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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Wish I could go, but good lord I'd be flying there for sure. And those tickets won't be cheap, that and with all the stuff going on with the FAA.

    I think if I did go, I'd be asking some questions to developers that were there that they don't want asked. Mainly of the BS that's been going on with gaming these days (DLC, sequel-itis, etc.).

    I guess I'd be THAT guy you see at Comic-Con, and I hate that guy.

  2. Barely even a quarter of an inch. It's slightly thicker than a DS Lite. If you think that's big, I'd like to remind you that it's still thinner than a DS Phat or most other portables.

    No I'm not trying to pick and prod over the battery, it's not that big of a problem then if it's that thin. Now if it was as big as the xbox power supply on the first gen 360, we'd have a problem. :wink:

  3. I have the Nyko battery pack, and it does double your battery life. It also makes it a bit easier to hold on to, since it give a sloped edge to rest your index finger on. The only thing is that if you have the top screen open, and you put it on a table, the 3DS tend to fall over a bit. This makes games where you can play it on a flat surface kind of awkward. It's simply just a balance issue.

    But for only $20, it works pretty good.

    Makes it pretty bulky too doesn't it?

  4. The same as the PSP models, within an hour. Depends upon the settings.

    The biggest battery drain on the 3DS is the 3D screen. Because there are two screens that produce the 3D effect, it has to output twice the backlight brightness. Turning it off all the time almost doubles the battery life.

    I guess the DS Lite was the last of the long-lasting battery systems. I still get at least 15 hours out of my DS Lite, and it's still on the original battery.

    EDIT: I just realized that I have never actually paid for a copy of Link's Awakening. I got the original cart for a christmas present. I lent it to a friend, and someone stole his GameBoy along with it. He replaced it with the DX version. I've even tried the ROM a few times just for the hell of it.

    I wonder how good some of these third party batteries are that have come out lately?

    I'm looking forward to picking up Link's Awakening DX, and Donkey Kong, I just can't figure out why they didn't put the color version of DK on there instead (it's not that big of a deal to me). I'm also going to get Shantae Risky's Revenge as well. And maybe even Excitebike 3D.

  5. There was some talk about exactly that happening around a year ago. I thought someone said some of the files in the game pointed to it as an upcoming mutation.

    Of course, it never happened.

    They're working on Half Life 2: Episode 3.... :lmassoff:

    In regards to newbies, I remember playing the Beta of the first game on XBOX Live, and people playing it like was Halo Multi-player.:roll:

  6. Oohh, I hear talk of Kirby and The Amazing Mirror as one of the GBA downloads.

    Never did get that one, and I have most of the Kirby games.

    I really want to see what the other GBA games are. I already own one of them, and the others aren't exactly personal favorites.

    I played Nightmare in Dreamland, which was a remake of the first NES Kirby, which I really liked. Squeak Squad and Super Star Ultra was pretty good.

  7. I think a reason that a lot of people are overlooking for the 3DS slow launch is that a surprisingly large amount of people don't actually stand how large of a hardware upgrade it is

    they think it's like going from the gameboy to the gameboy color - basically the same machine except with a small visual upgrade, so they don't see any reason to go out and spend all that money on just the 3D effect

    this is the impression I'm getting from a lot of people who like video games but not enough to read about them on the internet

    Then that would be Nintendo's fault in the advertising for the 3DS. I can't say I really blame people for not being able to decipher that, especially since I don't see many ads on T.V., but some of the new ads I've seen coming to Britain seem much better (Simon Pegg narrating it!).

    Overall, I can't wait to go and pick one up in August. I'm not sure on what game to get. I'm not really into Street Fighter, Pilotwings seems to be a game that should have just been included with the system, and I've played Ocarina of Time plenty. Of course, I did see a used copy of Metroid Prime Pinball......

  8. *Bleck makes argument*

    *Second poster agrees with Bleck*

    *Bleck bitch slaps second poster*

    This is why OCR can't be a happy family.

    It hurt too..... :sad:

    Heck, I didn't say the first gen Pokemon designs were flawless, I love how everyone assumes I do.

    They should get this guy to help advertise the 3DS, couldn't make things much worse.... could it?


  9. the funny thing about pokemon is that only in the fifth generation did it technically start to get good, and even then there are a host of problems

    red and blue were horrible games, gold and silver were horrible games with a spit shine, ruby and sapphire were horrible again and diamond and pearl was just depressing

    Not to mention that the designs seem to get worse... There's a garbage bag Pokemon, I mean seriously...

