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Is anyone out there a really awesome Flash artist (the guy who made the Bitey of Brackwood series being an example)? See, for a while now I've had this idea in my head for the perfect synchronized Flash movie to go with the FF7-Speed Limit tune, but I:

A)Don't own Flash &

B)Wouldn't have the skills to give my ideas any amount of justice even if I did.

So I was hoping I could find someone to help me get this idea of mine out of my head and into material form. Basically what it would be is the aforementioned remix being perfectly synchronized with a hoverboard race. The race would go along at super-high speeds (duh), going through semi-lit tunnels at some key places of the mix, and eventually getting to a point where all the remaining racers (since a lot of them are supposed to die in big firey explosions of death along the way) shoot off a ramp into what looks at first to be a big bunch of nothingness. This is where things get good. As the racers shoot forward, a field of thousands of big metal rectangles start flying towards them (smashing into a few, naturally) and they start grinding on/jumping across each one as they make their way to the other side which has now appeared a ways off. After that it'd pretty much be free-form and whoever makes the movie gets to do with it as they see fit. The only thing is that near to the end of the mix there'd have to be two guys left in the classic two-guys-left-and-it's-the-last-stretch kinda moment and then of course the winner just barely makes it as the music comes to a close.

So with that I ask, any takers?

Extra note: The rectangles are actually technically rectangular prisms for those who were thinking in 2d shapes there.


That's OK. As long as it looks pretty good than it's all fine by me! I actually thought about trying to get him to do it but there's about a million-to-one chance of that actually working and that kind of Flash movie just doesn't seem like his style anyway. If he DID do it though, I would want it to have a graphical look and flow taken straight out of The Yuyu.


Yes I did. I am NOT going to monitor this thread 24/7. Also, the reason that I posted this on this forum is because the people here are probably part of a select few people who actually know about the mix I am talking about.


You can subscribe to a thread, and then you'll get an e-mail the first time someone posts in the thread since you last viewed it. Avoids having to monitor it and avoids having to bump things.

Even if people here know the mix, you're much more likely to find people to make another similar mix here than you are to find someone with flash skills and the time and interest to do things for free. In general, asking in forums where people have a particular skill is only going to get you useful results if your request involves that skill. As someone else said already, go to a flash forum if you want someone to make the animation you describe.


If you're really into this idea, the best thing to do would be to try to learn Flash yourself and make it how you see fit. I know you said that you wouldn't have the skills, but NO ONE does on his or her first flash animation. You have an idea that you're passionate about, and that is the first and most necessary tool you will need to go anywhere with any type of creative endeavor. Even if it seems unlikely, you will have ideas after this one that you will feel just as strongly about. But, if you work on this idea now, by the time you get to those future ideas you will have the skills necessary to make them the way you want them.

As an example, I spent five years working with RPG Maker before I ever made/finished something that I was proud of. Now I have three finished games. The work is long and frustrating, but if you truly have a passion about the ideas with which you're working, you will eventually be able to bring them to life.


Your best bet would be to hit up a Flash community and post a link to the song you have in mind. We do have some talented artists here, but most of us are musicians, gamers and game music enthusiasts. I'm an animator, but I'm neck-deep in grad school right now and I've got more than enough animation work to keep me busy.

If you don't feel up to the task of learning Flash yourself, might I suggest storyboarding your idea or providing concept art? It would give others a clearer vision of your idea and possibly inspire some animators with ideas of their own.

I am flattered by your choice of remix, though. :mrgreen:


First off, wow! The man himself! Good schtuffs! As for your idea for concept art, I may just have to do that. Thanks for the idea. I actually kinda feel stupid for not thinking of that, but still, thanks muchly! I will get on that ASAP. Now, aside from this forum (which I plan to get much more involved with), does anyone know of a good Flash forum? Any good links or other related tips would be very much appreciated. Oh, one last thing. ME actually using Flash may pose a small problem, regardless of my skill level. Me no have money. Me no have Flash. And thusly: Me no have money to buy Flash. So there's another reason why I am trying to get someone else interested in the idea. Even if they don't make the movie just right, I still think it'd be really cool to be able to see something like that and be able to say,"Some of that came from me", and be able to see something of what I pictured in front of me.


Okay, so I go to Newgrounds like you advised, and a few seconds after I post my thread I get 3 different people all mocking me.Now I'm quite familiar with the Newgrounds site, so I probably should have expected this, but it still really makes me wish that I was around these people in person so that I could 'help' them NOT be real any more. So many evil people at Newgrounds! RAWRG! KILL!


It's a tough situation. I'm afraid you may get that response anywhere you go, although some places might be friendlier about it than others. You're going to be hard-pressed to find someone who will feel like devoting so much time to someone else's idea.

Just look at our own ReQuests forum. Look at how many requests get posted there and then see how many actually end up getting remixes. Now consider that a good-looking animation takes way longer to make than a good remix. You see what I mean.


Yeah. 'Tis true. Still though, they didn't even respond to what I put down. They just immediately went into their own little tangent like I wasn't even there. Also, on that day in particular, I was getting used as a stepping stone by everybody, not just by people on forums, so I was exceptionally ticked off.


I don't know. Newgrounds is dedicated to all kinds of videos, not just flash ones right? I think you should try to find a place that specializes entirely just in flash videos. I'm thinking that if the community you request in is really full of people who love flash videos, they'll take the request seriously and leave out the mocking.

Although, that's never stopped the sarcasm of OCR. Hahaha!

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