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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. Been waiting for this project for like what seems two years, but hey, you can't rush art. And I don't want to bother Arek because no doubt he's been getting a bajillion emails regarding when it's going to be done, yada, yada, yada... When, it is done, I will be back as soon as I can to download it. That is a promise.
  2. Been waiting to get my first laptop, as long as it can run Outrun 2 2006 edition. Or at least a few select games I barely play on pc anymore...
  3. I hope they improved on the controls from the last game, I was going to buy it, didn't have the cash, so I rented it (the secret rings I mean). And I quit after about ten missions into it. I'll cut Sega slack because I think they were still getting to know the wii controls, but maybe they'll get it right in round two of a sonic game... I hope....
  4. I posted something on page 2 about how they could integrate motion controls for Zelda, don't remember the link. If anybody is daring, go ahead and check it out. I seriously hope Nintedo considers using this style especially with one to one motion control. Sword fights will never be the same again. And someone commented on the seuqel for DS. It was good, but not great. But to see the cell shading return was awesome.
  5. I honestly feel like they did that because so many fans were just so ignorant with Wind Waker. They were so wrapped up in seeing a "mature" Link, that they just couldn't enjoy it. As for the story, they must have wanted it to be like OoT, they must have felt pressured to live up to it. But that game has come and gone. Don't reuse the same elements of the tale. If they want to be so close OoT, then remake it. I loved Midna's tale in Twilight, but beyond that, not much else besides a few boss fights were that great for me. They need to start from scratch on the storyline. Wind Waker to me was like a brand new game, in terms of it's story. But it referenced back from where it came, not forgetting the past. Besides, we got to finally see the king of hyrule. And yeah, the black and white scene was absolutely awesome, I was completely shocked.
  6. So, you really think the DK series has ANYTHING to do with Star Wars? Beyond using it as an analogy? Yeah, Nostalgia... http://dkcproject.ocremix.org/ Try saying that to all those people on that, I'm sure they'll enjoy it....
  7. Well, thanks for posting on the topic, haven't seen you around here for a while McVaffe. Good to hear from you. And as far as the comment about sailing. Yeah, I do think that the sailing aspect got a little bit stale. But they definitely improved on it in Phantom Hourglass, where you were more involved in retrieving the underwater treasure (I did enjoy trying to guide the crane down to the box, and bringing it back up). I hope Nintendo considers using the style on a console release (though I'm doubtful since so many fanboys disliked it, but that's just their opinion, so I can't be mean to 'em), it would be so awesome to see it reused. In terms of the wii controls, I think Twilight had a good usage of them. Fishing was and still is awesome (but of course doesn't hold a candle to the real thing), but you have to check out this article I found, it will definitely be awesome to see if Nintendo does this with the controls... http://www.n-sider.com/contentview.php?contentid=412
  8. It's been a few years now, but I have to say it, I think I like the Wind Waker's style over Twilight Princess, and for that matter, even better than TP. Not that Twilight was a bad game, but it was so much different from the other Zelda games in terms of style and story. And it started much better combat. Yeah, the sailing left a lot to be desired, but I enjoyed it. Sorry, to sound jaded, but what do you guys think of the Wind Waker these days? Indifferent, still enjoy it?
  9. Hope my brother in law downloads it, I don't have internet or a 360 @ home....
  10. I haven't bothered to read all the posts on this topic. But I have no doubt it's copmlete agitation for the film. Honestly, I didn't grow up with the original trilogy, it wasn't until 97 when they remastered them and put them back into theaters that I started to like them (thanks to the N64 Shadows of The Empire game no less). Anyways, I grew up with the prequels, and despite what everyone says about them, I honestly enjoy them. Could they be better? ABSOLUTELY. Are they as terrible as everyone says? No, at least not to me. But I didn't like this Clone Wars movie. But then I started thinking, this is targeted as a KIDS SHOW, aimed for kids. It's the launch campaign of the t.v. series. Isn't obvious enough this was 3 episodes basically put together? I hope it is to some. I know that Gennedy Tartokovsky's Clone Wars series were better, but think about those though, they were designed in 5 minute spurts, little dialog could be done for them. It wasn't 'till they did the 10 minute sets did they do more in terms of dialog. Yeah, the acting was terrible by several people (Osaka has got to change but that won't happen at least for another season since season one is finished, if she ever does), I'm not crazy about how some of the characters look (at least Dooku and the Clone Troops unmasked). But now that I think about the movie, I think it's pretty decent, but I hope the series gets off on a better start. And if I ever hear Osaka call Anakin "skyguy" or R-2 "R-tooie", well, I don't know what I'll do. And that goes for the live action series due in a few years...
  11. And I thought they put him in a wood chipper.... Shows how much I know...
  12. Missed the volleyball tourney completely, I watched some of it last time, was pretty awesome. Have to admit, I do enjoy watchin the ladies play, wink wink... God, Im such a pig...
