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Sometimes I wish I was a Mega Man fan? Why? Music like this.

I totally dig the intro. Very smooth with the strings and piano. It builds into a trancy arrangement which jumps out of its trance state back into the smooth string/piano arrangement I love. Then, the two are combined. It's pretty damn nice. It just gets better and better as it builds up. Excellent stuff from Ryu7x. Too bad he's not going to be ReMixing for a while :(



Well this is a long one. 6.20

The sounds are ok in this, and effects have been nicely applied to most of the instruments. I don't like the drums at 0.48, but I suppose it's to make way for the better drums that come in later, although there is quite a bit of reverb on them. I think it would have been better to bring the drums more up front and lay off all that reverb.

If a mix is this long, you gotta really make it very interesting. I think this mix would have had a much better impact if it was cut in half - because the second half isn't much different from the first, and it does get tiring by the 5th minute.



Cut it in half then re-encode at 160kbps.


Quintessential background muzak. Keep in mind that in the world of trance, the issue of repetitiveness is practically a moot point: the genre itself embodies lengthy melodic reiteration. Now whether that's boring or appealing is a subjective opinion all together.

This mix, although not revolutionary, is not so garden-variety as to not do trance justice. I found the intro to be sweetly fresh, segueing into a raving, captivating synth rhythm accompanied by distinct drums and choral pads that don't overwhelm the leads, with breaks for the strings, piano, and flute. Stereophonic, sonically thorough, and a fitting backdrop beat. And it gets my thumbs up for a decent title.



Ah, the shademan theme...

What Malcos said, too much reverb on the drums. And the reverb on the bass? Bad idea also. Everything sounds cluttered. Lower the amplitude envelope release on the pads playing 5ths, they clash way too much, it sounds awful. The way the melody drop out at 2:47 leaves something to be desired. I like trancey stuff, but this is sub-par.



Finally, Mega Man VII gets a little lovin. OoOOOOOOo! Shademan! Let's see what we got here.

Piano intro reverbed. Angelic choir "ahh's" nice, nice. Violin coming in there. Bassline just arrived. I like, I like! Here are the drums and beatdrop now. Violin just left. Nice smooth piece you have here.

Wait a minute. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A TECHNO MIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, enough silliness.

**time passes***

For some reason I had to download this 3 or 4 times to get the full version. It kept cutting off. Weird. Inanycase, I'm giving this one a no, and here's why:

This mix is too long for so short a theme. It's basically the same few bars for almost 6½ minutes. I needs to be shorter by a full minute or two. Second of all, the execution of the genre. It's difficult to pull off a decent enough techno song to get posted due to the very nature of techno. Your drums and claps sound pretty weak. The instrumentation used is kinda :roll: , but I can live with it.

It's a double shame because I'd have liked your "final mix for a while" to have been one to get posted. That and Shademan deserves so much more. Your intro lead me to believe this was gonna be a spectacular piece, but I you didn't pull off the genre switch sufficiently. Better luck upon your return, Ryu.



Nice moody intro.


Repeating constantly. Some of the high pad synth chords gave me a bad headache.

This song totally lacks the feel of the original. The melody has been simplified to the point that I actually find the tune boring. Its a shame, shademan was always one I really liked.

... Is it ever even going to get into the real melody of the song? It just keeps repeating the intro...

Oh, there it goes. Using that violin sample with such long attack so fast sounds rather bad. One should cut the attack when one goes into a fast sequence, says I.

Sorry, everything is wrong with this. NO

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