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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. I don't know. You can actually hear more than the vuvuzelas. SO UNREALISTIC.
  2. They're both fun characters from what I've tested.
  3. I enjoyed them from when I hacked them on the PS3. They were fun and Jill got polished up a bit from what's on the disc. More voices, some graphical polish, etc. And I had a lot of fun with Shuma too. I'm set to go for the PS3 since I have the special edition but I'll be buying them on the 360 also.
  4. I did. Sparda Dante classy up in this bitch
  5. Cromartie High School is the best
  6. In the case of Daigo, he is sponsored by MadCatz so he's marketing them MadCatz sticks wherever he goes... money from that and presumably the tournament prize money he tends to win is probably nothing to scoff at.
  7. if you can pay the bills by playing your favorite video games I mean why not Someone like Daigo is fortunate enough to be able to make a living by doing something he enjoys which I am sure is something we all would like. He might not have "a life" outside of all this but we can't really knock on it
  8. I guess I just don't really mind them since they both have the least health other than Phoenix and will die in like two combos. Zero outprioritizes every move if you're trying to press buttons at midrange but will probably lose if zoning or waiting for openings at close range. Akuma is fast movement-wise and while his attacks are general quick, there are other characters that can out-poke up close. If you're worried about the beam hyper you might not want to stay on the ground far away all the time. It's his best hyper so it's something you should expect if he has any meter.
  9. Why Zero and Akuma?
  10. GG Arek! Maybe you'll get more than one win. :P :P Teasing aside, I know you have the potential for good execution but you gotta stop pressing extra buttons in lag. It doesn't work. Trust me. It just leads to dropped inputs. We'll play more for sure! Even I learned some things when we were playing tonight.
  11. are you or are you not waiting to get better internet access to play because this is getting confusing and annoying
  12. The big mistake a lot of Sentinel players make is staying in crouch-block position the whole time to get laser spam to chip people away but the perpetual crouch-block position makes him open to most air attacks due to overhead property.
  13. Laser spit (which is just H) is spammable. Rocket Punch and Sentinel Force aren't as spammable as they were in MvC 2 but now Rocket Punch OTGs into a free hyper and Sentinel Force (Charge) is an annoying assist since it takes up so much space. The thing about Sentinel that is OP about him is that he has the highest health and the highest damage output and putting him in level 3 X-Factor makes him more than capable of wiping out a whole team on his own in seconds. He IS clunky so there are ways to approach him. It's just eating a launcher will pretty much get one character to lose at least half their health after an easy air combo OTG free hyper. So yea in some ways OP. Just annoying to fight mostly.
  14. I was thinking about getting a capture device to record matches and stuff with people here for stuff to discuss but then I realized I can only record matches with me involved because there's no friggin function to save replays. >:[
  15. Eh that's just part of the game. Deciding when to X-Factor is part of how the match will play out. You can do it early on to take out a poorly called assist leaving you more vulnerable at the end of the match OR you could have saved it as a last desperation sort of thing like your opponent. You can't really call bullshit on this loss since it's not like your opponent has X-Factor and you don't. Yea I understand the frustration of having your whole team wiped out by one guy on their last bits of health but keep in mind you could have potentially done it to him too. I've done it to people and I've had it done to me plenty of times. It's just part of the high stakes vibe of MvC3. I haven't heard anyone comeback with just one character and wiping the whole other team out and then complaining about it. It's always when it's a loss does the complaining happen. Don't sweat the loss and do it right back to other people Now for some people who are just getting overwhelmed in general, it's definitely harder to learn the game when you don't even understand your own characters and how they may or may not work well together. Mission Mode is a great place to get the feel of your characters. You can push out at least missions 1-7 or 8 for any character in just a few minutes. You'll learn the moves, basic combos, and the timings for some basic bread and butter combos. Practice these in Training Mode. Then practice them on moving CPUs and then also online. Also, just because this game is a HYPER FIGHTING game doesn't mean you can try to rush down your opponent all the time. I'm beating a lot of the folks around here with Random All because I have a decent grasp on the basics of spacing, poking, and hit confirming into my combos. If I didn't do any of that and dial out combos on you guys without any thought of what you are trying to do or making sure you were open, I'd probably lose. Some of the people here I've played just try to jump at me head-first and try to do crazy stuff and all I have to do is wait for the opening and take advantage of it. Slowing down is also an option and it might help some of you. Remember, if you're attacking, you're not blocking, and thus open. You can learn a lot about these fundamentals if you play on Very Hard difficulty in this game if you put your mind too it. It's seriously the only challenging difficulty. I just wish there wasn't such a big gap between Hard and Very Hard... I'm also willing to talk MvC3 things over with people on Live too if you need a little help. Or if you're on PSN I can hop on there too. I can't really help with advanced stuff with characters I'm not familiar with but I have other of good things to say... Speaking of PSN, I should probably play more on that a little more too. Currently yet to lose a ranked match there lol.
  16. Okay maybe I don't mind losing. I guess I get frustrated when I can't figure out my opponent.
  17. I think there are times in this game that I'm secretly a sore loser and I don't know why.
  18. Good God man how do you even beat Ninja Gaiden with a pad
  19. Arek is not going to really play anyone until he gets better Internet. So he can't blame lag when he loses. :P
  20. I don't think balance will ever truly make its way into a Vs. Capcom game lol At least there's more variety in character selection overall in casual and competitive play rather than just the same 5 Marvel characters.
  21. My favorite strategy when I run into a team that I can't beat on the spot is to play as that team and figure out how they work, what makes them good, and what their short comings are. Then when I run into them later on, I know more of what to expect and what might be a potentially good solution to get around them. If I lose again, well back to the lab I go.
  22. If you don't want to play to win or put the effort into get better or if you know you just don't have the time to play more then losing shouldn't anger you. Have fun! And if it does anger you then winning matters to you more than you realize. A loss is an opportunity to learn whether you think so or not. The game is still only two weeks old and we've only barely cracked the surface. Keep playing and have fun!
  23. That wasn't what I was really trying to get at. But let's face it. There is a considerable amount of players online, both good or bad, that will just gravitate to certain characters because all they want to do is win forever and can't take a loss. And the game is two weeks old so I don't think there is even a solid tier list to go on yet. Just gimmicks.
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