as a person who has been around since the early days of OCR (though with 'animefreak', a horribly generic, useless nick) i am going to share my thoughts.
disclaimer (to djp mostly, but also to anyone else): Yes, i know you've already gone over this. Yes, i know you're very happy with it and unlikely to change your mind. Yes, i am aware that you don't agree with many things people have done, and the ways they have done them, over the site's history.
That being said, i still think that the 'may refuse to honor removal requests' or however you might have worded it is petty, silly, and will only continue the animosity of some, and breed animosity in others.
I'm sure it's a pain in the ass, and you hate doing it, but the 'high road', as it were, on the issue of removal is to just do it. If you feel like refusing every submission afterwards from people who've had works removed, especially in the case of repeated requests, that is entirely understandable. Nobody likes feeling like their work is wasted, as it must feel when you've committed time and effort to the upkeep and promotion of the site and to the evaluation of remixes, and suddenly a person or people want to bail because of whatever reason.
People have always been emotional and prone to changing their minds for any reason and for no reason. It may be silly, it may be stupid. They may be doing it completely out of spite. You may have absolutely no respect for them or their reasons.
Matching spite with spite by stubbornly refusing removal, as you have stated is the very likely chance, does nothing for you.
edited to add: If there is anything i have overlooked, misunderstood, or misinterpreted, i welcome clarification. This is only how it appeared to be, to me, after reading the entire thread.