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  1. Hey OCRemix! First post here (be gentle, heh), I'd like to know what you guys think of Guile's Theme, a remix I just did today over the last 4 hours. I was having a bit of trouble getting rid of a crackly-poppy issue, which is usually compression, but it turns out it was a fault of my non-existent sound card. You still might hear some when the guitar harmony comes in, though. As well, the transition from intro->main is weird, any ideas? It seems way too abrupt and unexpected. I'm also thinking about lowering the volume of the arpeggios at the beginning, but I'm not sure. To not making just listening to it boring, I've included a link to a screenshot of the very messy workspace to watch while it plays (god, that sentence was atrocious). Just so you don't have to stare at a waveform. Just remember, everything goes with Guile's Theme! Thank you !
  2. Yeah well, got inspired by someone talking about a second Maverick Rising in the album's comments and did this pretty quickly. It is not mixed but everything is tracked. I actually did not even check the volumes so it's straight like how it sounded when tracking lol. Hope you like it. W.I.P LINK
  3. Here is a cello arrangement of Distant Thunder, from Secret of Mana. It's one of my favourite songs from the game, and sits so nicely on the cello. I did transpose it a fourth down so that it would sound more "open." I also tried to apply music theory knowledge to this one. I'm pretty happy with the beginning, but not sure how to continue (like, what parts I should repeat/extend), or if there are any technical issues (like...does it sound okay?!). SO ANYWAY here it is on tumblr: http://umadashibayashi.tumblr.com/post/29644379579/distant-thunder-from-secret-of-mana-cello
  4. Source: (Sanctuary of Zi'tah)Remix WIP: I can't believe this tune hasn't been remixed. Here's my DnB take on it and I'm looking for feedback. Encouragement is nice, discouragement is cool too. If it's not good I don't want to waste any more time on it. Note: The sound effects are sampled from FFXI's spells, for non FFXI vets.
  5. This is more of a "cover" I didn't deviate much from the source material, it's not finished it's only about halfway done. Though I added some of my own parts... they sound like they work. Also I need advice on how to mix for orchestra and how to add realism. Also how do you guys input staccato/rhythm sections... mine's kinda sloppy on a count of me doing it manually. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHFj7Ap4bcw
  6. Grrr! I LOVE the source song sooo much! Done about 5 mixes but this is the first im really proud of Its a TOTAL WIP! I plan to extend it by about another minute, Need as much critique as I can get please! Inspired by the original Besaid theme, and KabukiBear from YouTube, and his amazing Besaid guitar cover. Sorry if the quality is shite, I really need a better way of converting my songs from reason. Any advice would be awesome on that front Thanks SO much in advance for your critique in advance guys I took alot of liberties with changing some of the keys, I hope no one minds? Edit: Come on guys Please post some critique. Gettin' needy here -Source Songs- V1.0 V1.2
  7. tried to make similiar sounding song what megaman has in snes so here's what I did recently http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/rockman-wannabe-snes what u guys think?
  8. Hi there! Just wanted some tips and feedback on my original track, Final Audition: Origins (If anybody's familiar with the Pump it Up Dance games, it's my own prequel song to the Final Audition series) Do criticize any aspects of the song that are lacking, but please focus more on the mixing at the moment, because that is one particular part of the music making process that I seriously lack skill in. Here is the track: http://www.mediafire.com/?044s495ef9howp1 Info: Addictive Drums for Intro Drums Vengeance Essential Club Sounds for Other Drum Samples REFX Nexus 2 for almost every other instrument Instrument Reference: 0:00 Strings - Nexus 2 StringChoir Ensemble - No Mixing Done 0:19 Drums - Addictive Drums - Left as is, meant to sound like that 0:45 Bells - Nexus 2 Poppy Bells - No Mixing Done 0:56 Pad - Nexus 2 Beauty Combi - EQ'd with a filter that passes from 150Hz, climbs to 2936 Hz and ends at 11,924 Hz 0:56 Bass Drum - VEC Bass Drum Sample - EQ'd with a low pass filter from 60 to 405Hz, added Fruity Multiband Compressor in Default Preset 1:07 Synth Bass - Nexus 2 BA Basic Pulse - EQ'd with a filter that cuts off at 42Hz, boosts at 91 Hz, falls at 305Hz, slight boost at 837Hz and falls to 6972 Hz. General Hats and Snares: VEC2 Samples, no EQ'ing done. 1:30 Piano - Nexus 2 PN Powerful and Bright - EQ'd with high pass filter from 172 Hz, peaks at 504 Hz till 2862 Hz and falls to 8172 Hz. Added a Fruity Multiband Compressor at default settings. I know it's a mixing nightmare, because I just EQ'd here and there, added a compressor here and there, so please just tell me what I need to fix and how to do it - specifically using FL Studio as my DAW. Thanks everyone! Looking forward to your responses. P.S. The last bit is a sample from a separate mp3 song I did not make, so don't include that when you point out parts to fix.
