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so, have you started yet? what have you been able to work on?

No, I haven't started yet. I just finished packing everything up today and will be driving up to Nashville this upcoming Saturday (the 3rd) and will start my first day this Monday (the 5th)..

I have no idea what I'll be working on first.

Unfortunately, with the housing situation still in limbo, I will only have the essentials with me which means I won't have my primary computer (no mixing, composing, etc) for a while :(.

Still, I 'm very excited to get up there!


Ok, well technically, I haven't had my first day (since it's still the weekend, but I've already been VERY busy.

Being the studio manager, I'm in charge of keeping everything organized and I came into a bloody mess. I've been cleaning for two days, but things are beginning to sparkle :)!!

I also co-engineered a jingle recording session last night. SInce I don't know how much I'm allowed to give away, I won't be specific, but I will say that it's a VERY well know product and the jingle is going to be used for national TV use (I think), but I'm not too sure.

Scheduled to have a meeting with the number 1 movie producer in Nashville on Tuesday.

Things are heating up...very quickly.

More updates later!

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