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I've been working on this for a while, it's of the first and last levels of Megaman Zero 2. Please listen and leave feedback!



NEWEST VERSION: http://myweb.cableone.net/rebelart/Zero.mp3

Lots of tweaks to the mixing and overall sound, I redid the drums and I think they came out pretty well. Please listen and give feedback!


I'm kind'a caught between impressions here. From the first notes 'til the 0:41 amp-up, it has both a very newb sound and a more pro sound. Dunno how that's possible, but I guess some of the synths must be a bit newby, whereas some arrangement things must be more pro.

Once it breaks into the main body of the remix, I've got no complaints. I find the hihat a bit annoying sometimes (like the sections ending at 2:25). The ending is cool, tho I'd like to hear more piano action earlier. It's 3 mins long, and 2:05 is main body. 35 seconds ending with a repetitive piano, 40 seconds newb-pro-hybrid sound.

Killing the newbness and making the piano part a bit more elaborate (most pianists have two hands) would do wonders for this track. Someone with more experience mixing electric guitar and other recorded instruments could probably help you out with mixing advice, I thought it could use some more processing.

But whatever, this rocks! What else can I say? :D


pro here means good. not everything professional is pro.

newb here means new beginner. newb is not n00b.

  • 2 weeks later...

i think the sound here is fantastic. it does need some noise reduction but nothing serious. for a megaman style mix static is certainly a requisite in a way (static = techy future shit). i have to agree with Rho. the piano is elementary. but it could serve well, i think. it's you're mix, do what you think is best there. i'm immensely impressed with the guitar work btw. toward the end it almost has a castlevania feel to it (if you're interested in doing another mix soon, that's kind of a suggestion :wink:)



Intro still has some newb feel. I can't tell what's really causing it. It could be that the guitar is slightly out of synch, slightly noisy, it could be a lack of some frequencies, it could be that most instruments come in at the same time... I don't know. My best guess is that it's the pad writing that's causing it. It could be more elaborate, play something more melodic, play chords or even octaves, something more. The chord progression could also contribute, but you can change the feel fo the chords by changing theh pad, methinks.

Transition into next section is awesome. Hihats could sound more realistic, they're a little too ticking here. Try muting them, add another hihat track, and play around with other hihat samples. The hihat writing is a little too quick for genre-realism too. Sure, you don't have to conform to genres, but it's a bit distracting.

Ending with piano sounds great, it's a good ending. Overall, it's got direction, and is structurally OCR-level material. There's a little too much going on in the mid high range, methinks, you might want to EQ the backing guitars a bit more bassy and less trebly, see if it sounds better. A few fixes away from getting a YES from me, but since I don't quite have the production ears I should, that doesn't mean the judges will YES is.

But if you fix these, I think it's as good as I can help you get it. Show it to the people on #ocrwip or hope someone with better production ears comes by and finds this thread. You're close, but not quite there yet. Awesome work, tho. :D


Hrm... Very nice. I like it. I feel that around 0:26 - 0:39 should have a gradual build in volume, then quickly back off to a lower volume then swell within 0:39 - 0:42 to give the transition a little more emphasis. Really, that's not much of an issue as the existing transition works rather well anyway. I enjoy this track.


The intro has sortof a very seperated feel to it... It doesn't feel like the measures are smoothly transitioning between each other. Maybe if you made the attack on the 1st beat a little less fierce, it would blend together a bit better. It just, for me at least, doesn't really fit with the moving sound you are trying to create in the intro...

Then things become friggin amazing, and I <3 you.


definitely enjoying the new ver. i can here you've added to the end a little. very nice. i mentioned the static feel earlier. it is well balanced in this ver. cool vibe on that. i don't really have any more suggestions. It sounds like you're nearing completion on it. It's fleshed out rather well. Can't wait to hear the final ver. Peace.


DISCLAIMER: I'm listening on AWFUL speakers.

You need a better guitar synth... FL Slayer doesn't cut it

I like the synth work you have that starts in the beginning and continues through the whole piece... Probably from the OST... But it sounds good.

Drums actually sound decent, maybe get a bit more punch on that kick.

~1:50 still sounds a bit muddy... See if you can clean that up a bit more...

Overall: Good improvements... But you REALLY gotta get something for a guitar in there...


lol @ Escariot. :D

Cool breaks... chops... cuts... stuff. You know. They're cool.

I'm not very fond of the solo guitar sound you've got, it's a little unorganic on the long notes. A really faint auto-wah might help, automatic it would be better. I dunno, this is pretty cool otherwise, but the guitar sound is a bit distracting in its simplicity.

There's an annoying swishy effect on the repeated arpeggio-synth-thing.

But the intro sounds less newby, so good job on that.

The hihats feel artificial during the "verse", but I guess that's just the sound you're going for. Drums are a little too choppy during that too repeated pre-ending section.

Also, I'm missing the ending. This is a bit like Hostile and Cuddly that starts with a great buildup, hits a great chorus, then spends the rest of the track fading out. You've got the first half great, but the second half is just all ending, no climax, or any other "closure" to the track. You're even setting one up with the guitar fading in towards the end, around 2:38-47. perfect place to repeat "chorus" with even more awesomeness and _then_ end the track.

There's also some production issues I can't put my finger on, you should ask someone with better production ears for some feedback. Overall, great (I caught myself playing this in my head), just feels a bit incomplete.

  • 2 weeks later...

First off, I am not an actual remixer, I've tried, but eh, haven't succeed yet. I love pretty much all things VGM though.

First off, just wanna say, I'm glad you picked this song.

After hearing it, overall I must say with whatever work you have planned on it and suggestions others have, this could be VERY VERY good. I am enjoying it already. Keep it up, I can't wait to see the finished version.


I like the general sound of this one. Synths mesh into the rock band sound quite nicely. Overall the arrangement is quite intresting, apart from the ending - I agree with Roz's feedback on that. This baby deserves a blast after the build-up!

I don't like the piano much, somehow that note sequence doesn't sound good at all to me, even though it's the same as the guitar before, isn't it.. strange that!

Some of the guitar playing needs to be a lot more fluid. That's my major beef with this track. Namely, the acoustic strumming in the intro, the acoustic "leads"/picking in the intro, and the electric lead. They need to sound more fluid, natural and lively. The lead is a major feature and simply has to sound better (it even sounds a little off key to me), and the guitar at the intro is right there from start making a first impression, so it should be better as well. I'm not quite sure if the sound of the acoustic guitar is good in the intro. I don't know if it's too lofi or not lofi enough! It might be that the playing just needs to be tighter so it'll sound good. I really like the synths there.

There are some wtf chords in the distorted backing at 01:07-01:09, 01:45-01:47, 02:11-02:13 and 02:24-02:25 - it sounds like you make a mistake. Of course, you do it consistently four times so it's not a mistake, but a bad part. ;) Change it. Overall though, the distorted backing works well and sounds good, as do a couple of other guitars: the figure that starts at 01:47, and the low distorted/flangered guitar at the end. Also, bass guitar works good. You've got a bit dirty sound on it, I think? That works well for the track.

Overall a very promising track, and a creative arrangement (I trust - I don't know the originals) so it's very much worth working on! Keep up the good work!


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