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For daring to Cheetahmanz, he has made the panel - LT

CheetahMetal - Cheetahmen II progressive rock/metal remix. Download link is here.

My Info:

ReMixer name: NeoAvenger

real name: Ian Shedd

website: www.soundclick.com/ianshedd

member number: 22824

Game: Cheetahmen II

Track name: um . . . 'Main Theme' I guess. I can't seem to find the track's real title.

Platform: NES


http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/C/Cheetah%20Men%202.nsf - Track 2

Well, the source tune is the greatest piece of music in creation, but that goes without saying. The guitar samples sounded pretty fake, but that's what you get with Slayer or whatever this was. The drum writing wasn't half bad, but the background needed something else going on to flesh that out. Right now, the arrangement relies too much on the grungyness of the rhythm guitars to fill out the space, and the textures sounded pretty flimsy as a result.

Overall, the arrangement itself was pretty creative. I liked how the theme was given some measure of interpretation alongside the expansionist writing added to the familiar melodies, plus the dynamics were actually fairly solid. The first section of soloing (1:38-2:04) was a good concept, just not well executed. The second section of soloing (2:31-2:57) was a bad concept and not well executed either.

The sequencing was too mechanical/choppy for these guitars, which need more finesse and realism. If you're gonna work with a guitar synth, you're gonna have to put more effort into making the performance sound more humanized. Keep learning more about your samples and how to use them more effectively; use the ReMixing forums for help if you aren't doing so already.

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

I like the interpretation here a lot. The writing really builds and expands on the simple Cheetahmen theme effectively, plus the original stuff like the solos and new chords fit very well with the feel of the source. Specifically with regards to the solos, I didn't think the concepts were bad at all and in fact enjoyed those sections quite a bit.

I didn't have a big problem with production either. This is on par with the Chumble Spuzz sub we got (TMNT4) and I think I YESed that one even when it was a bit rougher. The drums were probably the weakest area, with a dull snare and flabby kick that is difficult to hear. Sequencing was also lackluster on the kit throughout, though it did get the job done. Guitars do sound mechanical but they're used like synth guitars IMO, which is fine.

While production could have been spruced up, I think the arrangement is definitely strong enough to make up for it.



THIS is the source tune everyone keeps talking about? Man. This thing is pretty dinky.

Fortunately, this arrangement improves on it like 10000%. Good mix of instruments, good dynamics, and a hell of a lot of creative takes on the theme. I love the little cameos of the eight-note pattern. Very solid.

I didn't have a problem with the guitar sequencing. It doesn't necessarily sound like it's trying to be a real guitar. Drum sequencing seemed fine enough too. I thought the tones of the instruments weren't great though, even for synth instruments, and that really added up. Many parts sounded lacking in highs, the lead and rhythm guitars especially. The bass was a little thin to carry that section at 2:09. In general, it sounded like too much EQ had been applied, cutting away stuff that would have given a more natural sound. I'm not sure if this is why Larry thought the texture sounded flimsy?

Very close to a pass, but I think it needs more work on the production end to seal the deal.

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...


i want to yes this emphatically and entirely on the merit of what it is because god knows i think it always is what it is!

but what the fuck is this?

for one, i can't fault the synth guitars for sounding synth... they are written not with any intention of sounding like a real guitar. the lead sections are my favorite of the track, by far... although honestly, you took such a simple and ridiculously uninteresting source and gave it an infectious groove and some unnatural leadwork. sounds more chiptuney than anything else and in that sense, it is fine.

what i will comment critically on, however, is the EQ on the "rhythm guitars" and the limp drums. your drums have no balls. plain and simple. the EQ is muddy and when you are going through the fast sections and the playing is all muddled up, it creates this wall of white nosie that is really unsettling given how awesome the arrangement is

really, the arrangement is the strong suit. a little technical issues stop you momentarily.



omg it really is cheetahman!


Drums are pure boom-chick-boom-chick; zyko's right, they're very weak. WHERE ARE THE HI-HATS? Maybe I just can't hear them, but kick, snare, and ride isn't cutting it. I'll also agree that the texture is really flimsy. There's an emptiness that's pervading this mix; I think it has to do with the thin sound of the synth guitars. They need to be a lot beefier. Plus everything else supporting it sounds like an old SNES game. Not really helping in terms of a substantial texture.

I dunno man, hit the EQ and fill out those drums. NO

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