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Posts posted by Arcana

  1. "You got 22 out of 50 Best Selling Video Games (Worldwide)."

    spoilerOcarina of Time isn't actually in the Top 50 list, it gives you some of the ones shown if they're not Top 50 but it doesn't give you credit. I missed some really obvious ones like the Sims and GTA series. I didn't even consider Pokemon until someone mentioned it to me accidentally when they were looking at the quiz.

    I got FFX and Myst below the list too. ><

  2. Hmm, I registered and didn't get into this game.

    As for MMORPGs I'm personally waiting to see what they pull off with TERA Online http://tera-online.com/ I had the privilege of playing in both of their North American Focus Group tests and they seem to be seriously listening to the feedback given by the players. Unfortunately, the game was supposed to be a late 2010 release but they pushed it to 2011.

  3. Yeah, 3 years later and a snes song that was one of my favourites actually made me a little paranoid of things that sound like the beginning.

    My iPod for a while was set to play a song at random from my playlist.

    I have a particular MP3 that I use as my ring tone. So when that song played on my alarm I was all like "OH MY GOD MY PHONE" and then looked around for it for about a minute before realising that it was not my phone at all.

    /cool story bro

  4. I'm not looking to copy his every instrument. But just to get the feel of the quiet, rhythmic side.

    Could you reccomend me a good soundfont player as well?

    I'll check these out. Thanks

    That is more about playing than instruments. Melodic leads, simple arpeggios, and moderate tempo.

    Sfz+ is free. You could also use the Fruity Soundfont player if you have paid enough into the program.

  5. I know that you asked about using RAID for speed access increases, and not reliability, but I thought I'd just point out that many people mistakenly think that doing mirrored RAID is a backup.

    IT ISN'T.

    RAID basically allows you to keep your machine online as long as possible, so that if a drive fails, your machine will keep running until you can install another drive.

    So keep those backup solutions handy!

  6. Sounds like it might be worth it, even the single player mode sounds good.

    I was hoping that the game might be over the Internet so my girlfriend and I could play together (we are long distance). So that's why I'm interested in knowing what the multiplayer is like - can you for example have someone who's much lower level than you join in on your party?

  7. Download Squidfont and the other soundfonts on Darkesword's page as a good starting point. Squidfont is an orchestral pack that has good voilin section as well as some brass and woodwinds. On the page there's also other sound fonts including a harp, a sax, a timpani, and more.

    IIRC Mitsuda is mostly stuff like acoustic guitar, saxophone, harp, strings, but he also likes ethnic samples and orchestral samples too. You might want to download a brush jazz kit as well for light percussion. I don't think there's any "samples" per say that are exemplary of his style.

  8. Anyone play this? Can anyone give a user impression of the game?

    I used to be a big fan of Dragon Quest but I haven't really played a game in depth since Dragon Quest IV. I didn't finish DQ7 and didn't play DQ8.

    I hear that the multiplayer is fun but that it's local wifi only. Can anyone give some impressions of that too?

  9. How would it affect your overall internet experience if, depending on your broadband provider, certain content and applications performed better/quicker, and others performed worse/slower?

    How would it affect your overall internet experience if, depending on your broadband provider, certain content and applications were totally inaccessible, and others performed MUCH better?

    You might be able to get some more insightful information (maybe this will lead into that but I don't know your research methods) if you ask about which services can be sacrificed in favour of which other services.

    The problem is that without being specific, there's no way that anyone can say that their experience will improve if you sacrifice some content in favour of other content.

    The funny thing is that if I phrased the question such as:

    How would it affect your overall internet experience if, depending on your broadband provider, your multiplayer game latency (for games such as Team Fortress, BattleForge, and Street Fighter IV) go down to under 10ms average, but content involving Justin Beiber and Twilight downloads slower?

    then you'd get a vastly different set of answers.

  10. Could anyone give me some advice, what's good and what to avoid? I'd be using the synth mostly for sting and choir sounds, along with "real instrument sounds" (bells, guitar, piano, etc).

