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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. I wasn't really impressed with the trailer. Then again I've been disappointed with most of the games nintendo has been putting out lately. Other than New Super Mario Bros and Kirby's Epic Yarn, of course.
  2. With 3D Mario, it's what I expect. They can't come up with a way to make a stage ending so the star is essentially a "flagpole". Bowser was only a challenge in Mario 64 on the second and last fight. Since then, not so much. With Zelda, Nintendo won't stray from the Ocarina formula. Sure it works, but it's just gotten old to me.
  3. I'm just meh over the announcement of this new 3D Mario game. If its another find all the stars and Bowser is a wuss fights I'll pass. The Zelda trailer was okay, but I get the vibe of it being another Ocarina all over again.
  4. It was rhetorical. And if you're taking offense, oh please forgive me, it was a joke, sorry it wasn't funny. What about the 360? Is that better? The thing was sold out, at least at launch.
  5. At least Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie got remastered. The former gave me nausea for some reason.
  6. Ever heard of the Gameboy? Or the iPhone? Or the iPad? If this thing is sold out for a year or so, I'm not going to be heart broken. Until I see a 2D Mario game, Mario Kart, a Metroid NOT made by Sakamoto, I'll hold off. At least within a year's time frame a few decent games will be out (just my opinion, you don't have to like it). And I refuse to plunk down $250 dollars on this thing until I can see the 3D effect for myself.
  7. Just played the game @ Best Buy, and I wasn't impressed. A little bit disappointed really.
  8. I honestly can't say I'm surprised by this, given Rare's track record since being with Microsoft. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/107813-Rumor-Rare-Suffers-Layoffs-Future-May-Hinge-on-Kinect-Sports-2 Considering that this came from 4Chan, I would take this with a heaping grain of salt. I will say this though, if anybody at Rare REALLY thinks that Kinect Sports 2 is going to be a success, they might as well start looking for jobs elsewhere.
  9. Some of his thoughts were good. But honestly, he got on his high horse a bit too much.
  10. I contest that she probably would have started a monologue and or cried about her maternal/daddy issues again...
  11. Even not being game related, the song is great. Definitely deserved an award, more so than "Love the Way you lie". So sick of hearing that song on the radio...
  12. I honestly hate Dragonforce. I enjoyed that song, but not much else. The sound of Metallica and Journey together is not a good combination, let alone tolerable for long. I've heard they suck LIVE.
  13. Whoops! It HAS been a while since I checked up on the roster (I was looking at the webpage, quite some some time ago). Sorry about that. Like I said, I'm just not excited over the roster. I just kinda lost interest with Capcom games after the whole RE 5 Multiplayer DLC garbage some time ago.
  14. After seeing most of the character roster, I lost interest, including the lack there of. I know that it's a new engine, so they might not be able to put as many on disc. But I don't doubt that they'll be cramming DLC down everybody's throats who buy this game, but THEN release SUPER Marvel VS Capcom 3 with those said characters in it.
  15. Good riddance. In the meantime, read this... I think this explains quite a bit. http://www.the-ghetto.org/content/rhythm-games-and-the-death-of-level-design
  16. When they interviewed Miyamoto after Mario Galaxy 2 (I think it was 2), he talked about how one of the developers had put story into the game, after he was told to take it out. The guy didn't listen and explained how it's important how the story "resonates" with the player. While the story wasn't THAT intrusive, this doesn't bode well for future Mario/Nintendo games. Sounds like they want to shove more story into their games. Too bad they don't seem to have the talent for it.
  17. I vividly remember this letter in Nintendo Power.
  18. Not if you can shop smart. I've given up trying to justify Nintendo's actions anymore.
  19. I'll stick with my iPod touch. I already lost interest in the 3DS after seeing the typical lazy Nintendo ports, or half games (Pilotwings Resort).
  20. I thought Jack Kasier started this thread....
  21. Fail. The fact that you're bothering with this while IN class, obviously shows your lack of commitment to your education. You're wasting your time, the teacher's time and your money. I may be getting off the subject, but I know if I went through college again, I wouldn't be wasting my time debating with people I don't know on the net.
  22. So in short, games are expensive, and nothing will change it. Even if you get a bunch of people to get "active" over it. Game companies are now going into a much larger shift, control over their product, as that's been touched on in this thread. And knowing how greedy some companies are, expect it to get worse. Internet boycotts? That's free advertising, and doesn't help. The basic way to make a company RETRACT, and to change, is simply with your wallet. Heck, when Blizzard tried to instill on their Battle Net accounts would have to have your REAL NAME on them, guess what people did? They canceled pre-orders, they cancelled their WoW accounts. They didn't talk about their upcoming games. They didn't threaten, they just did it. Wait, I thought people were still talking about the economics of games, not about who insulted what. Guess I'm late to the party as usual... I haven't seen such a flame war in, well, Nekofrog, when's the last time we saw one like this? You've been here longer than I have.
  23. It looked cool to Lucasarts....
  24. Because Sega is out of ideas, and doesn't want to do what the fans AND regular people want. Kinda summarizes the whole industry.
  25. Impressive. Not as huge as the Purchase Brothers video, but still pretty good.
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