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  1. Source: Remix (wip): http://soundcloud.com/mordi-1/alibi-sooner-or-later-wip Vocals are a bit out of place. It'll probably either end up being without vocals, or have the arrangement completely changed to fit with the usual verse, refrain, verse setup.
  2. A futuristic/electronic/funky/synth tune "composed" by myself. http://mordi.ziphoid.com/data/music/work_in_progress/funky_track.mp3 The lead-arrangement is a rough around the edges, and it's not a very complete song yet. It's like a prototype or demo of sorts.
  3. http://soundcloud.com/aires/bomberman-boss-battle-cover I promise you guys this Not sped up lmao *195 bpm source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwxeDr0PkGE
  4. Source Material: (Littleroot town) and the beginning of (Verdanturf town) It's a remix of the theme of Littleroot town from Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby, done with mostly 8-bit sounding instruments and some drum samples. I've never done anything really at all like this on fl studio and learned a lot of things making the remix, which was really fun. Links: http://tindeck.com/listen/flfc http://soundcloud.com/shadefinale/lroot-wip-8 Please listen and leave constructive criticism/feedback, and thank you for listening to it.
  5. Requiem for a Damaged Spirit - submission version - 10-31-12 Hi everyone! I didn't start this with the intention of making a Requiem of Spirit remix, or any remix for that matter. It began as an experiment, using my favorite new playtoys (Omnisphere and my Damage drum library), to see if I could create an enormous soundscape, with some sounds close-up and some very distant. I came up with a drum and bass groove that I Iiked one evening, and the next morning I awoke with the six notes of Requiem playing over it in my head in a rather unique way. So I sat down at the computer and this just flowed out. Requiem of Spirit leads Link to the Desert Colossus in OoT. It was only after my mix was complete that I realized that all that industrial clanking in the first half is an excellent reference to the Lanayru Desert in Skyward Sword. So, that's cool. This song makes me feel emotional... it is haunting and even a bit disturbing when I listen to it. It starts out fairly badass and electronic, then morphs into something softer and more orchestral, with the Damage drums bridging the sections. The song could tell the story of someone who has made some bad decisions in life, but as time goes on he realizes his mistakes but wonders if it is too late to change his ways... I plan to submit this soon. Thanks in advance for any comments, and I hope you enjoy this track. (track will remain "private" until I submit it) edit: oops... I darn-near forgot to post the awesome .edit again: changing to WIP as I am adding another solo and doing some tweaks.
  6. music-career under 4 months long, do not expect too much http://tindeck.com/listen/vzgp
  7. Soundcloud Link (because the fireslash uploader is down) I'm trying to do an orchestral remix of the Blood Relation (or "The beginning of the End" as it's called on the chiptune file) track from Breath Of Fire I I get it, this WIP is, as of now, ridiculously short, but I plan on updating it quite frequently. So, for now, enjoy what little bit there is
  8. I made this moombahton remix of Bynn the Breaker from Bastion this weekend (love the music from this game). It's still a work in progress, any suggestions and comments are welcome! http://soundcloud.com/mykah/scumbag-alley-work-in-progress Thanks
  9. http://soundcloud.com/nima-djohari-taimouri/dan-a-do-encanamento-de Ok. So i envision this to become a dance friendly kind of samba, take the track to it's brazilian roots. This raw first draft is basically just some reharmonizations of the chord progression and some ideas with rhytm and mixing. What's your opinion about it? The original.
  10. Hello OCRemix Users ! I'm actually working on a Medley of a Castlevania Series , trying to regroup the best themes of the series on one . I've Already Done - Bloodlines Bequeathed ( Bloodlines ) - Gears Go Awry - Simon Theme - Sorrow Distortion - Dracula's Tears - Vampire Killer / Clock tower - A Version of Tower of Dolls All of those are done like a '' Rock Style '' With my Electric Guitar , Piano , And Double Bass Sometimes Please , write your tracks/style ideas , if necessary , i will post 1/2 pf my renditions Gears Go Awry http://www.partage-facile.com/TPKAOSAN31/gears_go_awry.mp3.html Tower of Dolls http://www.partage-facile.com/81DEQ58TRP/tower_of_dolls.mp3.html Cheers
  11. Been a while since I posted something. I finally got a new computer and, to go along with it, Sibelius 7. Fancy. So no longer will I be stuck using crappy MIDI samples, now I get to complain about how the guys they recorded didn't properly articulate the tenuto slurs. This hews pretty close to the source aside from some minor time signature alterations and rhythmic aids at the transitions for ease of performance, as well as a modulation at the end with a repeat of the Liber Fatali theme. Not quite sure how I feel about the end - I couldn't think of a way to climatically finish the piece and having it fade down to a minor chord (I guess the bad guys won) does kinda work. Anyway, I'll flying out to Chicago tomorrow so I might not be able to respond to everyone quickly.
