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Ok, this is the second time. Its been about 1 month 2 weeks now since I sent my remix, and i thought now would be an ok time to contact someone. If you could do something about this, that would be great. Here is the info.

Name of Mix: DreamsOfIce

Video Game: Donkey Kong Country

System: SNES


Song mixed: Ice Cave Theme

Other: Mixed for the winter season.

Thanks again, for helpin me out.



I'm gonna wild guess Fruity Loops on this one. Why? It sounds like something I'd have put together. The bassline, the beatdrop, the stereo separation...it all has a very "ap" feel to it. So it's a given that I like it okay. What's NOT a given is that despite my efforts, I've yet to be posted because my songs are always missing something. It's a cool interpretation, no doubts. But that's all it is. It's more of an interpretation of the original using new instruments instead of a remix/rearrangement.

The part from 1:27-2:02 toys with some subtracting of notes and an original string flow in the background, but I don't know if that's enough. :( It'dve been nice to see this one posted, but it seems like it needs just a biiit more. Sorry, gotta say no to this one.


A cool mood mix that attacks repetitivity (?) in some interesting ways. I like how the beat and melody are mixed up to make the song flow and not get annoying.

Also, nex managed to make it longer than 17 seconds like some other recent submissions. 3 minutes ! GOOD ACCEPTABLE


  • 2 weeks later...


Too much DKC. Honestly, the arrangement of the layers follows nearly the same identical pattern from the game. That part between 2:00 and 2:05. Never isolate weak parts. Transitions are pretty sudden and iffy. And what's this transition to a good beat near the end only to end the song? Seems way to sloppy for my tastes. Sounds like patterns were randomly put in the order they were "oh, this might sound good here" without much thought to development or transitions.

N... oh, I already said no. My bad.


  • 4 weeks later...

Like Daniel said, there's little to no rearrangement of the melody, the breaks in between, or the transitions. It's basically the same tune with an added drumline. The samples are also too close to the original instruments, and lack any depth to them. And on top of that, the volume on the bass is too high, at the point where it's close to ruining the chirpy, uppity feel that this piece was intended to convey. The "je n'sais quoi" that the others have said this lacks is probably an original interpretation and sense of singularity. Make it your own.


As a special note to Nex, I apologize on behalf of the panel for the immense amount of time this mix has taken to get a decision after getting through the queue (almost two months on the panel). Because the judges couldn't access the Angelfire URL you gave us, Rob Saunders hosted this while he was still a judge, but after he resigned he accidentally took it down before we could make the final decision. However, this wasn't something that couldn't have been helped; one of the judges could have contacted you to acquire the mix. These things happen, but in the future, I myself will try my best to make sure that this sort of unnecessary delay in the judging process won't occur again.

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