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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. The fact that the 3DS XL DOESN'T have a second circle pad pretty much solidifies my assumption that there was only going to probably be a small amount of games that would even bother to utilize the second slider. Glad I didn't waste 20 dollars on the thing. From what I understood, most places didn't hardly even stock the the attachment.

    Now I'm honestly thinking about buying a 3DS XL, and the reason being that my hand cramps like something awful while playing the current model I have. Plus, I'd rather have a larger screen anyways, far too much wasted space on that handheld's panel.

  2. Maybe it's because they made me realize the quality of Nintendo's product has been dropping year by year while other developers continue to shine, perhaps?!?! And made me question why I still hold on to Nintendo?!

    I don't deny that Nintendo's game quality is subject to opinion. But I think it's funny that you think that developers quality is shine worthy.

    For me, it's spotty at best. Now if you're going to say it's because story, graphics, and all that other bull (that doesn't involve gameplay) is improving, save your breath.

  3. lolwat.

    People are picking it apart because this tech demo hasn't fixed the problem with squareenix's games. The issues they've had recently are with story, gameplay, and the like - not graphics. Hence the reason this thread isn't full of OMGGRAFICSSOKEWLOMG. The game industry doesn't NEED better graphical capabilities; yes, it's impressive, and yes, its great to see the technical leaps and bounds that game companies are making, but it's not what JRPGs (or really any other eastern game company) need to get them out of the decline they've been having over the years.

    Basically what i'm saying is, If i wanted to see something pretty i'd look at art. What I want to see is a playable tech demo on the show floor that everyone can play on something that I can buy eventually.

    THANK YOU. This pretty much sums up my feelings on all this Tech Demo stuff. It's nice looking, nobody can deny that, but this isn't going to do anyone any favors in the gameplay department if all this does is sky-rocket game development costs.

  4. Only seven more hours until the 3DS press conference... if that's what it really is.

    I'm hoping they have enough to actually make it worthwhile doing. If it's just "here are a few games and did we mention that you can get all this info and more on our direct feed from our website, negating the point of coming to E3 in the first place?" shit like the regular conference, then fuck it.

    They better have some real stuff to show.

    Then keep your expectations low, unlike what most Nintendo fanboys had for yesterday's e3 showing.:wink:

  5. Cory Johnson's upcoming album The Legend of Zelda. The album spans essentially the entire series, reinterpreting the music in an dark, epic, post-rock style. A demo version of the album was 'leaked' by Cory himself back in August 2011, but the final version of the album promises both a more polished sound and a more fleshed out track list.

    Sounds like Explosions in The Sky did Zelda tribute album.

    I like. :nicework:

  6. Bringing back Toonami would be meaningless unless they got some good programming like it used to have.

    Samurai Jack, Sym-Bionic Titan, Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, etc.

    And they should kill the current CGI incarnation of the Clone Wars and replace it with more of Tartakovsky's brilliant animated version. That shit was incredible.

    All of these possibilities are long shots, so it's probably also a long shot that we'll see the return of a Toonami in its former glory.

    JLU was fantastic, my wife dislikes "serious" cartoons, but she really enjoyed watching that series with me some time ago.

    I'm getting real tired of seeing a bunch of these CG cartoons that have been coming out. I actually enjoyed Clone Wars, but when they brought back Darth Maul, I immediately lost interest. It was nothing more than a shameless plug for Episode 1 3D (LOL). Dave Filoni sometime ago requested to put Darth Maul in the series, but Lucas said no, thus Savage Oppress.

    Don't get me wrong, the animation in Clone Wars has become leaps and bounds better than when it started, it's more expressive, much more fluid, but Tartakovsky's series was better. Sym-Bionic Titan was Tartakovsky at the top of his game, his style to me was perfected in that series and how Star Wars would look now with his art-style, it's a shame Lucas didn't go back with him. As far as CG in TV cartoons go, I can't say anything good about every other series that's coming out/is out (Kung Fu Panda series, Green Lantern, etc.) But that just shows how cheap the networks are willing to go I guess.

    your opinion is a stupid opinion

    Absolutely riveting thought analysis.

    Oh, I did forget to mention The Looney Tunes Show sucks as well.... TROLOLOLO-LOLOLOL!!!

  7. Don't get me wrong, I like a few AS shows, but they have practically abandoned almost everything that was cool and "cartoon-y" about the network.

    The return of Toonami, might be the best move they've made in half a decade. Aside from keeping Venture Bros on the air.

    The blame can all be put on the idiots in Atlanta that thought the Mooninites Viral marketing blitz for the ATHF movie were "terrorist" markings. The CEO of Turner resigned because of the debacle it became. While Sym-Bionic Titan may not have been as big as Samurai Jack or Dexter's Lab, it was showing potential (I personally LOVED the show), but was axed because they didn't think they could make enough toys off it. Tartakovsky left because of CN doing that. To me, the Network is not even a shell of its former self, it's worse. I haven't watched the channel in years.

    As bad as Cartoon Network's programming is now (Adv. Time, Regular Show, Clone Wars, Adult Swim NOW, countless others), I don't expect anything good from them trying to revitalize Toonami, not by a long shot.

    As far as I'm concerned, you're all better off going here, Toonami Aftermath. They may not play all that I want to see when I can view it, but at the very least they have a decent amount of shows, more than what I believe they'll try to put on a return of Toonami.

