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  1. Hey guys. I've been working on this track for a few days, and have everything recorded except vocals. It's still a rough mix and I don't have it where I want it yet and need suggestions on where I can improve in the mixing process. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y6KO10KW Let me know what you think.
  2. It's the fridge ride from Mother 3, I'm not sure where to go with it now so any critique would be vastly appreciated.
  3. Heres a song I've been working on a little bit, have a few more tweaks to do but its pretty much finished, Would like to hear some opinions on it http://tindeck.com/listen/xkzc
  4. How was everyone's holiday weekend? This is a big day for me, not only did I see a bunch of great SONIC THE HEDGEHOG remixes when I logged in but after several years of listening to great work on this site I finally got a project up to nearly listenable quality! A couple of things before we begin. First as you should be able to tell, my mixing abilites are somewhere in the range of Non-existant to Amatuer. If you have any Freq suggestions I am open to them! Second, I am hoping (after getting some feedback) to add a guitar duel in the next section which I am currently in planning for. This first part is mostly the Natols BGM played by guitars verbatim. I used EW:Ministry of Rock and Steven Slate Drums for this one. Any Feedback/Input/Flames are appreciated as always! Enjoy this first part of almost music. I may have made it a bit too loud so please turn your speakers down before loading it. Click here to listen to Zero Wing-Natols (Update 1-17-11)
  5. More fooling around with house and techno blends today. Familiarizing myself with FL loops and patterns so I've got a repetitive remix here of the "You're fired" theme from SimCity. MP3 Source Welcoming any critique.
  6. Hey guys, I have been a massive fan of OCR and the music that has come out of it, I thought it was only fair I start contributing. I starting working on this during exam time (Procrastination ftw), and also as a way of venting my anger at relationship issues I was having. Its still a WIP because I'm not sure what else I can do to it. I want to make the sound clearer and more piano like (I use a Casio CTK-900) and I dont know the best way of capturing the sound. I also feel like its missing something. Feel free to go bezerk and destroy it to pieces or give advice and such Cheers, BlitzChris LINK HERE -> http://www.tindeck.com/listen/huxb
  7. Since my remix was turned down, I am redoing it based on the critiques given to me. I'm trying to make it less repetitive and have already added new things to it. Also, I'm trying to fix the quality so there's no distortion. Hopefully it turns out better the second time around.
  8. Okay so... I got bored. This is what happened. Thats usually how it works, truth be told. Obviously I need to get bored more often so I can get more work done, . Anywho, here be another orchestral mix from me. I've been meaning to tackle this theme for a while now, so I'm happy I finally got to it. Its kinda on the short side and I'm really not sure where else to go with this... I tried to sqeeze out as much variation as I could but... we shall see what you have to say on that. Also, when I started to get some substance to this mix, it kinda sounded like a theme you'd hear in a castle like Lindblum or something, so I kinda tried going with that kinda sound. And thus the title. So, enjoy! Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0GuW7x8X-Q
  9. This is a Link To The Past orchestral "journey" I threw together. This has the Dark World Overworld theme, the Death Mountain theme, the Ganon theme, and the Boss Defeat-Crystal Get theme. My 2nd attempt at remixing... What do you think? Too abrupt, too long, too... what? Link is in my sig.
  10. Hey there people, I know Pokemon music isn't really the most well loved here (sadly), and yeah, the SS Anne music just screams out Canon (although not in D, but that's not the point here). ANYWAY. Here's a remix of the SS Anne (which is as of yet untitled, but again, that doesn't really matter very much) for solo piano, which is at present just MIDI fed through my keyboard so it's going to sound really mechanical because well, it is. ANYWAY. Comments on the arrangement please =D It's not (supposed to be) complete as of yet so this is probably just the first half or more but just treat it as a complete piece if you so wish, yeah. ANYWAY. I shall here thank the community for feedback in advance, so if I don't get replies, you shall all feel guilty and terrible inside. But I know that won't happen because you are all awesome people, so. =P Remix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/fqeb Version 2! Don't click the one above, click the one below instead =) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/bqcr Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MeE__KUVoo Ooh I like the thread number (Y)
  11. I'm keeping a promise to Gario. I'm actually quite late. But I sat down to play with this a few days ago and have been plugging away at it, now it's feedback and improvement time. Or just leave any comment. Like, hate, like some, hate some, have toast, don't have toast...etc. Source: Final Fantasy VIII - Laguna's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2vpqd9gKXk UPDATED 7 26 2010: Track:
  12. Hello all, I am trying my hand at composing an OST. The soundtrack is for a fake horror/suspense film. It's still far from being done, but I do have the first track almost done (I think). Would greatly appreciate it if y'all took a listen and told me what you think. Click here to download josiah_golliwog_theme_[WIP].mp3 Also, if you're interested, my music site is http://captainstupidity.com/. I haven't finished the site yet, but it's getting there Thanks in advance for any comments!
  13. Current: Source: Final Fantasy Tactics Tracks: And I Ran Away / Memories / Ultema: The Nice Body I haven't named this yet Early draft-bean (; old v1: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/owus
  14. Okay, so there have been a few changes ive made out of originality. i altered just a few chords for a different effect. this is probably the piece where i have the most drums. I thought it was pretty cool. but please, tell me what you all think!!! Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/AlmightyArceus#p/u/6/3bo4ZBBzZms
  15. WIP: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=832# One of my favorite tracks from the Chrono Cross soundtrack. Transcribed for brass quintet, with the intention of it seeing live performance once I'm finished with editing. The more I do this (I've been quite prolific of late) the more I discover how easily orchestration comes to me (at least for brass) while actually doing something new (arrangement) continues to elude me. [edit: New Version is here! http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=833 ] Newer Version - now with live musicians! Hopefully Joe will have his flugel fixed by next time so that we'll have 2x flugelhorns. Apologies in advance for the missed notes, this was the last thing we played at our rehearsal.