  9. http://soundcloud.com/aires/emerald-hill-hd Retracked the guitars with my amp.... thats it really I just wish I could use another mic besides a mxl 990. such a crap ass mic with no after Eqing on guitar tracks... But amazing as hell with everything else....
  10. Going to start off this revival thread by saying that I may or may not finish a project I started of an alternate soundtrack to Minecraft. Here are two pieces I wrote for that project. http://sgtyayapproductions.bandcamp.com/track/underwater http://sgtyayapproductions.bandcamp.com/track/starry-night
  11. Here is the current version: It's right here, trust me.
  12. Hello, once again, fellow OCR people. As I had said before, I have really been in the mood lately to just go all at it on Zelda remixes. Well, I finally did one for the actual theme of the series, or at least the Overworld theme of the original game, as many people just like to say. The simple story behind this was that I was just randomly playing some rather jazzy chords one day. I randomly started singing the theme melody over it, and it seemed to work. I then began to sing more of the melody and write more chords under it and I ended up doing this pretty cool jazzy arrangement. This is a work-in-progress, and is, I think, slightly repetitive, and is not mixed at all. All reverbs and EQ stuff are just presets when I chose the instruments and I just messed with them a bit to make the tracks sound a little better. So yeah, what do you guys think so far? P.S., may want to turn your speakers up a little. It's a little quiet because of its unmixed-ness. Link: http://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/legend-of-zelda-overworld
  13. Hi, Started writing this one this night. Not complete at all, only the intro and the very beginning of the first movement is done (and not yes mixed nor mastered at all). But anyway I need to know if I'm on a good way or not. Thanks in advance for any feedback : http://cl.ly/3f211V2V2331 Regards,
  14. It's been a little over a year since I first posted this and haven't been inspired enough until now to remaster and mix this track down again. Short of re-recording the whole thing I started with some old tracks and recorded some new ones then restarted the mixing from scratch. Let me know if you guys think this will pass the board this time. I still think there might be some minor issues to work out in the mix so any and all help will be appreciated. Now I Am Become Bleck
  15. So yesterday Bramble Blast was echoing through my head all day, and nearly gave me a migraine. So, in contrast to the aggravation the theme was giving me, I decided to make a kind of ambient/electronic track. Please tell me what you think. v1 http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/bramble-blast-remix-v1 v2 http://soundcloud.com/imazi643/bramble-blast-remix-v2 Take a listen! -imazi643
  16. Hey This is my first attempt at a proper remix, so needless to say, I most likely need some good advice so that it sounds half-decent. This is not finished, as I've spent most of the time trying to mix and master it and find the right sound. http://soundcloud.com/1722tommy/spewer-remix-work-in-progress The first link is my remix, and the second is the original. My main concern is that my remix doesn't have a strong enough connection to the original, for it to be a proper remix. I've added new melodies and harmonies, but I have a feeling I'm not using the original melodies enough. Any comments about that would help me greatly. I'm gonna add an introduction that builds up to what I've got so far, but any comments about the structure I should go for will really help. BTW, this was made in Ableton Live 8 Thanks for any help
  17. So here is a little something I've been working on for about... I want to say a month now. In between work and other duties. I started learning in December so I'm still quite newby. Really is just a mish mash of ideas. Any feedback on what needs to improve would be most appreciated. Oh! And by the way I've been having trouble getting the sub bass right so it may be a little loud. (I hope not too loud ) http://soundcloud.com/ciredn/wip-untitled14
  18. Hey, This was DusK and I's entry in the ReMixing with the Stars competition. DusK recorded the guitar and provided feedback. We came in sixth, though we did get a few first place votes. Posting here to get some feedback before making improvements. Link: http://soundcloud.com/cash-and-change/cash-and-change-feat-dusk-upon Source:
  19. Hello everyone, I'm Linkandzelda and I do Video Game Guitar Covers. Recently, or rather about 2 years ago, I began working on an album of 23 of my favourite covers. Since then I'm on the 3rd revision where I've recently upgraded my hardware and software for the 3rd time since I began recording. Out of the 23 tracks I planned I've done 22 of them, and because this is 1 song per thread I've picked what I deem to be the best one out of the lot. All of my mixes share the same characteristics as the other and I use the same techniques to make them all, so any feedback I can apply to the other songs where due. The track I chose, track 2 I think is very good, but it has some flaws that I'm unaware of. I compare it to other peoples songs and covers and it makes mine sound poor. I listen to other professional tracks and I get the same feeling, so the song is still deemed a WIP, as are all of the other songs. I'm hoping that once you guys listen to this you'll give me some constructive and helpful feedback about the mix and what I should do to improve it. One of my problems is, I don't know how to mix and master properly as I only just recently began doing it. People tell me "that's a boxy mix" or "it's a bit muddy" and other comments that I don't understand and/or do not know what to do to fix them. This is why I was also hoping that I'll receive some sort of help with mixing or something too, so I'm looking forward to what people think of the mix. Enough blabbering, here is the mix on Soundcloud. http://soundcloud.com/linkandzelda/hall-of-fame
  20. Long time no PsyNES, so here is some. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_NWC_wip_0.6.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_The_Most_Beautiful_Goal_%28NWC_ReMix%29v0.8.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_The_Most_Beautiful_Goal_%28NWC_ReMix%29v0.9.mp3 NEWEST VERSION https://dl.dropbox.com/u/24406521/PsyNES_-_The_Most_Beautiful_Goal_%28NWC_ReMix%29.mp3 http://soundcloud.com/psynes/the-most-beautiful-goal-nwc-remix NEWEST VERSION Let me know what u think! All kind of feedback is welcome. The track is from Nintendo World Cup. Original:
  21. found the email to my old soundcloud, had some old stuff on there... 1# made it for Rob Raxe, first track on the Black Money album (no vocals on these). inspired by smoov bay area CA life. http://soundcloud.com/sk707/rob-raxe-beat 2# made for Rob Raxe & Deda, for a song about their moms and the impact they had on their lives. http://soundcloud.com/sk707/mommaz 3# unused for anything, less of a rap beat more just whatever. was intended to be a rap beat but i ended up having too much fun. left it as a WIP since it didnt fit what i was looking for at the time. http://soundcloud.com/sk707/wat-it-is of course theres boring spots where the verses go, so.. watch out for that i guess. would love to collab with somebody on any genre, i use fruityloops.
  22. hello all, just registered here figured id get some posts in... ive been producing on and off for a good number of years now, self-taught entirely though. tough way to learn. anyway heres a work-in-progress track that ill be unable to ever finish since my computer got messed up and i lost all my files. http://soundcloud.com/eskae-1/fraggle-rocks i can produce a lot of other genres and styles, but thats pretty much the kind of sounds i like to work with. id love to collab with others on some content for ocremix. favorite system is n64. get at me
  23. Should it be longer? Should it have more variation? Is the ending abrupt? Is the build up too fast? How is the mixing/mastering? http://tindeck.com/listen/htry
  24. A remix I'm working on of the Mario and Peach Theme from Paper Mario. I just started it, and would like any feedback y'all have Thanks https://www.box.com/s/1068c46d0e165a49895b
  25. Hey guys. Kinda new to the whole remixing thing. Recently started this bowser medley. Just wanted to know what you guys thought . Any feedback would be great http://soundcloud.com/kammo64/bowser-medley-remix Version 2 : http://soundcloud.com/kammo64/bowser-medley-remix-wip-2 Here is the source to the 3 tunes included in my remix
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