  8. my super biggest worry is that if this results in an "all is forgiven" kind of attitude that EA will be encouraged to try this kind of crap again

    I wouldn't doubt for a second that it's in the cards (and not just EA). No doubt IT WILL start to happen, and "game journalists" will parrot the PR in saying that it's necessary for them to "combat" used games. And of course, those, "Games iz ART guyz! Support DEVELOPURZ FUR LIFE!!" will go along with it.

  9. Just checking but you realise that was satire right?

    IGN and Kotaku don't really have a strong pro-Bioware argument, hence why it's all "You hate it because Hepler is a woman/You think you're entitled to a good ending!" Both are terrible arguments.

    Sorry 'bout that, no I didn't know it was satire. But as far as I could tell, right out of the gate, a number of places were quick to defend EA and Bioware (Destructoid, IGN, Penny Arcade), but it seems like a few places are actually listening to their readers, well some anyways...

    Frankly, all major video game journalism sites lost their credability a long time ago... now their reviews are all based on bias (and probably a fair bit of money).

    No disagreement here.

    Honestly, I don't think releasing a new DLC ending, free or not, is going to help. Bioware screwed their fans over this time, who knows whether or not there will be a next time.

    Honestly, I shudder to think that EA/Publishers is probably loving this. They'll use this as justification for being able to lock even MORE content up on the disk.

    Personally I expected there to be two distinctly different endings (two guesses why). They have always advertised the game as being about the choices you make. Kinda funny that they turned around and threw it back in our faces for the series ending. Sure, it's false advertising and it's possible those who are reporting it to officials have a case, but that's kind of going a bit far I think...

    I think going to officials IS a bit too far, but I do think that if customers don't like the product they got, they have a right to speak their minds, even if people disagree with them.

  10. IGN, really? LOL. The same place whose employee had a part in the game (and terribly voiced)? No, of course this isn't surprising for them to be on the defense.

    I honestly don't care about the ending, I don't even plan on playing the game through. I kept my expectations for the game VERY low, but after seeing how pretty much any of the choices I really made have no real bearing on the ending, I don't see any reason to play it.

    Now, I didn't expect there to be a BUNCH of endings, that's naive, but heck, I still think that Bioware could have done more than just choose you're screwed! color.

    I'll just leave my two cents from my webpage on using the latest buzzword "entitlement"...


    A gamer journalist who defines those who demand far too much, and should just accept what’s given to them. This is also known as the American way, to just roll over and take it ‘cuz it’s not getting any better. This is the latest word they’re using to gamers who HATED the Mass Effect 3 ending.

    Honestly, I can’t really blame those fans because they feel that they’ve wasted they’re time on a series with the promise of your choices affecting the outcome of the whole trilogy. I don’t think anybody’s really thinking that there would ultimately be tons of outcomes, that is a bit naive, because the current hardware and structure of game design won’t allow that.

    Why it shouldn’t be used: Those who use this word are copping out of the discussion. They don’t want to hear dissenting opinions, neither do some in the game industry. Journalists are WRONG on thinking that, because their JOB is to report on gaming news, both good and bad. Ultimately their JOB is to LOOK OUT for their READERSHIP, NOT THE PUBLISHER. Unfortunately, they’ve been doing the opposite for little over a decade, maybe longer.

    Gamers have a right to be entitled to an extent. They’re the consumers, they’re your fanbase. Consumers have a right in speaking their minds, no matter how much companies hate it. The current mind set that is perpetuated these days is sickening to me. Gamers have every right to be able to question a company or a journalists motives. By telling them to just take what you get and be quiet, "it's art!", your doing a disservice to free-thinking.

    I wonder if these people who are defending artistic vision are the same people who get pissed off at George Lucas screwing up what's left of Star Wars that's still good.

  11. From what I understand, outside of the GAME CHANGING ability to walk and shoot while crouching(which is GAME CHANGING), you can use the 3DS camera to take pictures and then use color palettes and patterns from said pictures to create new camo with its own index.

    Princess Peach camo from a picture on Super Mario 3D Land. Oh how useful it was in the cliffs section. Funny too.

  12. The air of condescension and cynicism in those tweets is rather disheartening considering that the series has had some of the strongest story writing with a narrative that is personalized to the player's own experience.

    I don't deny that Mass Effect has had some "interesting" writing, but I'd hardly consider what I've seen out of this new game the best. And, considering that no matter what decisions you've made seem to have no impact on the ending, I think the other decisions in the other games are rather moot. It was more or less intentional since the game took more of a shooter route to get those who play Gears or Modern Warfare to pick it up not that I have anything against those games.

    I think that the gaming culture at large does nothing but benefit from the successes and failures of the Mass Effect series, what they did right really shines and the flaws help to remind us that there is always room for improvement. Could the ending have been better? I'm pretty sure that the answer is a unanimous yes. But the ending from the other two games could have also been better, too. Or some of the character writing could have been less one dimensional, or more tropes could have been subverted, etc. There really is no need to be so divisive.

    The main point of that tweet is to get people to freaking wake up. By petitioning, all these people are doing is telling EA that they're open to getting more DLC to screw them over.

    And knowing EA, they'll charge a premium for it, let alone do even worse things with it.

    The best way for all these people who hate EA to listen to them is quite simple. Don't play their games, DON'T PIRATE THEM, don't buy them, don't talk about them.

    But, seeing how most companies react to low sales, they'll find some excuse NOT related to customer dissatisfaction.

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