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Posts posted by Arcana

  1. Getting cheesed is still losing legitimately, you know... there's no "broken" cheeses that I'm aware of. Please don't start thinking like IdrA. :?


    Almost every "cheese" tactic is defendable. From 6-pools to Terran command-centre liftoff-behind-rocks strategies, they're all defendable.

    One time I lost against a Terran player who lifted their base off behind rocks at the start and then built banshees. When I scouted at about 12 supply I couldn't find his base and was all confused. The game still lasted about 15 minutes.

    Another time I was Terran, built too slow, and lost to a 3 zealot rush. But that is totally my fault.

    Um there was another game where I eventually lost to a Terran player. He tried to cheese me by building a barracks right outside my base, but I scouted him early and killed him. Actually I might have won that one, I can't remember now.

    Some people tell me that in bronze league, basically all you see is cheese because most players don't know how to properly defend against attacks. Also, most bronze league players are very passive and depending on how passive they are, it might make early harass difficult. I played a ZvZ last night. The enemy zerg player turtled big time, building like 3 spine crawlers and 3 spore crawlers all inside one base and I was unable to scout him out well. He went straight to mutas against my roach/zergling army and destroyed all of my workers (I was down to two, and had converted about 4 of them to spore cralwers). I eventually won because he never expanded out of his main but he had tons and tons of static defenses and rarely tried to attack, which made the game drag on a bit.

    Day[9] generally advises in bronze and silver leagues to focus up on macro, because in these leagues players are passive and don't like to attack, so the game ends up favouring whoever has the largest army.

  2. As far as I know, YouTube doesn't automatically put ads on your page. In fact, to get those ads on, you have to go through and manually set up a Google AdSense account and link it up and tell it which video(s) specifically you want to put ads on. Sure, YouTube will email you and let you know when a video is available to put ads on, but I don't think they'll automatically just start putting ads on videos once they hit a certain view count.

    In addition they will ask you at least twice if everything that is in the video, including music and video content, is yours and that you own the rights to the content.

    As you don't own the rights to OC ReMix songs that aren't your own you shouldn't be using such a video to generate advertising revenue.

  3. That doesn't leave you with too much cash left over for software/samples. Most of the pro software (Cubase, Reason, Logic Studio) cost a few hundreds so keep that in mind when choosing a computer. Good monitoring can also run you up some money (and I do recommend good studio monitors, or high-quality headphones).

    You can save money if you go for Logic Express or other "lite" versions of the software though.

    I think Fishy, Rozovian, and I all use some breed of Logic :)

  4. (although macs cannot use VST libraries as simply)

    Is there a way to make VSTis work at all on Mac OS X if the binaries are compiled for Windows? Most reputable companies distribute everything as AU now so it's become less of an issue.

    Also I agree with Fishy. Make sure that you're also happy with whatever OS you end up using too, since Mac OS X and Windows work differently, and that you get a machine that is going to fit your needs for the duration you own it for.

    Is that $3000 for the computer alone, or is that including software, monitoring equipment, samples, etc?

    As for software, huge swaths of music making stuff is cross-platform now, with the PC having a tiny edge in compatibility when it comes to obscure plugins and a few products (ex: Cakewalk stuff, FLStudio). A huge number of plugins and software are cross-platform now, including Reason, Reaper, and Cubase.

  5. Dragon Quest II had an enemy called a Batboon.

    Maybe I was wrong on that. And you mean the DS remakes, since there were no GBA remakes. DA8 was out before those, and that's where the puns truly began.

    Yeah, there was a Batboon. That does not nearly compare to "Abbot Jack of Alltrades" who turns into the evil "Master of Nu'un" or the quest to go to the "Quarantomb" because that's where you have to seal away a disease. Every game has a collection of a few silly enemies and silly situations but this was not a "staple" of the series until very recently.

    Dragon Quest I & II were made for the Game Boy Color/Original, and Dragon Quest III was remade for Game Boy Color. GBA was incorrectly used by me as a blanket term for that generation of Game Boys since I used my GBA by that time to play most of my GB games.

  6. The entire series does.

    It didn't in the NES days, at least not in the English translations. They only really started recently with the GBA remakes IIRC. I don't even remember the DQ I & II and DQ III remakes for the Game Boy having so many puns.

  7. It's impossible to say whether "Medal of Honor" can find the right balance — for all I know, it could turn out to be an unmitigated disaster — but when it comes to dealing honestly with this kind of conflict, anything less than dual-sided playability strikes me as jingoistic whitewashing.

    And I'm infinitely more uncomfortable with that than I am the thought of a virtual Taliban player casually firing at a virtual U.S. Army Ranger.

    Seems that the editorial writer actually thinks that the issue overall is quite overblown.

    In other words FOX NEWS IS ON OUR SIDE HERE

  8. I spent way more than $100 during my stay. :neutral:

    My sister's husband was telling me how Vegas has slowly been shifting its image away from the land of the $2 buffets and free drinks, because they've realised (shortly after the opening of the Wynn) that the economic recession hit hard the little common guy, but not the CEOs and other rich executives who are likely to want to spend $200 on a bottle of wine and $500 a night for a hotel room.

    Also I totally didn't meet Salluz. :( Totally missed him

  9. I bought this game and I played "visiting worlds" with my girlfriend for a while.

    It is probably more rewarding when you get later into the game to have a lot of people who are grouped up together; we basically unpackaged the game and then played as fast as possible until we could unlock multiplayer. Fortunately it's really fast, I think we were playing for about an hour and a half before multiplayer play was opened up.

    I'm still way behind overall, I don't even have class change yet, but the game is quite fun. It has a very old school charm and a lot of story simplicity that takes most of the good elements of old NES and SNES RPGs and rolls them together.

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