  12. Here is a remix of Gato's theme, let me know what you guys think. I need some fresh ears, mine are getting stale. It started as drum and bass, I guess its electronica now. Genre isn't really important to me. Link: V1 http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/chrono-trigger-gato-wip-v1
  13. An early attempt at creating a dub sound for the Little Big Adventure 1 Theme (called Relentless in the US release), written by Philippe Vachey. http://soundcloud.com/groboclown/big-adventure-in-dub-v1 The original:
  14. A lot of this mix came about from experimenting with different rhythm and pad samples from Evolve: Mutations in the Komplete pack. Enjoy! http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/chozo-ruins-v-1 Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/chozo-ruins-v-2 Version 3: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/chozo-ruins-version-3
  15. Tada! http://soundcloud.com/tremendousfew/frostbite-mega-man-8-frost-man Not the most original title, but hopefully all my creativity went into the track itself. I've wanted to remix Frost man's stage music for a long time, and so I'm excited to have this track as developed as it is. Feedback, please! I really want to improve my technique and skill... And I think OCRemix is a great ground for that. Let me know what you think! I want this thing to be presentable! (Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLUwCW3dm5U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6ISsXnti24)
  16. So OCR is about to go even more Mega Man crazy than it is with the MMX compo but hey ho, I thought I'd post this to get some feedback. Sources: and Remix: Its un-mixed and not at all polished performance/production-wise. Its very rough and all I've done is get some ideas down (the structure isn't finished yet). I wanted to get some feedback on how much potential the mix has. I dunno if I like it yet hehe. Its kind of like a homage to the 1st round of Wily Remix Gauntlet. I didn't really manage to make a mix that I wanted to polish from that compo so I thought I'd do a fresh one which incorporates ideas from each of the rounds I entered. Despite its rough state, feedback of any kind is appreciated
  17. http://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-sky-march-render-1-in Read sound cloud discription Feel free to leave any ideas or concerns besides the intro or the weird stereo issues! *Welcome to the NEW Air3s EXPERIENCE *
  18. Okay so, two big issues I've had a hell of a time conquering with recording my guitar is latency and a lack of mid range. I have made this little guitar cover of the mute city theme from F Zero GX as an attempt to fix those issues before I return to working on my Remix for the Castlevania remix album. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/f-zero-gx-mute-city-wip-2 How does it sound to you so far? Do the guitars cut through? How is the guitar tone? Also, here is the original version
  19. http://soundcloud.com/aires/partially-sunny source is "can you feel the sunshine" from sonic R. This thread is hear because I'm about to do a "Air3s Experience " fix/edit on this remix What that means is that I'm making sound like my new production/mixing standard The last thread went badly with the "oh shit it's hardcore dubstep, screw this" and "I hate glitchy shit" And all that crap. This thread is for opinions on this track so when I see a good idea I will add it to the edit list. So please song opinions only, no genre opinions.
  20. Hey guys, I'm posting this here...probably because I've got no hits on it right now, and don't really know that many places I could put it. I figured maybe one or two people would appreciate giving it a listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh04xv-ato It's a full soundtrack outline to a Visual Novel RPG. It is very shadowy, in my opinion. As it's an outline, so much of the content is unfinished: some of it is just piano, some of it is 10 seconds long, while other songs are 2 minutes long. All of it is MIDI. It starts out with a main theme and an opening theme. It then delves into mellow/brighter songs, then into some battle tunes, back into some dramatic ones, and then finally ending with the final boss themes. There are a couple melodies in there that I am very proud of, and some songs that I feel could be much improved. There wasn't much of a focus on perfection. Right now, before the songs are remixed, I want to reoutline them, and use a particular set of samples so that it is much more consistent. These songs/melodies were compiled over a couple years, in a semi-passive fashion. It's 38 minutes long, so I figured if you're playing a game like an mmorpg or something, it'd be something new to listen to in the background, and it might help to inspire a bit. Thanks, Mark Hans Avon
  21. Hello everyone! I'm currently working on an arrangement of one of my all-time favorite tracks from any videogame, which happens to be included in a little piece of art from 1994 called Dynamite Headdy for the Sega Genesis (by Treasure, what else needs to be said). This is what the original sounded like: http://youtu.be/aGSThT6CYMM And this is my initial take on it: https://www.box.com/s/d9c97d03f16898ec9f9c It's still in an early stage but I already recreated most part of the main melody and still staying faithful to the original. Drums are looped, a proper intro is missing, tons of details here and there and so on but I like how it's sounding so far, so I'm probably going to keep working on it and post it back here once it's finished. A bit of feedback is always appreciated and useful though, so if you have any comment about how great Treasure are, why did they leave Konami or even about this arrangement here, I'd be delighted to listen Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy!
  22. www.soundcloud.com/aires/reverb-test Read soundcloud description. Not seriously anything but a reverb test. It is good on the lulz!
  23. I'm working on an Electro/Jazz/Glitch/Chiptune CV remix, and this what I have so far: https://www.box.com/s/a292f4b302116d4bf027 Is there anything that really sticks out, or is it sounding fine so far? The arrangement is not done though; the only Heart of Fire I've included is the lead in at 0:34 - 0:38 (from 0:30 - 0:33 of Heart of Fire) and the famous Castlevania "Organ-style" line right after that (variation of 0:34 - 0:49 in Heart of Fire). I'm thinking of putting in the section at 0:08 - 0:33 from that source up next. Something to note: All FX and non-percussion other than the 3o3 arp in the breakdown section are custom patches I made in Zebra2. The percussion is generally TR-606, 808, 909 stuff, etc., if that has any meaning to you guys. In case this is necessary:
  24. So, they thought I was cool enough to take on "Cross A Fear" for Vampire Variations 2. I finally have a WIP that I think is going somewhere. I was always inspired by the rock albums of Castlevania music in the 90s, so I did take inspiration from that. For the finished track, I hope to have live bass and get the track mixed/mastered by someone who has the right equipment and experience to do so. So if you wind up believing in this remix, perhaps you would be interested? Anyway, the original - My version thus far....http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/face-the-fear-cross-a-fear
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