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  1. A song i did with a friend of mine sampling music from Grandia II ( fantastic game BTW ), the guy raping first is my friend gift, im second. i just want to point out that i am not a rapper, i like rapping and im trying to work on skills. so this song and a few others will be featured on my debut mixtape, the arcade room, which will have tracks sampled from some of my favorite video games here is the source - i'm going to upload an HD version because the video lost some of its quality during the upload, which is why it sounds so muddy http://www.youtube.com/user/Dadecountyprod#p/u/24/yzqakfKmfnM
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hmK7hX7Cqs Some feedback please
  3. Went back and updated the mix on my Just Blaze Type Party Beat: MP3 Player SoundClick Tried to punch of the low-end and took off some of the bad compression and limiting I had on the original.....how's it sounding?
  4. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/amusing Bit of an intro on this, so stick through. I made this to get out of a creative RUT caused by WRITER'S BLOCK. Comments greatly appreciated. =D
  5. Just put up a new dark piano sample beat: http://www.AfterTouchBeatz.com Beat is called "Poison" (5th one down). Let me know what you think, and I got a new layout for my page so let me know how that's looking too!
  6. Check out my new sounds, here's a soundtrack cue for an awesome upcoming indie Facebook game! http://soundcloud.com/omni-psyence/dudequest-the-colossal-cave
  7. It's not a game remix as such, but AVGN is related to gaming and it's a theme so I think it should still count. I actually did this one back in 2009 but I'm still as proud as when I first finished it. It incorporates elements from the theme mainly based around Kyle Justin's vocals. There's no vocals in it, but it recreates his sections with instruments. So if you know the theme well, you'll probably hear stuff like "He's gonna take you back to the past" and "He'd rather have... a buffalo..." in here somewhere. As usual, I have the track on YouTube and download links are in the video's description: Hope you enjoy.
  8. Updated the mix on my synth heavy east coast style beat: http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=10256473&q=hi&newref=1 Added more punch to the kick and bass and filled out the synth a bit more in the mix, how's it sounding?
  9. Going back and updating my old mixes, this one is an update of a "jerkin" type beat I did: MP3 Player SoundClick Scrapped a siren sound (for the most part) that people found didn't fit in the hook and brought up the kick little more; how's it sounding?
  10. Hey folks. First post on OCremix and stuffs... nice to meet you yadda yadda Anyways, wanted to share my piano/downtempo remake of "Icarus" from the Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvq_uMP_S0w (soundcloud link also available in video details) Feedback welcome!
  11. a track on my mixtape, B.E.A.T.S. VOL.1, produced by me, and the verses were done by my artists. were going to be shooting the video for this on the 15th. Its sampled from sara smile by hall and oats. any and all feedback is appreciated. heres a link to download the mixtape if you want http://www.limelinx.com/files/56950e45e9fba113b039f9f320a3b91f
  12. Ive only posted on the forums one time before about a song I literally stumbled upon. Well I finally stopped being a nub and got it recorded and I Uploaded it on Youtube. Its actually a mix from Jayson Litrio, but I turned it into something else. It would be cool if it was added to the site I dont care if you say its by Jayson because it really sort of is... So here it is.
  13. I recently just scored a short digital film called Bounty + Hunter with fl studio and a lot of eastwest stuff and nexus 2. enjoy!
  14. Hey all, I'm finally starting to release some songs out to the public. I've done a lot of One Hour Compos recently, but It's good for me to get into the habit of finishing works even if they can't necessarily be perfect. I hope you enjoy them. "A Little Tea Party". A Happy trance song. "Gold Dust". I don't know how to characterize this by genre, if you have any suggestions let me know.
  15. I was bored. Always good to practice beat production, even if it's not an actual song. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Night%20Life.mp3 No substance, just a bit catchy.
  16. Here's a little something I whipped up for a local LAN party music competition. This time the theme was "Election", so the first thing that came to mind, was a song about Cthulhu running for presidency. Lyrics are in finnish, but basically the song is about him taking over the world, enslaving and/or killing everyone no matter the skin color or sex, destroying everything and celebrating the unavoidable victory. In other words, a pretty happy song. Youtube link: Mp3 download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/135436/DiseasedProject/CthulhuPresidentiksi.mp3 I hope you like it. Btw, thanks to whoever it was on the IRC channel, that helped me choose the last line before the actual music starts.
  17. Updated the mix on my old dirty south beat, it has a very gritty vibe to it: http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=10256476&q=hi&newref=1 Brought up the low-end (kick and bass) and tried to brighten up the main gritty synth; how's it sounding?
  18. I just got word that my FFX remix has gone past the panels and is going on the FP sometime! They even upped the upload limit just for me, so it'll be in the highest quality possible! AWESOME!! Here, I'll let you guys have a listen - it's 'Hurry' from FFX. (Source)http://www.box.net/shared/7ajmublynm (Remix) See ya losers on the front page!!! EDIT: Liontamer told me that I'm a n00b for thinking that he'd ever let me get on the front page. Sorry guys, OCR just doesn't know what to do with this awesomeness. Alas, pity really; i liked FFX's overlooked, overdone lulzy song.
  19. It's a remix of every single video game song EVER CREATED. ...ALL OF THEM You think it's bull, right? . . . Well, just listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFCey4q8wrc Some of my best production AND composition work yet, imo. Usage of every single video game song in existence can be clearly heard throughout the mix. And it took me 18 minutes, if you can believe that. Don't even bother critiquing, there's no way this could be improved at all, so save your whining, please.
  20. http://soundcloud.com/ian-mathews/helixer/ Thanks for listenin'.
  21. Here's a short and sweet one i consider finished ^^ http://soundcloud.com/algamest/pmd-melancholy-remix
  22. So I've been playing with this genre the last couple months and I wanted to share a couple mixes I made: Lush: http://soundcloud.com/the13thace/matt-drouin-lush SSE: http://soundcloud.com/the13thace/matt-drouin-sse Probably not for everyone, but I don't care. =) Enjoy! Comment if you like it!
  23. Hello, big big big fan of the pocky and rocky music. it inspired me all the way from childhood. did 4 remakes of the originals, shorter versions. in case you need the mp3's for any use, i'll upload them soon. Linking to youtube here: (B-laze Remix) Pocky & Rocky - Haunted Shrine (B-laze Remix) Pocky & Rocky - Once upon a time (B-laze Remix) Pocky & Rocky - Enchanted Forest (B-laze Remix) Pocky & Rocky - Boss Battle 2
  24. http://areyougonnalookaftermyboys.tumblr.com/post/4267441007/eurovision2011-interdit-lyrics-tout-le I was aiming for trashy eurovision productions with as much cheese as possible. This was for a eurovision night, our entry was for france, of course! Lemme know what you think! Calum
  25. latest remix, ive always wanted to sample sonic the hedehog. and just like the classic games, i transitioned the beat so its the stage and then the boss....btw, i used robotniks theme from sonic 2 instead of 1, but # 2 was my favorite boss theme. heres the mix - sources
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