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I'm not entirely sure what it is, but, my best guess is that it's making multiple duplicate tracks another to make say, a choir, or a one string track sound like a bunch of strings?

how do you do this?

i tried using reasons ntt sampler but i don't know how to make two instruments share the same note, I'm confused. :S


Playing two or more sounds at the same time. It's a really broad term and the meaning is kind of obvious. You can layer drum sounds, or you can layer a choir and strings, or whatever. It's not typically used to describe just normal accompaniment ("I'm layering piano with vocals".)


it's making multiple duplicate tracks another to make say, a choir, or a one string track sound like a bunch of strings?

Yes. Usually you don't just duplicate the same track because then you get this artifical phasing effect because frequencies cancel eachother out.

i tried using reasons ntt sampler but i don't know how to make two instruments share the same note, I'm confused. :S

... don't do it, because that's when you get the artificial phasing effect. Layering is first and foremost attractive when you have either different takes (play guitar 3 times, put that on top of eachother) or different instruments (the ultimate new-age combination is a piano + strings, it oozes sugar).

For layering stuff quickly the Combinator was invented.

also, really great example of layering:



3 guys singing the same note, recorded over and over again for each note. The engineer used the faders of the mixing desk to control volume.


Thanks a bunch yoz bro, I can't believe so many of my mixes have been rendered useless by this phase thing, i didn't realize it was doing it, and now that you told me I can hear it clear as day. <_<



can you borrow me some of the yoozer sugar brah? My mixes an't sweet enuff'

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