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Everything posted by Scrobble

  1. Everyone that wants to play should definitely do this. you should also ask *me* to do refer-a-friend, because i totally want the zebra mount.
  2. i really think crits are fine. It sucks to be on the wrong end of one, but it's just as awesome to be on the right end. I wouldn't be totally opposed to turning them off for a day during the week or something. While we're at it, it might be fun to have a day to just goof around, too.
  3. man, it is *crazy* that cotmm has a kid. and can type where people can read it. man, i feel old. -af
  4. I am a horrible musician, and have little to no creative ability in any other field. It is very highly unlikely that i will submit any material, regardless of whether the policy stays, changes, or is erased completely, based solely on my inability to create something that would meet the standards of the site. On that point, you are not inaccurate. However, you are innacurate in taking an evaluation of that clause as 'petty and silly' as an attack on your person or character. I believe that the wording as it exists now serves no purpose except to be contentious. I am also confused as to how "the site's best interests and the interests of staff" etc etc. are served by denying removal. I do not see the positive effect that it would have on the community. Conflicts that arise will still exist, and most likely be heightened if Remixer A is offended in some way, decides not to be affiliated with the site, requests measures to accomplish that, and is told flatly 'no'. Nobody comes into a community expecting to leave unhappily, but it sometimes works out that way, and to impede people's leaving will, in my opinion, only damage the community over time. As a side note, You seem to have a notion of what you think i feel and believe, and in the same way, other people (including myself) have notions of what they think you feel and believe. I would enjoy the chance to get these likely erroneous notions resolved, and i am constantly disappointed in myself that i did not take the opportunity at MAGFest.
  5. as a person who has been around since the early days of OCR (though with 'animefreak', a horribly generic, useless nick) i am going to share my thoughts. disclaimer (to djp mostly, but also to anyone else): Yes, i know you've already gone over this. Yes, i know you're very happy with it and unlikely to change your mind. Yes, i am aware that you don't agree with many things people have done, and the ways they have done them, over the site's history. That being said, i still think that the 'may refuse to honor removal requests' or however you might have worded it is petty, silly, and will only continue the animosity of some, and breed animosity in others. I'm sure it's a pain in the ass, and you hate doing it, but the 'high road', as it were, on the issue of removal is to just do it. If you feel like refusing every submission afterwards from people who've had works removed, especially in the case of repeated requests, that is entirely understandable. Nobody likes feeling like their work is wasted, as it must feel when you've committed time and effort to the upkeep and promotion of the site and to the evaluation of remixes, and suddenly a person or people want to bail because of whatever reason. People have always been emotional and prone to changing their minds for any reason and for no reason. It may be silly, it may be stupid. They may be doing it completely out of spite. You may have absolutely no respect for them or their reasons. Matching spite with spite by stubbornly refusing removal, as you have stated is the very likely chance, does nothing for you. edited to add: If there is anything i have overlooked, misunderstood, or misinterpreted, i welcome clarification. This is only how it appeared to be, to me, after reading the entire thread.
  6. wait, starla's back in #ocr????
  7. QQ noobs, learn to review Now that *that's* out of the way, i'd just like to say that i very much enjoyed this track from the first time that i heard a demo of it. To be honest, i can't see how anyone could ever say pixietricks doesn't have talent unless they have some personal problem with her. It's just a fun little mix, of the kind that used to litter this site when it first opened, and i love it. win/10, size 10 yes, ftw, and all of that other fun stuff.
  8. note: regardless of my opinions, i have a certain level of respect for anyone who can make decent sounding music, because i can't. as for the song: It's pretty decent. The lyrics are a bit (maybe more than a bit) cheesy. I can't give some anal 'at exactly two minutes and four point five seconds blah blah blah' review, but i liked what i heard. However. i'm not sure it's as good as it's being advertised as. I hear the original more than the exaggerated '3%', but it does seem to be a little light. as for the debate: i think both 'sides' are being silly. Nobody is making 'cloak and dagger cheap attacks' against anyone. As i have read they are pretty plain about their disagreements. This is most likely not the place for it, but there is no 'cloak and dagger' going on. Nobody is in a 'block' saying, covertly or overtly, "let's all get together and bash this mix".
  9. Whose idea was it to change the title? I like the mix, just wondering.
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