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  1. Feedback is most welcome, please- I'm new to the OC ReMix crowd so I'd love to start off strong with my first submission. Thanks! I initially imagined going more orchestral since it's such a melodic, fluid piece. Alas, there have been other remixes of that nature, and my strongest suit is bass/groove/vibe. That seems to be untouched territory on this song, as far as I can find, so I embraced a new direction. It's got an R&B/Electronic vibe that slowly build while scattering in the notable motifs from the original. I reharmonized the chord structure, and took my own liberties on the bass line, made my own samples, etc. This is one of my all time favorite games that I've played through countless times since I was a kid. Track is made with respect and affection. Cheers! ReMix: Source:
  2. Gradius 'Perfect Selection' Gradius has almost always had awesome music. Every single track is not a winner, but usually the music kicks ass. This mix starts out sounding like it was straight from the game itself. Then it starts sounding a bit better, but still sounds like an 8 or 16-bit game machine. It goes through some various Gradius tunes. If you like Gradius music you'll like this. If you want to hear some good videogame music from the late 80's you'll also want to download this. Melody is king.
  3. This is "Driving," it's a composition I wrote a couple of years ago and hadn't shared with many people. The music is largely just a result of experimenting with variations on an arpeggio I'd stumbled upon. I wanted to create a mood that would suite someone driving through a mountainous area alone at night. https://soundcloud.com/jeffmatthews/driving
  4. Hi all, My name's Jeremy Johnson, and I've gone by cooliscool since 2000, and an amateur composer of many years. I've played the piano and drums since age seven (20 years), and have progressively composed pieces in that time. I've reached a peak in these later years, and I'm pretty pleased. Remixed a few game songs, which I was very proud of, but never submitted them. I've lurked since 2003, around the time Charles Blachly died. Basically, Alph Lyla single handedly turned me into a composer, with their sheer excellen (ce and immaculate ears. Anyway, my music can be found at SoundCloud. The top 2 I composed last night in a rush of motivation. In "Joy" the right channel clips at times due to a mistake in limiting. Give them time, they kick in at 2 min!. If you feel up to it, listen to them in their entirety, and post honest feedback & suggestions. Considering my style, I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to promote my original work, receive feedback on it, network & make new, likeminded friends, and improve. Without question, in the future I would love to collaborate on a project, even if in a minor way. Much love, Jeremy MY SOUNDCLOUD PROFILE
  5. Hang-On 'Journey to the Finish' Night tight techno track, with racecar and announcer samples that seem to be obligatory in a remix of a racing game. Nothing too innovative, but enjoyable. If I had to nitpick one thing I would say that it needs a deeper bass.
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