  13. Personally, I've never been that into Mega Man games, but they were entertaining. I loved Mega Man Legends. And I generally prefered Mega Man X series because that's what I grew up with. Though I do want to download Mega Man 9 when it comes out...
  14. I did have one, but I traded it in. I bought for 200 dollars from a friend. It was in good shape, but I just don't have the time to keep track of two game systems. Sounds ridiculous, I know. There are plenty of cool games on 360, and I can't wait to try some of the games coming out (my future roommate has one), like Mirror's Edge, Portal: Still Alive, and a few others. But I couldn't afford 60 dollar games everytime one came out, that, and it was starting to lock up for NO REASON. I wouldn't even play it for 15 minutes and it would lock up. I'm not trying to knock the system down, I know how that may sound to some. But I'm content with my Nintendo Wii and DS. Can't wait for Wario Land Shake and Kirby Super Star Deluxe on those. Sorry, I've got a knack for getting off topic on these forums.
  15. For me, Cowboy Bebop had the worst ending I've seen in an anime. But then again, I've watched very few animes. They just never really appealed to me that much. I loved the music on Bebop though, very well done. I have a few of the tracks from the albums...
  17. 1. Your on forums dude, any forum is going to have the kind of people that may shoot down a console, and if you can't take it/ignore it, well, sign out. I'm not trying to be a jerk, just being honest. You should have been here when we had two guys that were almost always arguing with someone here, or at least insulting someone, Cuddly Pyramind Head and Firedrake. I'll admit most brought it upon themselves, but heck, in arguements on the net, nobody really wins... 2. I've heard almost nothing about Dead Rising on Wii, minus screen shots. Whether I want to even go through the game again after how frustrating it was to me, I don't know. It had a good story, great music, and lots of good 'ol school beatm em up stuff, but again, don't really think I want to even go through it all again. Heck, I'm at the point where almost no game, new or old, is just not that entertaining to me anymore. I refrain from reviews, mostly because the critics can't get their heads out of their backsides (Play magazine, and EGM, for example). But now I'm getting off topic...
  18. It's probably been said TO DEATH, but this to me, is single handedly, the greatest comic book movie I've seen yet. The film had a realistic feel. I didn't know what to think when they had Heath Ledger play Joker, until I actually saw the film. SPOILER ALERT. The minute Joker did his "magic trick", I knew he was perfect for the part. The car chase sequence was awesome, with the truck over turning and batman spinning round on the wall with his bike like it's was nothing, just awesome. Not only that, they managed to use THREE villians in one film, and still make it weave together flawlessly (unlike a certain other 3rd film with a web slinger....) END SPOILER.... The whole film felt like a roller coaster that doesn't let you go. You can take all the Spiderman films, and put them aside in my opinion (I know they're completely different, you can do that to the third one at least). How Christopher Nolan will surpass this film, I have absolutely NO IDEA. It's such a shame that Heath Ledger is dead, it would have been interesting to see if they would have integrated him in the inevitabel third film. I only wonder who they could use for the next film. Bane? Riddler? Oswald Cobblepot (aka Penguin)?, maybe Poison Ivy or Catwoman (you know Alfred did mention CATS to deflect from batman's suit...)
  19. I've always been fond of Kirby Super Star, I especially loved the ending credits music for Milky Way Wishes... Here's a remix... http://dod.redheadedblacksheep.net/past/mar05/09-CarboHydroM-KirbySuperstar-Ride-DoD.mp3 And one awesome guitar track from Chrono Trigger remix... http://dwellingoduels.rock-out.net/past/sept/Ashane-CT-Entropy-DoD.mp3
  20. I hope this game beats out Guitar Hero IV, I really do. I know that Guitar Hero has to step up, but I really feel they ripped off Harmonix and Rock Band. I'm still don't think that whole creat your own song thing is really going to be that good (it's all midi format from what I hear), but I'll wait to I actually hear and see it.
  21. I remember first stumbling on this site, and after consistently checking in, bLIND always has a great mix. I know what it's like for his family to go through something like that. My mom has had 4 heart valve surgeries, and they were incredibly stressful. The last surgery she had they gave her only a 5% chance of living because of not taking blood transfusions. But that was actually for the better, they expected her to be in the hospital for a month. She was out in two weeks, and she's in better health than I've ever seen here my whole life. On the subject, I hope for nothing but the best. I have no real knowledge of Colitis, but I know it's nothing to not be concerned about. Hang in there, bLIND.
  22. I have to say, since I've unlocked all the characters and a good amount of trophies, I haven't had the desire to go back and play the game. But then again, excpet for a few games I've played in the past, I have little to no desire to play them thru again...
  23. Probably the lamest thread to bring up (please close it if necessary),but I bought their new album a few weeks ago, and I have to say, it's the best they've had since the Green Album (and I know most didn't like that album). Besides the Pork and Beans single, their other single, "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" is probably one of my favorites of this band. Definitely going to have to download it on Rock Band besides Pixies tracks... Any thoughts on the album? Ready to flame me? I can take it......I think....
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