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Well, I got tired of making Mega Man Legends remixes (for now), so I asked a friend what track I could remix. He told me Vampire Killer (obviously).

Lucky for me, I had never played or heard the track before, so that left a door open for me to work with. The end result is the WIP I have (will give link). I plan to work some more on this tomorrow, but opinions and criticism are never a bad thing. :D

v1 WIP - Dead

v2 WIP - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/117753


Let's start with the bad stuff, because that's easy. There's not much to list, I mean.

First and foremost, you need a better ending. The drums seem to become a carpet towards the end. The repetition at 0:30-0:38 could need some more variation. The following repeated sections as well.

Okay, that's the bad stuff. This is some of the coolest usage for pretty simple waveforms I've heard! Dunno how close to source this is, but it's real cool regardless. Make sure to finish this! Really.


lol, Remix isn't done quite yet. I still have more I wanna add to it. And I agree about the drums, but in my defense, I have them as a place holder for the moment until I can think of some better drum parts. And yes, I once again agree. I'll be adding one or two things to the parts that repeat, or maybe re-record and make the parts themselves progress a little bit.

Haha, it's...pretty close to the source. It's actually the source with some original guitar work. I also altered the bass a little bit to give it that little flare. Also, the source is only 127bpm, mine is bumped up to 150bpm. Why? Uh...well, I like fast stuff. xP

Anyways, thanks man. I was beginning to give up on OCR there for a sec... >.>


Well, you have a pretty cluttered soundscape at the end of the preview. I'd work on balancing that part out a little more emphasizing what you want. Can't tell about any panning issues since I'm listening on a recovering laptop, but check to make sure that the pan values aren't the reason for the cluttered sound.

You need a bit more interpretation of the main melody (which I'm sure is coming), but this is a solid start.


well everyone pretty much already touched on the important stuff. I would just like to say that the guitar lick is catchy as hell. lol

im wondering where your gonna go with this song, because i cant think of a good breakdown or anything to follow the intro. Good piece overall and i wish you luck with the rest of it. lol


Chicken: I think one of the main problems is that the track is really just un-mastered. So since everything sounds all bland and dull, it all sort of runs together causing things to become cluttered (because I listen to it on Winamp with a Rock preset and...the clutter problems everyone is talking about is barely even there). And yes, I will have more interpretation on the main melody soon to come. :D

davidicus: lol, Thanks. I usually don't get anything good when I live-record, but I must've did something right this time around. xP

And we're in the same boat, I've got no idea how I'm gonna add more to all this. I mean, I hope to make this at least a 3 to 4 minute remix. But I usually find something (whether it be intentional or accidental) that will help build on to the original track and progress it further. I just hope I figure it out before I lose interest in finishing the remix. >.>

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