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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. dammit, bioware, TAKE MY MONEY. give me a happy ending dlc. replace the last five minutes with five or ten minutes of the ending from mass effect 1 in the new engine and i'll be happy. jesus h chairfuck mcshitchrist. i can't think of a worse way to end the game. changing the colors of the explosions? really? THAT'S IT? that's my resolution to a zillion hours of gameplay? why does part of my squad end up on the normandy? why was it going through a gate? why didn't joker break any bones? how did they manage to live on happy space garden world paradise in between gates when they got knocked out? why does the catalyst look like that creepy kid? why does shepard have air at the end when they were in space? how are turians and quarians supposed to live on a DNA-based world? how are any of them supposed to survive when all computers have been destroyed (or not destroyed, but they have no gates)? why does none of our decisions through the entire game give me anything good at the end? this ending was shit, and i could have come up with a better one on a cocktail napkin after six cups of everclear.


  2. People like me get upset because this is technically ripping people off. I don't even see it as being convenient to anyone but the publisher. The developers had to work hard to get the content done regardless, and if it is on-disc they had to work hard before the game was released. And to get On-Disc DLC, you still need to go online on your system and buy it. No excuse there.

    It's not technically, IT IS ripping people off.

  3. I just think that Team Meat was starving for some more attention with that Binding of Isaac game, which isn't surprising in the least bit. How ignorant can you be about that? If you've known anything about doing business with Nintendo, let alone their history on this sort of thing, of course the game wasn't going to come out on the e-Shop.

    Besides, if they put it on there, and had buried it on the shop like Johnathan Holmes said COULD have happened, Destructoid, Team Meat, and all it's fanboys would be pissing and moaning about them not rolling out the red carpet for it. Much like Team Meat did even after having the front slot for like what, two weeks on XBOX arcade?

    Currently playing Snake Eater, and I'm loving every bit of it. For me, this game has justified the 3DS better than Mario 3D Land, which was rather meh, for me.

  4. But surely the natural implications of such things would eventually build up until it has nowhere to go but everywhere in an explosion of incompetence and precedent. I mean, I know people in the higher ups are stupid, but they can't possibly be that stupid.

    You don't look at much of what politicians say these days, do you?

  5. But why would you sell it?

    Let's re-read this bit shall we?

    if they don't show anything I find worthwhile for the 3DS, I'm probably going to sell the thing off.

    I'm eagerly waiting to play Luigi's Mansion 2, and probably picking up Snake Eater 3D, but other than that, I really don't see any incentive to keep this thing at least for right now..

    I didn't say I was going to sell it anytime soon. All I said is that so far for myself, I haven't seen a very large amount to keep my interest in the thing.

    I don't doubt they'll show games at E3. Thank God they announced a 2-D Mario game for it, since I didn't really care much for Super Mario 3D Land. But if there's not much I see from the show I'd want to pick up, well, it'll at least be a good paperweight. :wink:

  6. There are actually a lot of people that liked Twilight Princess over Wind Waker. The way I see it personally, it felt like a realization of what they were trying to achieve with Ocarina of Time in terms of gameplay. It just felt more fun to play than Wind Waker. The game's entirety also had a much darker, tragic, and foreboding edge(in contrast with the dissonance, discord, and oddity of Majora's Mask) than Wind Waker which I appreciated, and Hyrule felt huge, whereas the Great Sea(and Skyward Sword's Skyrealm) was all about sailing around an extremely sparse area with a few points of interest extremely spread out from each other.

    If there was one thing I did enjoy from Twilight Princess, was some of the enemies and dungeons. The story was pretty good, but Zant was such a disappointment to me (his fight was pretty cool though).

    As far as 3D Zelda, Wind Waker will probably be my favorite of them all. Despite the overly extended sailing, the game is still enjoyable to me...

  7. yeah on a sociological scale media piracy is essentially a reaction to having to pay thirty fucking dollars for a single shitty dvd

    in the era of netflix it's clear that not only can direct view, non-time oriented programming flourish, but it's more profitable than any alternatives and is generally more respected by its customers

    if music and video games and television and books could all just learn to embrace similar business models, piracy would see a significant downturn

    A couple of months ago, I was listening to a Diggnation podcast that discussed Netflix. They said since the introduction of instant streaming, statistics showed a significant decrease of downloaded films/T.V.

    Let's hope Netflix's experiment of making their own content will pay off, because if it does, it will really start shifting gears.

    And of course, watch all the cable/satellite companies get all pissy about it.

