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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. I'm having some trouble getting this image in as a sig, it's from this web site: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v344/VASHULA/K99.jpg could you give me some help please? I've tried the step by step instructions. Thanks if any do help.
  2. An absolute marvel, the game and the remix. And who ever made a link to the site for the original music, an extra thanks goes out to them. I hope that Beyond Good and Evil gets a sequel, no other game has evoked such emotion as this.
  3. Finally! Here's a picture I recently did on Painter 7.
  4. I guess when I came here I didn't exactly give a friendly introduction. So I thought up a better one. Hi, I'm Jintao, most recognizable from the hit film Rush Hour. I enjoy video games very heavily, and I also like to play JEDI ACADEMY, KOTOR, and mostly my Super NES games. The kind of music I like? Ah, anything (VIDEO GAME MUSIC), punk rock, classical, not this new type of country or hip hop music. Bands I like: AFI, GREEN DAY, WEEZER, NIRVANA, THE ATARIS, THE DARKNESS. My Favorite Movies: THE MUPPET MOVIE, THE MUPPET CAPER, SPACEBALLS, HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART I, ROBIN HOOD MEN IN TIGHTS, ALL OF THE STAR WARS FILMS, CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK, X MEN 1 & 2. FAV Games: MISCHIEF MAKERS KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC SPIDERMAN 2 SUPER MARIO 64 SMASH BROS. MELEE STARFOX JEDI ACADEMY RAYMAN 1-3 I guess I'm just giving a vauge image of myself but I hope that shows a little of myself.
  5. Thank You Darthstar, I'm doing a picture of multiple Video Game/Cartoon/movie characters and want everyone to see it, but it's way far from being finished.
  6. Yeah I remember reading about that WHY PEOPLE HATE GAMECUBE a few months ago. Some pretty good arguements came out from that. A lot of fanboys came out of the wood work. How can I bring up an image from my documents?
  7. Thank you Brilliance Redux. And yes, I did mean SIG. I'm not to familiar with tech terms right now. I think I'll stick with the Vash sig for right now. And by the way, you mean you didn't like my Dracula, and Loving it image?
  8. Is it too obvious I enjoy the Mel Brooks Films? And is anyone going to a remix or Mischeif Makers? And why can't I get myself a cool profile image?.
  9. EXACTLY!Am I coming off as a jerk too you guys? Sorry. It's just that I make a retarded entrance, and feel like I get the stupid treatment. Wait,that's the same thing. Hey, why is my text getting all fixed to the bottom next to the image?.
  10. Is there any real way to introduce myself without getting the "you're a moron for even trying to talk here" treatment? I wouldn't be at this site if I wasn't a gamer. I've been raised on each Nintendo console: NES, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube. I mostly enjoy reading Play Magazine and Game Informer. Yeah I now it sound's like an advertisement, but whatever. I mostly go after games lest sought after (for no good reason) or the ones that reviewers just can't seem to enjoy. And obvious as my first try here, I hope to be able to talk to some without getting the same treatment at high school.
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