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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Might want to change the name of the thread now pre-order prices are no longer available. Four pack deals are now $37.50 per person.
  2. http://raleigh.craigslist.org/evs/1438184361.html
  3. Oh? Nice thread. I've been taking like a year long break from DJing... Public Address might start up again soon! Hopefully you people still like these sort of things. Hearts on a Shoreline is pretty mellow compared to a set for like say... a club. Hearts on a Shoreline is good for long drives.
  4. So I hear people on PC haven't been able to connect to like... anybody. Edit: The multiplayer is through Gamespy apparently and you need to forward the following ports if you're on a router. 7777 (TCP/UDP) 27900 (UDP) 28900 (TCP) 28910 (TCP)
  5. Pre-loaded on Steam and ready to go for that demo! You don't talk to me anymore. :[ Also I hope you're just getting the 9800 GTX for free or dirt cheap. It's just an 8800 GTX with a die-shrink.
  6. I'm on a four-pack with this and Left 4 Dead 2 already. Thank God for that Steam deal. Color me excited!
  7. So uh... who are the DJs? I know q-pa is going... he's almost a tradition now... but other than that is anyone else here performing as DJ? I don't get to do it this year... and I hear bLiNd isn't either. :(:(:(
  8. I have a Famicom with the Diskun system on my shelf. Disk drive doesn't work from old age.
  9. From the Diablo II Public Test Realm forum on Battle.net Update - 10/14 The decision on whether or not to include the enlarged stash size has been slightly delayed. As mentioned previously it would require some additional weeks of development and would remove one of the most requested features were we unable to include it. If it were to be included the concern is that it could render Diablo II unplayable, and repairing the issue after the fact would draw heavily on development resources. Which is also something we obviously want to avoid. We hope to be able to reach a conclusion and decision soon on the future of the 1.13 patch, and we’ll keep you updated as it develops.
  10. I do recall at one point where I couldn't figure something out and then I unknowingly solved it. Accidental puzzle solving.
  11. I'm a DJ and I don't even want this.
  12. I don't really play puzzle games but I bought this game recently and finished it in like a day without any help (though I feel luck was involved on a puzzle or two). I don't feel like getting the hidden stars but I might do the speed runs. Soundtrack definitely amazing.
  13. Well I was just pointing out the similarities in the leads in both. I was expecting more solid trance but you did a pretty nice job with your first album. Putting together an album is nothing to scoff at. I look forward to your future productions.
  14. Congrats on finishing a project like this. Poked around the previews a bit... No Headphones Required (the track) sounds like Tranquility Base - Surrender.
  15. oh yea lol I forgot how even 4.2 bricks some Wiis in the faulty install.
  16. As far as I know, you shouldn't do anything yet if you have 4.2 firmware.
  17. http://brawlplus.net/ That has all the info that you need there. Edit: Oh wow. The new official version 5.0 has a ton of changes!
  18. So did anyone get good at this? I basically quit playing regular Brawl all together and stuck with Brawl+.
  19. "Update*- 9/30* The Diablo II 1.13 patch is on temporary hold while we investigate potential impact on the Battle.net service. As we moved closer to launching the patch concerns grew that an increase in the player stash size (a feature in the patch) could compromise the Diablo II Battle.net service. The hardware and configuration could potentially not handle the increased stash size gracefully under heavy load. Currently we’re investigating potential impact as it is one of the larger content features in the patch and we’re hoping it can remain a part of the release. If it does have to be removed it will require additional time to remove it, generate new patches, and test, which will add time before we can go live on the PTR.* We’re hoping to have our diagnostics and a final decision on how we’ll be moving forward decided by early next week and we’ll have an update for you at that time." Bigger stash was one of the top three requests for the new patch... do you want to know what the other two were? "Higher resolution, which we unfortunately just can't do because it would fundamentally change the game and require a huge development investment to have the game/servers spawn enemies farther out, have them aggro from farther out, and even then it increases travel time to the player... it's just a mess. Apparently increasing the resolution in LoD was this gigantic issue so I think the idea of increasing it again makes some of the old time programmers want to curl up in a fetal position.* And new end game content, which we do want to continue adding, but just wasn't possible for this patch." SO WHAT ARE WE EVEN WAITING FOR?
  20. I wasn't expecting to be THAT impressed. Freaking AWESOME. Edit: LOL the extras...
  21. Legendary Solo Run done. I did the Vidmaster Challenge: Classic but I wasn't given the achievement. >:[
  22. This game really hands your ass to you on legendary if you're not careful.
  23. At the end of solo legendary... made progress by getting the endurance firefight vidmaster challenge. Almost got the four-man, legendary, iron, no warthog and no scorpion tank vidmaster challenge but I had to go to leave and go to work ughhhhhh
  24. I've been a forum member since 2002 but I've been browsing here since the site was orange and was primarily DJP's site for sharing his own stuff. The place has had some interesting changes over the years, some good and some questionable. More drama on trivial things than I'd like but I wasn't involved with any of it so I won't really complain.
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