  16. Well, in case you haven't guessed; I'm a n00b. This is just the first minute and a half of the song (because that's all I've got so far). Ummmm... Any feedback or comments would be really helpful, and I will keep on working on this. Oh, I also use FL Studio 8:tomatoface:, so if anyone knows of some good free VST plugins, that'd be great too. WIP can be found at: http://dmastermusic.webs.com/worksinprogress.htm (Sorry for using Webs.com, but I don't have many other options... yet.) "Snake! Look out! The guys who stole my stealth prototypes are in there with you!" -Hal "Otacon" Emmerich
  17. Hey, OCRemix I'm sitting here and I threw this together after scrapping something I had been working on. It's my first attempt at remixing anything, really, so... I tried to just go basic with Ocarina of Time's Windmill Hut (or Song of Storms) theme (with Ice Cavern at the beginning). After 2:57, it's just a loop of the main rhythm (so you can stop listening then haha) and I was wondering if I should put a solo on top of that (probably will). So what do you guys think? Any instruments feel out of place, anything feel like it should be there and isn't? Thanks, OCR, I hope to get some helpful criticism haha Download link - http://www.mediafire.com/?n5mjnmmhrnn
  18. Updated 07/07/10 I work for a medical animation company that did an animation a couple of years ago in which the subject expert insisted on being his own narrator (as opposed to using a professional), so the original voiceover (VO) was pretty bad. As a joke, I threw together a cheesy dance mix with his VO in it over a couple of lunch breaks. Our company recently re-recorded the VO with a female professional and now the company owns our own version of the VO, so I decided to recreate the track with this new VO since I already had a head start. Then I decided to put some effort into it and make it a video game remix. After trying a couple of game tunes, the simplicity of the Metroid melodies seemed to work well as substitutes for the original synths. The Title Screen intro fit in the sections where the VO is simply being spoken and I was able to substitute the main Title Screen tune for the original synthesizer dance riffs in the chorus. and Item Discovery are also used.Thanks for listening.
  19. Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4-cb9sxhaA So far, this is just a cover, but I'd love to try and expand on what I've done with this piece of fine music. You already get a sense of feeling "love," but I want to flesh that out some more and really make that feeling shine. Regardless, what I've presented to you is the basis for how the rest of the composition will be. Orchestrated awesomeness. If you hear any issues with what I currently have, please let me know so that I can correct said issues. I just made this earlier today and then called it quits for the day. I guess staying up all night had something to do with that. ^^; I'll try and have an update within the week. Enjoy.
  20. Fancy new version: This is the recording from our debut concert, live June 27th. This is probably the final version of the piece, barring finding someone with better mics to spend a day with us recording. We were pretty fatigued at this point, this piece being 7 of 8 on the program, following Locke's Theme for Brass Quintet. Yes, THAT Locke's Theme. It's quite the chop buster, but it's also a hoot to play. It was a good day for the Oakwood Brass Conspiracy. ---------------- Youtube Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBeMTXZ56XY ----------- Old text w/o link to old, inferior material. Fresh from our morning rehearsal, this is the Tree of Mana theme from Legend of Mana, arranged by me for brass quintet. Recorded using the Zoom H2 hand recorder, which doesn't pick up nearly enough of the overtones of most brass instruments for my liking. Especially tuba. God, how can I be in tune and still somehow manage to sound sharp on those low Gs? Ugh. Anyway, we're still trying to figure out proper balance - it's hard to tell if the horn needs to play louder, or if it's just an issue of mic placement. Hopefully things will sound better using more & better microphones. It's a good start though IMO.
  21. So this is something I'm working on - opening, intro and first section only. My issue is that everything I write tends to turn into an extended series of solos over an unchanging bassline, with possibly a few "choruses" thrown in. I want to make a change: what could I do with this piece to make it more interesting? (This, by the way, is my first post.)
  22. Something I started working on last night. It's for a game (that's taking FOREVER to be made). The game is of the Action/Adventure genre...not sure if that'll help you hear this any better, but oh well. xD I dunno, I guess I've kinda hit a bit of a wall as to how to expand on this theme. I suppose I'll give it another shot later on tonight when I'm feeling music-y. But if you have any ideas, let me know. Also, I really wanna know if this fits the theme it was meant for. And if not, how can I improve this to make it fit the theme? Criticize to your hearts content people, something is better than nothing. ------------------------------------- Just worked on this for a few hours this morning. Right now, it's good as a looping track, but I intend on expanding this some more. This track has nothing to do with the game from above...but I figured it'd be stupid to make another thread. Thoughts? Comments? Critique? Let 'em rip!
  23. Just so you know, I have to use TuxGuitar to get anything done. I just wanted to make something that I liked, but this seems to have lost life when I converted it from a .mid to .mp3. Source:
  24. Hi there! Recently, I've been teaching Web Design and in such weirdness, taught Flash using a Sonic and Katy Perry Site (the students figured I like both). So, I bring you the logical musical conclusion - http://www.goear.com/listen/fe74592/I-Kissed-A-Girl-%28Marble-Mix%29-Spunodi-%28Katy-Perry-vs.-Sega%29 Is it worth continuing for more than a laugh? Feedback appreciated.
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