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It seems as if you're trying to fuse the exact feel of the original leads over an upgraded background. What it really does is lead to somewhat of an incongruous blend. You should work on making the background gel with the foreground, if you intend to go retro with it.

It's an alright start and I look forward to further arrangement ideas.


Once the drums come in, it would be cool to be hearing a way more complex synth, electric guitar, electric fiddle, something more organic than the simple synth used in the intro.

Heh, chiptune arpeggio.

Overall, it sounds promising, but probably needs to step up in terms of sound quality for most part. I have no problem with the chiptune content, but moderation is key. Simplifying or chippyfying the rest of the track to suit the simpler synths is stupid, since this would be awesome with high-quality sounds.

Since I don't know the source, I'm just gonna say Taucer makes a good point. If he's right about the source.


Honestly, I'm shocked that this game doesn't get more love. For sure, the game itself is kinda goofy, but the soundtrack itself is pure gold. I'd like to see some more remixes than just Scuttle Town, but that'll definitely more than do for now. =D

Anyway, I personally think that a great deal of chiptune use depends on the taste of the user, but in general, I'd say the chiptune sounds are frequently overused. However, I must admit that I just love this remix to death (yes, I'm a chiptune lover). The chiptune itself blends in with the rest of the instrumentation quite beautifully.

Btw, that part near the end starting at 0:53 is absolutely killer! You simply have to love that high whine. *grins ear-to-ear* Now all this baby needs is a little more tacked on to the end. Seriously, it leaves you hanging there way to hard to just end it on a dime like that.

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