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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. E3 is going to be reeeeeeaaal interesting for Sony this year. But most journalists will have forgotten by then, or won't have the guts to ask them anything regarding this whole mess...
  2. I honestly have to agree with XZero on the fact that Sony needs to address BOTH "free" users and Playstation Plus users with some sort of compensation in some form. But I'll admit, I don't think I can really give any sort of judgement, given that I've never owned a Sony console. But it amazes me how much trouble Sony seems to have had in the past few years with the PS3 and it's online network.
  3. And the severe game drought that went along with them after they've been out for a while? . But seriously, I wouldn't get too over hyped, you'll set yourself up for disappointment. (The following is pure speculation, but, history doth repeat itself) The graphics will probably be considered "current gen" by developers/journalists, you'll hear incessant whining by fanboys and journalists that it's not even better than sliced bread, and all that. It'll be profitable day one just like Nintendo always aims to do with their consoles. I'm glad to hear that it WILL be backwards compatible. Too bad I've traded in nearly ALL my Wii games minus NSMB Wii and Wii Sports (Metroid Prime Trilogy, how I miss thee)...
  4. Thoroughly enjoyed it. My wife, who really isn't into games, loved watching me play the first one, mainly for Glados' talking. She really enjoyed watching this one, especially with Wheatley. I just wish I knew a way to get the soundtrack, I love the chiptune sound they incorporated with this one, and the final song. I would have hated being Colton, he probably had a LOT of pressure to live up to the first song (which is near impossible to top. Now the wait for Half Life Episode 3......
  5. That, and Outrun 2: SP, of course, I guess Outrun is an entirely different game (still a personal favorite).
  6. Too bad Sakamoto doesn't feel that way, he's essentially dismissed the Prime series. If I worked at Retro, I'd be pissed, considering that team spent nearly a decade on his so called "daughter"... What a cretin.
  7. Am I far too late to start getting into this game? All the talk of it, and being bored with the Wii is really making me want to start playing this game. Sorry to side track the discussion...
  8. Just out of sheer curiosity, not being a smart alike, but why do you think that? I've also got my reasons for disliking what they've been up to lately....
  9. yeah, that's how I am.
  10. Truth could not be spoken, er, typed, any better. Honestly, I don't really care if Nintendo announces a new system. They royally screwed up with the Wii. And not because of lack of a hard drive (well, that's a negative), or HD. But because they proclaimed they were determined to "bridge the gap" between the disinterested, and the average gamer, and then failed to live up to that. The Wii felt fresh, exciting even. I really can't recall ever getting that great of enjoyment from the Gamecube, or from any other console at the time. And it was the same with the DS after it was out for a year or two. For some, it was like the NES all over again. They had a great grasp on the Blue Ocean Strategy, and then, not a few years later, dump it to go and do whatever they feel like. I know I'm going to piss plenty of people off, I'm sorry, but Mario Galaxy 2 was the biggest rip off. That game seriously could have been an expansion pack for the first game. Sure, the hub world was more streamlined, and it was more challenging, but that was it. Maybe it's because after playing NSMB Wii, I now prefer 2D Mario over the 3D games. Don't even get me started on the trash that Other M was. I genuinely enjoyed games like Wii Sports and Wii Play, in addition to games like Metroid Prime Trilogy, NSMB Wii. Heat seeker and Trauma Center. But once again, they're going back to the old adage, "We're Nintendo! People will ALWAYS play our games!" Ever since Other M, I've had a genuine distaste with Nintendo, and even further with trying out the 3DS. The Wii was the first system I ever bought, period. Had it reserved on launch day, yadda yadda. I think I'll wait it out for their next console, because it'll take more than just another Zelda: Another imitation of Ocarina in HD, or a Mario: Collect all the Stars AGAIN in HD to get my interest. Lord knows half the 3rd Party companies quit trying to put out decent games after a few years a Nintendo system is out.