  10. Like a certain game about a man's third legendary adventure.

    Still though, the price cut is pretty sweet, now my friends can afford it so I won't be the only one with a 3DS.

    I would of been a little irked had I not received the 3ds for my B-Day. All in all if we were able to choose the 20 games from the VC I think that would of enjoyed it more. But who am I to complain? 20 Free old school games are fine with me. especially some GBA classics.

    I don't care if it's a year from now, I would definitely like to see them release these and more GBA games in the future.

    Then again, my GBA SP is sitting next to my bed..... :roll:

  11. Ho ho ho. Anyone complaining about free compensatory games is an idiot.

    Also anyone not happy with this price drop is an idiot or Nintendo. Or Sony.

    I have no complaints of a price drop at all. But the only problem is that feeling that if this doesn't help boost sales of the 3DS, then this will be the Virtual Boy 2.

    I think it's good that Nintendo finally had to eat some humble pie, so to speak, but how aggressive are they going to be now that they see their handheld market is threatened? Not to mention that they can no longer fall back on, "We're Nintendo! People will ALWAYS buy our games!".

  12. Is it just me or do I notice a "Y'know what? F*$# Inafune, for leaving us we are gonna kill his games." from Capcom?

    Just give the bloody IP of Megaman away to him.

    I'd love to see a recording of Capcom's Comic-con panel. I'm sure there will be people trying to grill them for all the crap that's been going on lately, but that depends if they kick out anybody or keep them out of the panel. And to be honest, I think the fans should. I'm not in grief over them cancelling Legends 3 by any means, but some of this stuff they deserve, especially since so many proclaimed MvC 3 is unbalanced, and releasing a new Ultra copy to "fix it". Same thing with the DLC nonsense.

    Back during the Gamecube days, I really enjoyed Capcom, before all this stuff, mostly during all this DLC crap, I don't really care for their games anymore.

  13. [tangent]That reminds me, the other day they copyrighted a whole long list of Wii U things, including Wii Fit U, Wii Sports U, etc. Now I know as well as anyone else that copyrighting something doesn't mean it currently exists or ever will (they just don't want someone using the name, kind of like how Activision screwed up and never registered the domain name modernwarfare3.com and whoever beat them to it linked to Battlefield 3's website). Still, this suggests intent to continue pursuing the blue ocean strategy with their next console, just as calling it the "Wii U" indicates the same.[/tangent]

    I honestly just don't think that Nintendo is going through with the blue ocean strategy. I think it's funny thought that they're trying to court 3rd party companies to their next console when they never want to have anything to do with them. At least after the third year their console is out.

  14. If this doesn't get any better get this...

    Capcom at Comic-Con was supposedly keeping ANY Megaman type cosplayers away from their booth, even kicking them out...

    Don't know if that's true or not, but man Capcom is going to need some good PR.

    Of course they'll show some new "awesome" game and all will be forgiven...

  15. Yeah, that 4chan post I figured was fake (this is 4chan we're talking about).

    That whole twitter post thing saying fans should have been more involved, I think that was probably what killed it. Maybe Capcom didn't see as many fans getting involved as they would like and decided to pull the plug and save themselves some money. If that's the case I can't really blame them.

    I wouldn't call this the death of Mega Man, but it seems like Inafune had more pull in making Mega Man games. With him gone, it doesn't seem like there's much reason to do it.

    Watch Mega Man be reborn as some "Mature" game. Roll will be the love interest, and Mega Men will have an emotional past full of heart ache and he'll be bald (Bald is the new game fad)....

    Sounds like it'll be like most horribly written game stories.

  16. To be fair, it's more on the publisher rather than the dev side, as they're usually the ones who make the most absurd decisions(obviously with some developer input of course), but the point still remains.

    Then developers need to start understanding the way business runs, so that they can quit getting screwed by publishers and better assist/treat customers. But of course, they'll decry that that would "stifle their creativity." :roll:

  17. he makes some good points about the gaming media generally being terrible, IGN at the forefront of that, but a lot of it also comes off as a bitter fanboy diatribe where he seems to think that anyone being critical of nintendo here can't also be fans(or that there's anything wrong with not being a nintendo fan to begin with...)

    Actually, reading some of the posts, even they criticize Nintendo, but I see where you're getting at.

    If these games come here, something tells me all those fanboys professing they'd buy it, won't. Thus wasting everyone's time...

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