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[ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source

[ ] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing)

[ ] Too much direct sampling from original game audio

[ ] Borrows heavily from non-source material (eg. a theme from a movie)

>Not familiar with the source tune (I haven't played Battletoads since it originally came out on the NES)


[ ] Too loud

[ ] Too quiet

[ ] Low-quality samples

[ ] Unrealistic sequencing

[ ] Generic/cliche sound choices

[ ] Drums have no energy

[ ] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics)

[X] Mixing is muddy (eg. too many sounds in the same range)

PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts)

[ ] Timing not tight enough

[X] Wrong notes, general sloppiness

[ ] Poorly recorded

[ ] Bad intonation

>Not so much as "wrong notes", just doesn't seem imaginative - solo is sloppy.


[ ] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow")

[ ] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough)

[X] Pace too plodding

[X] Too repetitive

[X] Too short

[X] Abrupt ending

Overall thoughts:

I'm a metal-whore, and produce pretty much metal tracks exclusively. I am very snobby about guitar tone (my own, at least), so don't take this as harsh. The guitar tone is muddled, and the solo is difficult to hear near the end. Track is definitely repetitive, revisiting the same themes over and over with little variance.

Drums are much too loud. Is it just me or is the snare localized completely to the left?

Synth is out of place and does not at all match with the feel you seem to be going with (synth solo at 1:51 sounds good though, I'd keep that).

As noted before, difficult to hear the solo, but when I can I don't want to -- just doesn't fit the piece at all.

I don't know whether or not it's a side-effect of Newground's flash, but there seems to be something weird going on in the high registers of the piece -- specifically the highhats/cymbals.


Some people have to wait days for a reply, don't expect one within 12 hours.

The sound is decent. I'm not fond of the stereo presence of the snare. The guitars be recorded again and panned opposite the existing ones, it'll give a greater stereo width to the track.

Also, bring back the sound you had the first couple of seconds, it's a great sound and it'd spice up the track. It gets kind'a repetitive really soon. You need more lead, whether it's synth or guitar.

It's at a good length, but it's very repetitive, so make more stuff happen, make the sound change a bit more. Those synth sections are nice, but you should throw in a really rude guitar solo somewhere.

Also, comparing this to source reveals it might be too close to get on OCR. You could deviate a little further, a little more. Add a calm section, play a section twice as fast, put your own original spin on the melody and rhythm, do something different.


Decent concept and arrangement, very meh execution/production. The sounds by themselves aren't bad, it's mainly the way they're sitting in the mix that's annoying (I hope the panning issues aren't because of the newgrounds upload otherwise what I'm writing below here is pretty futile :P)

The drums panned left are a VERY bad idea IMO, it makes the whole mix feel lopsided and is almost painful to listen to on headphones. The kick and most likely the snare should really be dead center, and the other drums should be panned around that (though not too widely). As for guitars, record your rhythm part twice, place one hard left and the other one hard right. Bass should be panned dead center as well.

This particular setup has so many advantages that it's basically the industry standard for rock music: you get a wide stereo field because of the hard-panned guitars (which sound huge as well because of the doubling), while keeping the center open for the drums and bass.

When you have a version with correct stereo balancing I'll be able to comment on the rest of your mix ;)

Decent concept and arrangement, very meh execution/production. The sounds by themselves aren't bad, it's mainly the way they're sitting in the mix that's annoying (I hope the panning issues aren't because of the newgrounds upload otherwise what I'm writing below here is pretty futile :P)

The drums panned left are a VERY bad idea IMO, it makes the whole mix feel lopsided and is almost painful to listen to on headphones. The kick and most likely the snare should really be dead center, and the other drums should be panned around that (though not too widely). As for guitars, record your rhythm part twice, place one hard left and the other one hard right. Bass should be panned dead center as well.

This particular setup has so many advantages that it's basically the industry standard for rock music: you get a wide stereo field because of the hard-panned guitars (which sound huge as well because of the doubling), while keeping the center open for the drums and bass.

When you have a version with correct stereo balancing I'll be able to comment on the rest of your mix ;)

Alright , thanks for everyone's reviews , i will try and mess around more with the volume levels.


Short answer: EQ.

Long answer: If they sound good on their own (when everything else is muted), add one instrument at a time and listen for when it becomes muddy. When it does, it's probably because this other isntrument is competing with the guitar for the same frequencies. Drop the shared frequencies in the guitar channel's equalizer. You may have to change the EQ of the other channel as well.

If they sound muddy on their own, it's probably a recording/amp issue. Can't help you much if it's a recording thing, but if it's an amp (or amp sim) thing, tweak its settings 'til it sounds better. Muddy usually means there's too much in the low-mid range/not enough in the high range, so fix accordingly.


For starters, this is from Battlemaniacs, is it not?

I don't have much musical experience, but I can give some general feedback.

The piece starts out very strong, but towards the middle the guitar starts to drown out the other instruments.

The ending is extremely weak.

Otherwise I like were this is going, I hope you can beat the judge panel with this one eventually.


Do you mind checking the link again?

Because when i started the topic i had the final version ( version 3 )

on newgrounds. Damn it , their server must be busted again.

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