  11. Forgot about Master Quest being put in, but haven't heard anything of new content with Star Fox. Other than a visual upgrade, I'm just not that enticed by either games, mainly because I like Wind Waker, and Link to the Past better than OoT. Same goes for Star Fox, I like the SNES version better. These remastered ports are fine and all, but I'm still unconvinced with the 3DS, I'll give it a year or more before even thinking about buying one.
  12. I'll wait for a NEW Zelda or Star Fox game. I have both of them on Virtual Console, and beat them plenty. Being in 3D and "on the go", just isn't that big of a deal to me. But to each his own.
  13. Im working on Scott Pilgrim @ the moment. But I tend to try and 100% most games I play through.
  14. I don't have much love of most Country songs today, mainly because I don't relate to much of it. But I love Johnny Cash. I know it sounds hypocritical, but I do like OLDER country music. That song, "International Harvester", can rot in the deepest darkest hole in the earth. Puppa-puppa-plower... Ugh
  15. Once I saw video for that game, I quickly lost interest. Then again, I don't care much for Capcom these days....
  16. The Destructoid article doesn't even claim a source, but this is Destructoid we're talking about. While the launch is successful, I'll wait for at least a year or more to REALLY call it a success. After all, Sony claimed a successful launch for the PS3, and it still hasn't come close to the Wii, PS2's, or 360's total LIFETIME sales... Yeah, those are consoles, but I still rest my case.
  17. Now now children, don't make Bleck come in here and sit you in the corner!
  18. Bought Secret of Mana since it was cheaper. Surprisingly controls well...
  19. I don't ever play games for that long, and never will. I just feel that if you're not near your charger, or go on a long trip and forget it (long trips are great for handhelds), a better battery life is a plus. I've played some of the 3DS, and I just don't see the value in it right now, the 3D just isn't that impressive. Sure you can turn it off, but why even bother if the main selling point isn't interesting to you? I'm honestly willing to wait for a revision of it, even if it takes years. Maybe by then there will be better games and less ports for it. Sorry to be the negative one on the subject...
  20. For Nintendo, that should be a failure. They always prided themselves on a long battery life. Of course, they're obsessed with doing 3D, so whatever.
  21. My local Best Buy had a display unit, and I honestly am not impressed. I tried to keep any final judgement on the thing off until I got a chance to try it. I even got a headache from the thing. I turned the 3D effect off, but then I thought, what's the point? And walked away from it. I honestly think this is going to end up a Virtual Boy 2, at least for now.....
  22. Oh believe me, I keep my eyes peeled...
  23. As much as I am all for game companies to have the freedom to make their game, I honestly have to say it, if you can't make your game good without a ton of blood and a large amount of foul language, can you call yourself a good game developer? Granted, some of those things have a very large impact, visually. But the more I look at it, the more of a basic outlook I have on it, that it's just a game. I understand why everyone gets so up in arms over this issue, both sides of it. On the one hand, you can have someone with a high morals complex, deeming everything horribly violent and not for kids, even E-Rated games. And on the other end of it, they're trying to keep overly violent games out of kids hands, which I have no problem with. Is it the parent's responsibility to keep them from getting these games? Yes. Most of the people I hear complain about these kind of regulations, seem to be much past the age of restriction that these laws would try to prevent a sale to. Then again, I know they claim it will stifle creativity. Which goes back to the point I've asked, can't a developer make a good enough game without all of that? But I forget, so many developers are committed to making games into movies.
  24. I've been watching some of the videos posted on CNN. I can't watch the ones on Youtube, there are way too many idiotic people posting stupid comments. You know the kind, typical, idiotic American comments that show how disgusting people have become. Back on topic, I hope, they can recover steadily from this. And my thoughts are with the people of Japan. I've never seen devastation this bad. I did relief work in Biloxi, Mississippi, and I know watching the news and seeing it with your own two eyes, is something else entirely.
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