  8. I hope the Hollywood douches now realize that they've awakened a sleeping giant, and now they can't pull crap like this ever again. People love their internetz

    They won't stop, they'll wait till nobody is paying attention and then try to get through legislation quietly. Just like they said parts of the bill and even the process to vote it in was off the table and waiting until February to bring it to the House.

    I find it ironic how quickly the ESA has been vilified, considering they're the NRA of gamers.

  9. So Seth Killian posted a photo of the game's newest build....giving away details.


    There's two meters now and no one's quite sure what the little circles are for. If anything.

    From it's Wikipedia page...

    Street Fighter X Tekken features two new game mechanics: the Gem System and Pandora Mode. Players equip up to three gems to their characters, which provide different stat boosts depending on the type of gem. Six varieties of gems exist: attack, defense, speed, vitality, assist, and Cross Gauge. Each gems and its effects are designated by a specific color, and will activate as the players fulfill certain conditions during battle. When a character on a player's team has less than 25% health remaining, that character can be sacrificed in order to activate Pandora Mode, which gives the remaining fighter increased strength and an infinite Cross Gauge. However, this state has a time limit and the player will automatically lose if he/she cannot defeat the opponent before the Pandora state runs out.

    The Gem System has/had the fighting community in an uproar. Especially since it's not an option to simply turn off.

  10. No-one on this site makes money from any of this music. That makes absolutely no sense.

    Please, Jack, you really either don't know what you're talking about or don't understand how to properly apply it discerningly. The reason your last topic was shut down was because you speak to everyone as if you are the end-all and be-all of all copyright law knowledge, when, in fact, you have acknowledged that you are in or just out of university (correct me if I'm wrong, it's been awhile). More than anything, your attitude will turn people off, and no-one will listen to an argument when given with that condescending tone. Change it, or I guarantee you will be shown the door.

    The exact problem with graduates in any field think they're immediately experts in a field they've barely started working in.

  11. Video games far surpass 95% of the movies that have come out over the past 10 years. (The ones you'd put ahead are on everyone's list.)

    The quality of narrative/acting in games for me at least, is debatable at best. Though I do concede that they've made progress in the past few years.

    I was considering breaking that for the avengers. I wont now. That movie i was REALLY looking forward to seeing. This crap has put me off it. Take a stand against hollywood. Stop going to the theaters. Maybe they'll finally get the message.

    If you don't go see the movie post SOPA approval, they'll blame it all on piracy!!!

  12. When gamers get hung up on the individual reasons, they start making bullshit opinions why X game sucks when it really doesn't. Super Mario Sunshine is an example. Another of my favorite examples is Ghoul Patrol for the SNES. Castlevania 64 is another good one - it got some really good review scores and then it got nothing but shit - from the same fucking people that reviewed it! EGM gave is 8.0-9.0 scores and then went on to trash it from there on out. Insane!

    Sunshine wasn't a bad game by any means to me at all. I'm not sure about Castlevania 64 because I've never bothered to play it. This is something that's NOT uncommon these days. A game that is being paid to be hyped to death gets showered with praise at launch. But then after being finished with the game, and the hype finally settled and long gone, you don't find the game was worth those 9.5's or 10's that game critics give out so judiciously.

    Gamers are the most spoiled "intelligent" subculture in the Alpha Quadrant. A speck of dust gets on your diamond and then RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRRRRR. Sparta indeed it is - reality unfortunately it is not. I don't care if a game is exciting, new, novel, etc. as long as it just WORKS when it's in my hands. This game is a good buy, so goodbye, from the good guy. I'm Gene Shalit.

    Gamers are entitled little brats. And everyone who is involved in game journalism, game making, AND in gaming culture is to blame for making them(selves) that way.

    I'm inclined to agree about games. I try not to demand much from them, especially when most of the games that have been released these past couple of years have not held my interest, or at least for very long. I've been delving more and more into older games. Games that I missed out on when I was being an die hard Nintendo fan nerd.

    Honestly, Mario 3D Land isn't a bad game, I even did a review on it on my web page stating that. I just don't think it's a game that is going to sway anybody who prefers 2D Mario games. Will 3D Mario fans eat it up? Absolutely.

  13. people who bitch about no voice acting in zelda need to shut their fucking mouths and go back to their shitty jrpgs

    Some of the fools on the Destructoid review said the same thing (yeah, I don't care that North works for that site). But after seeing how horrible the voice acting was in Metroid Other M, Nintendo needs to keep their characters silent. Until they can get good casting or some good voice acting, there's no need for it. People will just have to read the dialog, and accept it.

    Then again, people don't like to read anymore. :roll:

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