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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. I forgot to mention earlier, I got BLU back up and running by copying an earlier version of vphysics.so from the event server, which I updated about an hour before that update.

    In other news, I'm going to be testing my TFVotes extension this weekend, along with a modified version of Mapchooser (not Extended).

    Unfortunately, I'm fighting with the Linux compiler right now, which is pissing and moaning about things the Windows compiler thinks is perfectly fine.

    natives.cpp: In member function "virtual void CTFVoteHandler::OnTFVoteResults(SourceMod::IBaseTFVote*, const SourceMod::tfvote_result_t*)":
    natives.cpp:183: error: "err" may be used uninitialized in this function

    That's Linux for you...

  2. The Steam Client has a Servers list... right-click the Steam icon and choose Servers.

    Click the Favorites tab.

    Click "Add a server" and enter blu.ocrtf2.com, then click "Add this address to favorites."

    Repeat this for red.ocrtf2.com.

    Thanks alot! I'll be sure to try a match or two when I get off from work today.

    And no idea on putting in silly gibs? Or is that something relegated to servers?

  3. I know that it sounds silly, but do you guys know of how to have the gibs that show random stuff like rubber duckies, springs, or a boot, instead of the blood and body parts? I kinda like the idea of those silly things popping up.

    And also, how do I get in on the OC servers? I'd like to play along with you guys.

    Sorry I'm such a noob to PC gaming and multi-player on them...

  4. EDIT: Before this enrages a bunch of Mario fans, it's not that I'm saying "You're too old to play Mario." I just don't feel like those games are being designed with older players in mind much anymore and therefore they just no longer appeal to me. If you still enjoy them, good for you, I wish I could.

    No big deal, there's plenty of people like that. And there's plenty of people that are slowly starting to realize that as well...

  5. monolithsoft is a nintendo first party studio, xenoblade is also "their game". but I do agree that they probably don't want it canabalizing zelda's hype, at least something gives me that impression even though it's not a really logical thought process

    I know everyone hypes galaxies like no tomorrow but I would never consider either of those games to be reason to buy a system, meh, I guess I just don't "get" nintendo anymore

    Galaxies is a decent game, but I don't consider it the best Mario game. Mario 64, as archaic as it is, is still the best 3D Mario in my opinion. At least you could decide how to get to the stars in that game, Mario Galaxy forces you to go the directions they dictate to you....

  6. and surprising no one, NoA is still fucking terrible

    oh well, I probably wasn't going to get a Wii U anyway but this is the final confirmation that nintendo has given up on long time gamers to me, now I know to stay away from all of their future hardware

    I knew they weren't going to release these games. For one, they don't believe they'd sell. Just because you get a big supportive list on Amazon and a few other places, doesn't mean those same exact people will come out and buy it if it were released.

    Secondly, as weird (maybe not) as this sounds, Nintendo wants Zelda Avat...er, Skyward Sword, to be the "Swan Song" of the Wii. THEIR GAME, they don't want other games (or lack thereof) getting in the way of it. That, and as silly as it sounds, maybe they're intentionally starving the Wii, letting it be forgotten, and then BAM! Hey! Here's WiiU!! It's NEW AND HD! WE HAVE PORTS OF MAJOR FRANCHISES!!!

    I'm going to laugh at the launch of their next system. Those very same fanboys who say they're not going to buy the WiiU because of this, will instantly buy it the minute another 3D Mario or Zelda gets announced for it, guarantee it. Maybe this is a wake up call to fanboys....

  7. They indirectly announced 2 new Smash Bros. games, but given that the team is still working on Kid Icarus, those don't really count. Its promise of 3rd party content on the Wii U is also pretty big in theory, but it falls short at present since they only mentioned games that will almost certainly be out on PS3 and XBox 360 well before the Wii U launches in 2012, and because realistically, the Wii should have had a way to offer the same content for the last 5 years.

    Fair enough, I guess last year with the malfunctioning Wii-mote was more of something worth including. I'm just a bit miffed with Nintendo, even though I've decided to get a 3DS in the coming months.... :roll:

    I'll believe that third parties will support a Nintendo console when a year or two passes and they continue to do so. That's about when most of them quit trying. They'll go on a long spiel of how there's no "Hardcore" audience or Nintendo is too kid friendly or they can't compete with them or some nonsense like that. This is part of the Nintendo cycle, much like Sega with Sonic titles.

  8. Before I got rid of my 360, I invested more into the XBLA than physical games. I found few games that could be justified for their $60 price tag.

