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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Then get in the air, geez. Yea Sentinel is a bit of a pain to fight but he is the only thing that's close to unreasonable in this game.
  2. Crashes like this aren't common in this game. Check your disc.
  3. Shoryuken.com related stuff has always been the best resource for fighting games. Has been for a very looooooong time.
  4. I keep calling my assist in the middle of my opponent's hypers my fat finger ahhhhhhhhhhhh
  5. Oops sorry. XBL: GlobalTrance PS3: Global-Trance
  6. Add me: GlobalTrance
  7. My favorite thing about this game so far is how almost everyone thinks they are a god at this game lmao Also you all better read up on the Shuma-Gorath findings I got posted on Shoryuken.com http://shoryuken.com/content/3650-marvel-vs-capcom-3-hacked-test-shuma-gorath/ This should clear up some stuff about the DLC in general.
  8. That's for me to know!
  9. http://shoryuken.com/content/marvel-vs-capcom-3-hacked-test-shuma-gorath-3650/
  10. You can block / Advancing Guard everything Galactus does except for when he does his huge charge up attack. The only way to negate it is to hit him enough times to make him stagger (i.e. triple crossover combo).
  11. Dead Island returns from development hell and comes back to life with this amazing teaser.
  12. Some people might remember I was pretty absurd at Smash. What I didnt tell people was that I was crazier in MvC 2. (though with how high stakes MvC 3 is, it might not even matter). I will jump online once my friend and I go through the rest of the contents of the disc to see what else might be hidden.
  13. Sup guys. http://shoryuken.com/content/marvel-vs-capcom-3-mining-game-disc-data-3640/
  14. A lot of people are complaining about the damage but I think it is fine. The damage scale is pretty much identical to Street Fighter II... but this time in Vs. hyper fighting. The fact you can do so much damage and die quickly makes the game a high stakes game and an interesting one. There's a number of 100% combos that occur in this game that requires using your X-Factor and some super bars. That's fine because your X-Factor powers up when you have less characters. Thus resulting in a more potentially powerful comeback card. Phoenix's health is fair considering her capabilities. Have you seen her have a max level X-Factor (when she is by herself) and go Dark Phoenix? Yea she can kill a whole entire team by herself way too quickly. There are just so many options in this game and it makes it so much more interesting.
  15. If there's a problem, then don't buy them.
  16. Mission Mode too easy until like #9 or #10 on characters and sometimes those are easy. Also I will have this on both PS3 and 360 because I'm gay for the Versus series. And I played MvC 2 competitively like a tourney fag and I will be playing this too like a beast.
  17. I will leave this here for your consideration. There are 36 non DLC characters. After Jill and Shuma Gorath, there are 38 characters. Considering there's space for 4 more we can safely say there will be at most 4 more DLC characters in the future. Anymore and they'd need to resize the character selection grid with an update/patch. Get hype. Edit: Doing a little more digging, it looks like they took in an increasing roster size into consideration. A couple screenshots show the select screen self-adjusts itself the more characters there are. It is possible to have more than four more characters now. http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd243/cyberlink420/earlycharselect.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd243/cyberlink420/latercharselect.jpg
  18. I guess now I have the site to hammer out. Until then, enjoy the sigs
  19. MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU, YOU BIG LUG. Happy Birthday
  20. If Alexis wasn't going to answer them, I would have. Though I would have answered a few of them differently. Walt's powers are implied to be attracting things with his mind (i.e. the birds that slammed themselves into windows and such, and probably also the polar bears from Hydra Island since he was reading Hurley's Spanish comic books) and also astral projection. I don't think the Dharma Food Drop was time flashing though it was possible. I would attribute the Food Drop closer to the option behind the chess game on Mikhail's computer at The Flame (Check out the episode "Enter 77"). Considering Ben has a network of Others off island, some that can come and go from the Island (as supported by Tom Friendly in the episode "Meet Kevin Johnson"), they could call in food still stockpiled up somewhere. And it's always possible that since the Others supposedly served Jacob the food drop was to ensure the unknown Candidates to survive whoever they maybe within the plane wreck. Why did Sun not get zapped into the 70s on Ajira 316? I would have said she was no longer a Candidate after becoming a mother... but Kate become Aaron's mother and was revealed to be no longer a Candidate later on. I guess that's just what the Island wanted. That and they ran out of things to keep Jin and Sun separated. As for Christian Shephard, I always believed there were two of them. The zombie, emotionless one we see in Season 1 was definitely Smoke Monster. That is how he appears to most people (and yes he was confirmed to be the horse in a podcast). The other Christian Shephard the one that appeared in season 3 and onward, I believe that was his ghost. Remember how he appeared on the Freighter to tell Michael, "You can go now" ? He appeared after whispers and we were revealed the whispers were the voices of the dead who could not yet pass on. I don't quite buy it being Smoke Monster all the time. Though if it was the Smoke Monster, it could have been cleverly foreshadowed in Season 4 when he appeared to Jack off island when his presence came immediately after a smoke alarm went off which brought Jack out of his office into the hospital lobby where he heard and saw his father.
  21. Well I guess I'll throw in my two cents on this one. I personally found the ending of Lost and all of its character resolution to be beautifully well written. It left me with a deep and profound sense of satisfaction. But let's face it. I think most of us were expecting more when it came to explaining more of the mysteries on the show. After pondering over the ending and the show as a whole, I started to realize the mysteries themselves were not exactly the focus of the show. Looking back I was seeing how this show was really all about these characters coming from all different walks of life, with different beliefs, different personalities, and with different flaws all coming from around the world brought together by a calling of unexplainable power. It was really about these people with all their differences struggling with their past and struggling with their NEED to coexist and eventually find their destiny. Throughout the show, nobody ever really went "Hey I'm going to find out all about these ruins or why this Island does this or does that or I'm going to find out where everything came from." The Island's mysteries, as enticing as they were, just wasn't what Lost was all about. If anything, the Island was an incredibly mysterious backdrop for a story with humanity at its core. All the remaining mysteries left can be explained with "maybe" possible answers left over from the breadcrumb trail of clues the producers have left behind and I think that's part of the beauty of Lost. It's generated so much discussion about the "what if" about everything. There are plenty of things in this world that "just are the way they are" and when we ask what they are, sometimes the answers will only lead to more questions. And I find that very true for this show as well. There are plenty of things that should be left alone. Demystifying some things make things lose their magic. Without this sense of wonderment, our imaginations would be left to rot. Am I still disappointed that I didn't get some of the answers I was looking for? Yea, for sure. I'm right there with you guys that wanted to know more. I think it kinda sucks the way they left it in some aspects but overall I think I understand what it is they did and why. And for taking the road less traveled, I applaud the producers and the writers. Farewell, Island. Wherever and whenever you are. My mind will always be wandering looking for the answers.
  22. I would not mind doing that honestly. It's just I don't think anybody wants to do the exclusive DJ versions of their tracks for me except for bLiNd.
  23. Send it as a gift. It SHOULD go through without the fee.
  24. Well I've been talking to bLiNd recently and that new track thing may or may not happen. Derp. I'll get another mix posted when we decide on something.
  25. Oh my Gawd that was totally me
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