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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Currently in line for personal Wii U demo. The longest line......
  2. I played Kirby Wii at the Nintendo booth at E3 for awhile. It's an amazing game and definitely the best Wii game on the floor!
  3. (i still luv u tho and i'm still partially jealous you get to watch the likes of Daigo among many others in action)
  4. I am attending as media, which is free. Saved myself $500 which all the other blokes have to pay. I don't know if you care to say hi to me though. I'm pretty much a nobody around here.
  5. Hey Arek guess what else is in the summer. E3! See you there? Oh wait...
  6. Oh I thought you meant the second gamma charge and I was like "UMMMMM NO...?"
  7. You can dash under it?
  8. The thing that was getting me the most was the fact you can do the double horizontal gamma charge and safely link to gamma crush. I kept thinking there was time for punish but it perfectly goes into it. Without your Zero though I wasn't too troubled. I dunno how I won some of those with some of the garbage teams I picked but I came out learning something about Hulk though and that is always good. Twas fun though.
  9. gawddammit I don't play for a month and a half and The Derrit gets good in my absence. (Way to go me for falling into every dumb Hulk thing >:[ )
  10. Yea. Sony was relying on making their profit from PS3 games rather than the system. Everything Nintendo sold was profit. The Wii and the DS were basically printing them money. Virtual Console was just extra icing on the side.
  11. I'll let you guys know how it is when I play it at E3. :3
  12. Cave Johnson. The man with infinite money.
  13. I was expecting something a bit more maddening and perhaps a puzzle or two that integrated everything together. And the last battle was even more braindead than the first Portal. Granted in context it is probably supposed to be dumb but eh it didn't have to be THAT dumb. Still best game I've played this year so far though.
  14. It honestly wasn't any harder than Portal 1. It just took some time adjusting and reapplying what you know about portals with the new puzzle elements. Also the puzzles got dumber when you left the underground.
  15. Get out of here Gollgagh. I want you gone.
  16. Finished it. Absolutely loved it.
  17. We're now just under 3 hours on the clock and the clock is about to drop twice with the next two games to be complete very soon. Probably 1 hour left at the most then. And with that I am leaving the Internet until I'm done with the game. Bye. Happy Portaling, all! Edit: Okay it's going to launch any minute now. GL HF! Edit 2: Trolled by Killing Floor only taking off 20 minutes lmao
  18. Valve isn't the kind of company that rewards people for not participating or not doing awesome things.
  19. Everyone play your damn potato sack games right now dammit
  20. I actually haven't been actively participating in all this potato madness. Didn't really have the time. I know what you're talking about though.
  21. Nintendo does have some surprisingly non-G-rated moments even in their first games. Like in New Super Mario Bros. on the DS when you dunk Bowser into the lava for the first time. And then you watch him struggling to get out of the lava. And then you watch HIS SKIN AND FLESH MELT OFF OF HIS BONES. I was terrified.
  22. If you've been following the Portal 2 Alternate Reality Game that has been going on for quite some time, you guys might have seen that this game might have a surprise early release tomorrow. A lot of signs point to it from the subtle to the not-so-subtle. One of the clues left behind in the Portal 2 Alternate Reality Game is "4/19/2011_7AM=4/15/2011_9AM." which is Portal 2's original release date = Tomorrow. This also coincides with a recently revealed countdown timer: http://www.aperturescience.com/a/b/c/d/g/h/abcdgh/ Also people on Steam who have already pre-loaded Portal 2 might have noticed that they had already downloaded a 292 MB Portal 2 Update. We'll see tomorrow!
  23. Will the site be up soon before the music is released?
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