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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. Still waiting for Heatseeker and Super Paper Mario. I just hope Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime 3 deliver on what should be awesome games, hopefully better than Sonic and the Secret Rings...
  2. Has anybody had a chance to see the new footage? Just watched it, and I have to say, this looks like it will be the best Spiderman yet. http://www.nbc.com/Spiderman/
  3. I know I'm going to be the odd man out here, but I hated Sonic and the Secret Rings, there I said it. I tried to adjust to the controls, I tried to move to a better spot while playing it, (my TV sets about less than 3 feet off the ground and the Sensor bar sits atop the TV. Sadly, I just didn't enjoy this new Sonic game. But I enjoyed what I did play, but I hope that Sega is able to get the controls down pat for the Wii when they do another Sonic game.
  4. Heatseeker looks to good to pass up, I'm buying that game. I can't wait for a new Star Fox, I liked both Gamecube games, but didn't really care for the DS version, but then again, I'm not much into Strategy games.
  5. I will admit, I sped through the game, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Speaking of Wind Waker, I'm kinda glad I don't own the game, WHY? Because of everything you could do, I'd still be playing the blasted game. I was taking every picture I could, I mostly waited to take a picture of a boss before taking characters pictures (It's like Poke'mon Snap, but a lot more epic). The only thing though, is that I ran into a glitch. You see, when you're gathering all the triforce charts, you have to blow up a "Mohawk" ship at Needle Rock Isle. While I was playing the game, I was getting all parts of the map painted as I went along, and I unwittingly blew up that ship, and I can't find the place where I blew it up. So there I was, completely stuck in the game. I have to admit, you're amongst the very few who thinks that game was more "natural" than the other Zelda games. I didn't like the idea of how it looked at first, but when I saw it in motion, I knew I was dead wrong, it was gorgeous, and it still is. Companies used cell shading as a gimmick, but Nintendo (and Sega) perfected it. I'd love to see a Cell shaded mario game, it'd be very interesting.
  6. I recently started a new game, I'm taking my time on the game, trying to find everything before I get to the end. Just bought some Component Cabels (the official Nintendo cables), and I can see quite a difference in the quality, though not a drastic difference. I highly recomend that if you can afford Component Cables and see them, BUY THEM!!
  7. Just rented Sonic for Wii, honestly, it's not a bad game, but I'd prefer controlling Sonic like the past 3d games, but then again, this is Sega's first Wii game so far, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  8. Speaking of Wii Remote problems, I recently took my system to a friends house, while we were playing, he accidentally spilled alcohol on one of my remotes, he took the battery cover off, and tried to dry it out with a hair dryer, the lights on the remote were fairly dim. I took the remote home, stuck in front of my fan, and let it dry the remote. After a night's worth, the remote is working just like it was brand new. So I think this way, if the remote can survive a blender, how can it not survive straight alcohol?
  9. Honestly, I like the new Sonic the Hedgehog game, I have yet to buy an XBOX 360, but I think I'll buy the game. I've seen the reviews, I don't care. I've played pretty much every Sonic game that has come out, and have enjoyed most of them (3D blast being the least favorite). The controls are not in the least perfect, but they're not awful (at least in my opinion). In response to the reviews... I quit reading reviews a long time ago. Critics have too much bias in them to do a decent review. Most of them try to make stupid jokes (aka XPLAY) just to make the review entertaining for themselves. If the game is entertaining to me, that's all I care about. Heck, XPLAY made fun of Shenmue so much I bought Shemue II for XBOX, and I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I guess you could say I enjoy "crappy games" like PLOK!, CHUCK ROCK, SUPER ADVENTURE ISLAND, P.N. 03, Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault (I could on and on). I'm sure most of you think I'm stupid for even thinking of buying the game, but honestly, I'm at a point where I don't even enjoy most of the games that are out anymore, even though I have the Nintendo Wii, XBOX, DS, etc. I just don't find as much entertainment with games like I used to, I don't know why, but maybe it's just about time for me to put games away for good.
  10. The remix project is what made me download the game. I absolutely love it. It's among my ten favortie games of all time.
  11. I think the topic I got sick of seeing the most was Twilight Princess, instead of a positive thread, it became the "whine like a baby" about everything "wrong" with the game. I enjoyed the new Zelda, it could have been better in some respects, but I don't give a crap about difficulty or weapons, amount of dungeons, games length, etc. That thread made me actually stop coming here for a while. What's wrong with the Kirby thread? It's more of an art topic if you ask me. Why not talk about that stupid Moral Kombat video? And here 20 year olds say "Die stupid Senators! DIE!", yeah, that makes them believe we're mature people...
  12. Don't get me started on G4's forums....
  13. I've watched a few of these pages, and I have to say this. If you don't like the game as much as Ocarina, fine. It's an evolution of that game. Remember how long we had to wait for this game? Oh it's not hard, very few games are nowadays anyway. But everyone's free to their own opinion, so whatever...
  14. Don't know if anybody had posted this before, but I stumbled upon some mp3's of Twilight Princess... Here's the link... http://www.wiigamer.nl/article/5397p1.html Enjoy. By the way, I want to apologize for starting a debate about Twilight Princess being the best Zelda ever. I didn't mean to compare it to Ocarina of Time. Ocarina was honestly my first experience with Zelda. Ever since then, I've been playing them. Sorry for starting a pointless debate
  15. I'm starting to kick myself for not reserving this game. Oh well, I'll just rent it, and play Rayman 4 (the game I reserved with Wii) till I can afford a copy.
  16. Does my text always turn red? I must have said the secret word or something....
  17. I only want to play Metal Gear Solid 4, other than that, nothing is really making me want the system (Sony never really has a good launch line up of games, to me at least).
  18. If anyone hasn't said it, there's this new Capcom RPG coming out called Contact. Looks very interesting, kind of reminds me of Earthbound for some reason... Can't wait for Star Fox, but they better let me have different control methods, I don't think I can do without my barrel roll.
  19. Just checked engadget.com, it lists a possible rumour that Ubisoft characters could possibly in the mix. The Characters in the article possible, Jade (!)-Beyond Good and Evil Sam Fisher-Splinter Cell Rayman-needs no intro. The Prince-Prince of Persia http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2006/06/19/rumor-ubisoft-character-making-super-smash-bros-brawl-roster/ The thought of playing as Jade in a new game is too good for me. Maybe Ancel will finish the games supposed trilogy... here's to blind hope.
  20. Is anybody gonna do Zeal Palaces' music in a sort of rock like format? I'd like to hear it in a U2 format (before their new crapola they've released recently), kind of like that one song "New Year's Day" or "Where the Streets have no name" or "With or Without You". I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I accept the inevidable...
  21. I have to say I didn't expect it to turn into a techno song, but hey, that's not a problem at all. But the beginning, as pointed out is like a Tim Burton film's music, ala Edward Sisscorhands.
  22. Yeah, make sure you don't do what I did, posting a topic with my first post. I still carry the scars from that one, since Firedrake was the one who was first to flame me...
  23. I know that, I was just asking, wishful thinking, no?
  24. Any chances of another Kirby's Super Star mix? I could see a metal format of the Credits music in Milky Way Wishes (my personal favorite).
  25. Welcome, now if I could only get this sig thing right, I've got some awesome pictures in the works.
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