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Posts posted by Arcana

  1. Unless I got married and had kids I didn't know about

    Get on it dude!!!!!

    There are going to be many people who will play Duke Nukem Forever if it comes out, simply to say that they've played it. That I really don't doubt, but I think the question is if it'll ever make back the 25 million or whatever that was spent on it (and that's before inflation!)

    In a way, if it does come out it'll be like... the death of a legend.

  2. ...I'm not even going to yell at you -_-

    But he has a good point. All the people who would have wanted to buy this game wanted it about ten years ago. All of that action-hero stuff was awesome when you were a teenager who couldn't even drive - you got to go to strip clubs, piss in urinals, and slap hos around.

    All of the people who knew Duke Nukem 3D are now married with kids. All of those new teenagers? They don't even know who Duke Nukem is, other than a game that'll never come out... how do you convince them that they should follow Duke Nukem around and not like, some other ball-busting hero?

  3. This unofficial project has been completed and is available here!


    This album came along as a result of this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28108

    And then a bunch of musicians took it and ran with it. ;)

    Thanks to my co-director The Author; our musicians Darkesword, AaronD, Zeroboros, Swann, Chernabouge, Nintenjoe 64, Rozovian, Brandon Strader, The Coop, Gario; and our artist Suzume for coming together and delivering this album.

    The concept behind this album:

    Hurry! The Final Fantasy X Impossible Remix Album is a remix album of the song Hurry! by Junya Nakano,

    who helped compose the Final Fantasy X soundtrack. The songs are done in various genres and styles

    to showcase exactly how much flexibility the artists have when interpreting one song.

    Also if you would like to stream some of the tracks we set up a YouTube channel for the project too:



  4. You should fix "Hail to the Chief" too ;)

    Sorry, fixed. Obviously I don't know these titles well, this was quite new information to me. Moseph's post was really informative, I didn't know who wrote half of those songs or when they were made until I went through his post.

    A lot of people say, "WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW THE WHO??!?!!" but I'm like, "Why should I have?" Everyone plays the song, but no one tells you who it's by or when it was made. You simply hear it and everyone assumes it is common knowledge.

  5. I think you could be right. On the other hand, while I absolutely want people to sign up for the free account and have fun, I want to at least give the suggestion that people sign up for the paid plans. If everybody went free, I'd be paying to keep this service alive out of my own pocket.

    Advertising and sponsorship, maybe? But it also depends on your business model - if you're looking for a niche, core market, or if you're preferring a larger market.

    Since I'm not one of your stakeholders I can't really say anything about what you should do :)

  6. So here's something that a lot of people don't really realise about me: I don't really know a lot of music.

    There are a lot of songs out there that people take for granted, I think - for example there are songs out there by The Who for example that are referenced in movies and other pop culture, but I don't know about - why? Because I don't consciously know what music is done by The Who.

    However - if you play back the song for me there's a pretty high chance that I've heard it before and just didn't know who did it.

    So I kind of wanted to ask you guys - what might these songs be? Those songs that I've heard, but don't know by name?

    I've got a few to start you guys off with:

    "The Dragon: Bruce Lee Story" soundtrack, heard in many movie trailers

    "Rule, Britannia!", classic patriotic song for Britain:

    "Hail to the Chief", the song that is played for the President of the USA.

    Educate me, especially in the ways of pop music, since I am woefully ignorant of many "famous" rock songs from the 60s and 70s.

  7. Never talk to someone more than twice. They never have anything else to say. (RPGs)

    You know, I've always wondered in most RPGs what it is that makes you, the player, so engaging that when you LOOK at people they start blabbing about all kinds of relevant information.

    No, "Hey, what's up?" or "Hello, my name is ___" from the person... it's always like, FACE -> TALK and then suddenly:

    "Shrine of Isis is to the south."

  8. One thing people don't seem to realize now is that workers in SC2 are much better at fending off lings than they were in BW. A handful of probes supplementing even 1 zealot makes very early ling harass weak. The only thing it usually accomplishes is takes away a bit of mining time. Of course, if they target fire probes you have to be ready to micro the targeted probe away, because that could hurt. Of course, I think that was just like 10 pool or something I faced, and 6 pool is a little different. But still, probes are tough :)

    I faced a 6-pool last night actually. Fortunately I scouted him with my 10th drone and noticed early on (I was doing a standard 13-pool opening).

    He rushed me with 4 zerglings and I used my drones to fight him off. My spawning pool wasn't even done when he first attacked and by the time his zerglings got to my base I had only started to make my first zerglings. But, by the time my first two zerglings came out all except 1 zergling was dead; my queen appeared shortly after.

    Then I basically kept on rushing him with handfuls of zerglings and roaches until he died. Since he was so committed to 6-pool he couldn't expand, I just parked all of my forces inside his ramp.

  9. yea 6 pages all for me weee! just noticed. i wanted to tell you thank you again, it really means a lot. if it weren't for my beautiful wife, i would have never discovered the other side to ocr. that's why i could never leave her... so hopefully most of you will be at magfest 'cos we'll be there....in the same room!!! BOWCHICKAWOW

    Wait, so what does this mean? Let's hear it :)

  10. Hard to define whether that's cheese or simply intelligent or competant playing at that point.

    Yeah, 1/1/1 is pretty common. I enjoyed watching MaDFroG vs. TheLittleOne to see how the Zerg player fended off the 1/1/1 and the inevitable Hellion harass. Watching that invitational series has taught me as a Zerg player to build spine crawlers by your mineral line vs. Terran.

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