    XBLA games I highly recommend:

    Portal: Still Alive (if you don't buy Orange Box)

    Scott Pilgrim (a good beat-em up, good Anamanaguchi OST)

    Pacman Championship Edition DX

    Crazy Taxi (yeah, the "updated" soundtrack sucks)

    Super Puzzle Fighter

    Bionic Commando ReArmed

    Outrun Arcade

    Perfect Dark (60 FPS, much better than what N64 handled)

    Banjo Kazooie (same as above)

    Final Fight

    Super Meat Boy (If you can get a 100 % in that game I hate you)

    Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD REMIX (the soundtrack :wink:)

    Castle Crashers

    Shadow Complex (Metroid rip off, but good)

    Beyond Good and Evil HD

    Plants VS. Zombies

    Doritos Crash Course (an actually good game, and free)

    Outland (okay, rips off Metroid, and tries to be Ikaruga also)

    I would have recommended Braid, but I realize now that game sucked. Don't bother with Comic Jumper, it tries to be funny, but comes off obnoxious.

  9. Meh, didn't think it would go through. None of the bills that have ever been presented has passed. Any bills after this probably won't pass either.

    But I have to say, if it did, I would have loved to see them try and make games under the limitations that would have been imposed, if for the laughs. Especially to hear all the whining from the game making "artists"....

  10. The Xenoblade localization fan campaign is apparently insanely huge, so much so that Xenoblade is the top-selling game on Amazon for 2 days in a row. If you want this, show Nintendo by preordering it (your credit card won't be charged until it comes out anyway, so there's no risk). Fan campaigns consisting of letter writing, emails, and petitions generally fail because there's no foreseeable money behind them. This is what makes this campaign different. NOA could still say "no," but this is both conceptually and practically the best way fans have of getting Nintendo to release Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, and Last Story stateside.

    I would support this movement if I still had a Nintendo Wii, but a part of me still doubts NOA cares to acknowledge that there are still die hard Nintendo fans wanting GOOD games, or at least games with future sequel potential to release here.

    I won't be surprised when Reggie is asked and he basically says, "It won't sell, nobody is interested in it."

  11. I was using the latest version of MAME, guess I should use MAMEUI 64 if it's easier. I was reading that about the parent files and whatnot. But what's this with the BIOS? What do I do with it? I have a number of BIOS "files" that are for specific Arcade machines, do they need to go into the rom folder as well?

  12. I'm not going to ask where to find roms, I know that's frowned upon of course. But I wanted to ask if any of you have experience with MAME and what version you use, and if you know of any places that provide good guidance on running games. Any help is much appreciated.

  13. But we continually see game journalism sites (or just the uneducated fuckwits at sites like Destructoid) try to tell you which games are "deserving" of your money, when those games are just big-budget shitfests like FFXIII that are not worth playing.

    I think game journalism needs a massive rehaul myself, but some will feel free to disagree.

    I chuckled at the mention of discussion on Braid, because if there's a game that does NOT deserve discussion, it's that crappy, boring game.

    Half the time Destructoid posts garbage to get page hits or to seem funny when they really aren't. The only videos I ever watch is "Hey Ash Watcha Playin?" or "The Jimquisition" the latter because often times Sterling can have a good point in the video.

    Destructoid is Atlus ho for sure. They've been obsessing over that stupid Caroline game (I'm sorry I'm sick of hearing about it). I honestly can't wait for that game to flop and Destructoid blame it's readership for not picking it up.

    Braid was a hyped up bore fest that justified Microsoft's $15 price tags, and now that's considered cheap to their new junk.

  14. If a game is built mainly around cutscenes and railroaded scripted scenery I will not buy it, no matter how well made it is. This type of experience just fails to excite me.

    Tell that to all the "enthusiast" and "journalist" press that thinks games need to be cinematic so that people will take their hobby/obsession seriously.

    You ever read the ridiculous stuff Game Inform, er, GameStop magazine writes? In the Editor's front page or the articles? It absolutely stuns me how ridiculous games seem to be getting.

  15. As negative as I've been on Nintendo lately, I've actually started to take an interest in the 3DS, and I might try to pick this game up. I've given up on console gaming, I'm more interested in handheld gaming and PC....

    I'm such a hypocrite....:oops:

  16. That's not true.

    Nintendo is lame.

    See, I just did.

    In all seriousness, everyone of us knows that everyone and their mother whom hate on Nintendo will be getting the Wii U. Cause we all are lame. Just like Nintendo.

    As much as I have been negative about this new console, I'll give it a year AFTER it's been out, maybe longer before I would buy it. By then, there will be games worth owning...

  17. you know what i'll say this

    i hope the wiiu is just as popular and hard to find as the wii was

    that way i can make over $1500 selling 4 of them like i did in 2006 and 2007.

    Hopefully it won't be as hard to find as the 3DS!! :roll:

  18. Why do people still believe that Square is going to do a FF VII remake? Why would you guys think Sony would allow them to port it to a Nintendo console? Didn't they milk that game to death enough with a stupid CG movie and games?

  19. I still wonder if they will every top Super Star, not saying the titles after that weren't good.

    I loved Squeak Squad and Canvas Curse, even though the later wasn't a true Kirby game.

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