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So...I've heard some things about the gaming industry's favorite lawyer, and figured I'd post what I saw here, since we all so dearly love video gaming =D. I found this on the wiki:

'On March 20, 2008, the Florida Supreme Court imposed sanctions on Thompson, requiring that any of his future filings in the court be signed by a member of The Florida Bar other than himself. The court noted that Thompson had responded to the show cause order with multiple "rambling, argumentative, and contemptuous" responses that characterized the show cause order as "bizarre" and "idiotic."'

And even better:

'On June 4, 2008, Judge Tunis recommended 'enhanced disbarment' for Thompson, saying that Thompson demonstrated continued misconduct, a pattern of misconduct and persistently failed to admit any wrongdoing. Enhanced disbarment lengthens the period before an attorney may reapply for admission to the bar from five years to ten. After being prevented from making a speech to begin the disciplinary hearing, Thompson distributed his written objections to lawyers, a court reporter, and a newspaper reporter, departed the courtroom, and called the proceedings against him a "star chamber" and "kangaroo court."'

So I say good riddance to bad rubbish. Though I'm sure most of the noise he made about video games went wholly unnoticed by people that actually matter when it comes to making policies about video game violence and associated things, he was still really really annoying. At least to me. But I think we may have heard the last of him. Finally. Thoughts, opinions, corrections?


Ha, it's always amusing that instead of learning from what's going on around him, he just digs his grave deeper and deeper.

If we're lucky, his continued shenanigans will push an "Enhanced Disbarment" to a ban.


Yea, really, he digs his grave more and more deeper. Just glad that he's not allow to sue game industeries about violence of video games. Man he was such a pain in ...

Oh well he's off for now. I may be a gamer but I'm also used to be a student that used to be a Game Designer... Someday I'll go back and finish up my degree in that area.

Hopefully, he'll be ban from all states so he can't go out and do his crusade in ending games for all of us gamers. *yawns* Wow, I'm tired, don't know what else to say here now.

Ja Dewa everyone.

Tragic Subaru


am i the only person in the world that at least to some degree agrees with jack thompson

i say bad video games are bad

i know baha at least sorta thinks the same way as he posted many many days ago a similar thing

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