, where was the part where she was still badass? I didn't see it when she was weeping over seeing Ridley again... ALL KIDDING ASIDE, I don't mind characterization, but so much of this story and characterization was so ridiculously bad and amateurish. I don't expect a Citizen Kane like the game critics (who have probably never seen that film) demand, but at least better acting...
I wish I had that confidence...
So how many guys were gawking at her, or asking her number? I'm sure you pummeled any who dared.. I kid I kid....
They just reported in their financial earnings they've just had their lowest year since 2004, how well they did then I have no idea, so maybe they're just desperate?
The Video input on a TV my parents had since I was like 4 fell inside the TV, seriously. That TV will probably still work even after their 40 inch plasma dies in a few years (as some have projected on these new TVs....)
Because the Wii was not made for HD gaming, at the time, most people DID NOT have an HD TV, and even if they did, a poll came out that stated that few really used the HD plug-in on the TV. So Nintendo, didn't feel the need to shoot themselves on the foot and make a console that would turn only turn profit until years later, unlike some other companies. Though Nintendo admits their next console will be HD, but let's be honest, it has to be more than that. And really, after you play a game on any console do you keep dissecting the graphics after playing for a while?
I think he is and I wanna watch!
I enjoyed Crackdown thoroughly, such a shame. But it doesn't surprise me. The way the economy is right now, companies are gonna fall apart. Funny how the game industry tries to play off that they're "recession proof."
Basically Sakamoto thinks only HIS vision of Samus is important and the story he thinks up, anyone who thinks otherwise can bugger off. What cocky creep. I really, really hope he's not allowed to make anymore Metroid games, even if he's the creator or co-creator. http://http://www.gamestm.co.uk/interviews/yoshio-sakamoto-discusses-metroid-64-metroid-dread-and-the-unwritten-future-of-the-warioware-series/
Oh heck, it's just an opinion, just like everybody else's. I didn't think the game was very good, but that's as far as I'll go in my opinion on it, mostly because everybody who likes it will disagree anyways.
Maybe because he finds people's attempt at justifying that scene to be silly?
Can't say I do, sorry. This game just wasn't for me.
I agree a little bit of risk, and at times big risks such as Metroid Prime being in first person, but this risk was damaging to Metroid. If the story and acting was much stronger, I wouldn't have such a problem. But since some game designers think they're directors, we get games like this. I don't like games trying to be like movies, we have that medium for a reason. Games can have story and acting, but there are few and far companies that can do it well. And unless some game designers can come to terms that maybe more professional talent is necessary, or show competent story telling, they shouldn't bother.
There's a rather big problem with game designers, they're obsessed with THEIR vision, and not aboutwhether or not they're good ideas. They basically say, "This is how it's suppose to be! It's my vision! It's my art! That's all that matters! Me! Me! Me!" I honestly have no desire for Sakamoto to be involved in any more Metroid games. Retro understood Metroid a heck of a lot more than he did, and have a better game to show for it. If this is Nintendo's best attempt at trying to make strong narrative in their games, (which in games ingeneral there's not many of them in this generation) I seriously doubt their talent, and that's coming from a die hard fan.
Finally have been playing this game, and for now, I'll just say this, I'm glad I didn't buy it. Again, if you like it, go ahead and enjoy it. I don't really see how, but more power to you I guess.
From the sound of Sakamoto's past interviews, he pretty much snubs the Prime games, and that's a slap in the face of all the work Retro did for that series (That's ten years of work mind you). Sure Prime 2 took the patience of a Saint to complete, and Prime 3's "Halo story" got in the way, but I give Retro credit for making some very interesting places to explore and interesting and memorable bosses. I still have not had the chance to rent this game, nobody in town has it yet. I'll post my thoughts on it sooner or later. Honestly though, if I don't get the chance to play it, I don't feel like I have really lost out on anything from what I've seen of the game. I know a bunch of you will say otherwise, and that's fine if you love it I have no problem with that, but this game just doesn't look all that appealing. And that's coming from a very dedicated Metroid fan.
I'll post my thoughts when I get a chance to play it. I know in the thread and on comments I've been fairly negative on it, but I'm willing to give it a fair shake. Enjoy your discussion chaps, I'll quit mucking it up...
At least people here are a lot more reasonable to a differing opinion, infendo is just brimming with hate on it's low score for the game. It's absolutely stupid in the comments that everybody says, "You stated in the firs paragraph you're didn't like stuff in the game! But I know it's gonna be good cuz I ain't played it and know it's great!" I've been very open about trying it out as a rental, but I'm just not seeing a reason to buy the game. Donkey Kong Returns just looks like a better game to me. And from X-Play's video review, I have to agree with Morgan Webb on what I've seen, not necessarily what I've played as of yet. And what's funny, is that I'm agreeing with her and she has seem relatively "anti-Nintendo" lately...
I did. I was young, and in love. I was such an innocent child...