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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. This was one of the best tributes they could have ever done for Turtles, especially if you grew up with them from the start.
  2. Xenosaga Episode III's ending. MGS4 ending a bit too.
  3. Heh, Jade I wonder when you're gonna let the cat out of the bag.
  4. Armin van Buuren's productions are fairly average. And more than half the time he gets one of the guy's from Rank 1 to help and then Armin takes all the credit.
  5. How about I bump this when I release a new DJ set? (Forgive me in advance if it takes awhile...)
  6. Maybe I'll just get off my DJ break and get around to releasing Public Address 007.
  7. No. I am not familiar with trance music. At all. (Shoot me a PM or (preferably) IM if you want to get some info on good titles that were actually made in the past five years. There is too many to list and hardly anyone here knows about the scene.)
  8. If you're thinking of getting a 9800GT, you might want to consider going either one step up or a 8800GT instead, as the 9800GT is a 8800GT with simply a die-shrink.
  9. I don't normally do this a lot, but I approve. Solid club style remixes executed well overall. Only gripe is that every remix sounded the same... but maybe that's just your style. Not bad.
  10. what the hell? This is the fanciest looking thread anyone's made about me.
  11. you couldn't have hit the nail on the head any better than that
  12. Liking a song only because OMGJAPAN is kind of dumb.
  13. While I don't really care if the song is in Japanese or not, I just feel it's a total cop out to replace a song that was written specifically for the game with a song that was already out for some time and not intended for a game. If they got her to write an entirely new piece that's relevant and fitting to the game, then I probably wouldn't mind. But this just looks like a lazy way to attach an English song to it.
  14. It wasn't the items I was terribly offended by... it was how many things he was allowed to carry was blowing my mind. LET ME SORT THROUGH MY TVS AND LARGE JUGS OF ALCOHOL AND PIPES AND TOASTERS AND EVERY THING. At least they let you punch things... however that just made me PUNCH EVERYTHING in the game including all the bosses. Origins wasn't THAT bad, though I don't really care for the fact that they made Alessa more like the Alessa in the movie. It at least felt more like a Silent Hill than Homecoming did. I didn't care for Homecoming except the soundtrack.
  15. I got a super late invite to DJ all of a sudden but I won't be able to make it. I already made other arrangements and plans since at first they didn't want me there or at least that's what I heard... they'll try to get me a much better notice for 2011 so I guess for anyone who cares to see me DJ live, I'll probably be there for MAGFest 9.
  16. Yea if it shows up, I think it's near the street barricade right before you have to hop the fence into the alleyway.
  17. I just tried the 360 Demo. It looks pretty awful compared to the PC.
  18. Oh man preloaders GO FORTH
  19. Forget the Sands of Time.... gimme some Sands of Tim.
  20. When I played this for the first time I was pretty confused how it worked because there was only one turntable and a mixer which acts like you're controlling two. If this would have made sense, it should have been two turntable controllers with the one mixer. On first glance, it's more confusing than actual DJing. Also all of the "trance" mash-ups are pretty meh. I can understand that they'd have to do that because the typical trance mash-up is usually a harmonic mix and does not require as much turntable-ism that is present on DJ Hero. Though that's supposedly an Armin van Buuren DJ game coming out or something and even though that's going to be mostly European trance, I have my doubts it might be executed well.
  21. I just added you. I think. Unless there's another Big Giant Circles
  22. Most nasty thing I saw from the AI so far on my side was the Spitter spitting ALL OVER a downed teammate immediately after zombies incapacitated them. That was messed up. Also in the first game I played, I was playing with Bleck and within one of the start, a Charger came out and charged him and Rochelle (controlled by AI) right off into the water... Charger included. Me and the other guy looked around frantically until *bwoop* saw the dead Charger's body surface from the water. All three of them drowned. I laughed for like a whole 20 minutes.
  23. Just wait for what's in store... Also possibly DJing at MAGFest early 2011 if Escariot has control of coordinating music again.
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