    For stuff like this you probably want a sampler, not a synthesizer.

    What's the difference? A sampler takes audio recordings and plays them back when you play notes. Samplers usually shift the pitch of your sample when you play different notes.

    A synth takes some kind of a wave form and does a bunch of stuff to it to make a sound. So it might take a square wave that goes "bloop", and then you apply a bunch of filters to modify the sound.

    If you're still interested in learning about a synthesizer, you might want to read about subtractive synthesis. Synth1 is a free software subtractive synthesizer.

  11. Well I'm thinking of going into Information Systems/ Technology or something like that, but I'm still pretty shaky about it all. I don't have to decide on a major until Sophomore year, but I'm pretty set on business. That said, I really have no idea what software I'll be needing to install for my classes. I'm thinking that being prepared would be the best idea.

    Chances are the most complicated program you'll need are programming languages, which are generally quite easy to run and don't require much power. The most advanced program you'll probably use on a regular basis is an IDE like Eclipse or MS Visual Studio.

    You'll have labs for that kind of stuff though, I didn't have a laptop through the entirety of my software engineering program and made it through but that was 8 years ago.

  12. Whatever kind of party thing we do, I would think would probably have to be earlier in the week, like a Monday or Tuesday... The 9th or 10th?

    If you want to do the mass birthday party at your apartment, that'd be awesome. AFAIK, the birthdays are: Jordan, Stevo, Eric (Posibolt), Long Dao, my brother, and hopefully I am not leaving anyone out. So maybe we could a HUGE HUGE HUGE birthday cake or something lol. Hopefully like 30 people max won't be too many at your place.

    If it is too many, lets start brainstorming and come up with something else.


    My girlfriend's birthday is in the period as well. PM for info.

  13. That's some excellent advice, and quite frankly I'd love to have a desktop to work on. Unfortunately, I just don't think that'll be the most practical thing for me during school. I'll probably be doing a decent amount of work outside the dorm, and though I might be able to get by with a netbook, there's the chance that some of my classes down the road might require me to use software that will run poorly on it. I guess for me it really boils down to a matter of convenience- I want to be able to take all of my work with me and not have to retreat to my dorm as much.

    What's your major?

    Going on "a chance that some of your classes down the road might require" seems kind of fishy :)

  14. apparently there was a free version, and ive been searching for it, since i heard its a good program, but apparently there isn't anymore, anyone know a free software that i can use thats like it? right now im severely limited to programs, as i just got my computer wiped...

    either that or find some way to get me the program...PLEASE

    Yeah there was a free version that had about 11 instruments in it. Is it okay to post links? I might still have the original files but I only have the Mac version.

  15. Don't worry mods, no actual jailbreak talk in here, it's windows/apple computer problems.

    I REALLY don't know what I did to my PC, but I swear it wants everything apple to explode...

    I'm running Vista, Symantec Anti-Virus, I've scanned with Spybot, and I've defragged... it finds nothing and I've still got the same problem.

    As soon as I open quicktime or itunes, it crashes. As soon as I try to look at an embedded quicktime file online, Firefox crashes. I've re-installed multiple times now with what should have been the latest versions of each. There's no uninstall given to wipe the system of the previous version properly, there's no entry of either program in the Programs/Features part of the Control Panel, and when I try to delete the folder manually it just says no.

    I'm pretty stuck on this one. My options seem to be 1) re-install windows, 2) buy a mac, or 3) don't use my IPhone for music.

    As for just jailbreaking it so I don't have to USE Itunes, which I would prefer, I got the phone off a friend with the latest software update and an MC model #. I believe that means it's not an option for me yet.


    What iPhone hardware model are you using? What version OS is installed on it? Which version of iTunes are you trying to use?

    Before anything else I would try this.

    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7 However if you're actually missing the "Uninstall" in the Control Panel then something bad must've happened and you might want to dig for more detailed removal instructions.

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