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So I went back to the drawing board after my last attempt and came up with this: a very slow, chillish yet epic song (think: massive attack and company)

I pictured phoenix slowly standing up in his chair, eyes closed, as all heads turned to him and then, movie style, his eyes fly open and he slams his hands down: OBJECTION!

(cheesy, yes, but it got the point across, ya? :)

There's string madness, piano madness, a harpsichord, crazy compressed drums, and a very out there interpretation of the chord progression of the tune...*whistles*

I really like this song and am thinking about submitting it; what do you think?

post submission update: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=866156&songID=6823810

old version: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/erwn/downtempo_4


During the intro I didn't think I was going to like this mix, given the speed and instrument use against the original, but the progression is so nice I can't not like it. It's a very different take, but then again, what are remixes for?

Very good string and piano work, drums redefine this entirely into a very good sounding piece.

Only thing that caught my ear was around 3:59, I think the piano is leading a wee bit ahead the rest of the song, but that might just be me being crazy.


I dig the violin and the harpsichord. I feel that they really pick up, where the piano and the flute were keeping things almost too tame. I feel that it works best that way since it gives a much more genuine emotion to the theme. After all, within the context of the game, this song is supposed to represent a major turning point or epiphany for Phoenix. Beautiful execution. Even if it doesn't make it as a mix here (which is highly unlikely) i'd say that this is better than the greater majority of what comes up on this site. Excellent instrument choice, fantastic use of polyphonic layering. Keep it up.


This sounds very pretty.

Those drums are kinda loud and it seems to distort everything when the bass drum hits and it's kinda grating to me. I dunno how you would go about fixing this though? Or maybe it was intentional, which given the type of song this is, wouldn't surprise me.

Regardless! This is good stuffs: good arrangement, and (apart from the drums) good production. Then again I am kinda biased towards trip hop type deals. BUT STILL.


There is a lot of mud; i'd ease up on the reverb for a few of the instruments, and maybe tone down the compression overall as well. Some EQ cuts on a few instruments would give some more room in there as well.

The stop in the middle I totally didn't dig; the track lost all it's momentum. Having something melodic carry through would help it I think.

Some of the piano comping near the end was really unfocused and sounded tacked on. I'd try revising it to have a more cohesive melody that fits with the song, rather than fights it.

Awesome source choice though. :-)


Hey everybody, thanks for the suggestions/comments!

Sorry about the lack of updates, been kinda busy lately...

Regardless, here is the new take on objection!

As per OA's suggestion I have added a melodic break rather than just a "fall off" in the middle; hopefully the song doesn't die now.

I fixed the tightness issue between piano and strings at the end as well as notched the comping up a bit.

Fixed some eq levels and backed off the reverb...and the kick is softer, less distortion hopefully. AND it has been compressed to balls as per OCR standards... go 6mb file size! :()

I feel that this version is much improved; if you agree, I'll submit it relatively soon. I have nothing else to add to it, heh.

Alright, well, have at you! (main post updated as well)

v2: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/vzbk/objectiondowntempo3


Either my headphones are subpar or there's a few frequency/compression issues with this. The flute and strings before the melodic break sound... too harsh, or... something. A little painful on my heapdhones.

The left-panned phased noise, while being good soundscaping, sound a little too lofi, consider getting rid of it in some places. The high notes on the piano cut through a little too well at times, at other times they don't. Consider cutting their range from the other instruments while they're around.

It's also a bit repetitive, at least in the intro. While I wouldn't mind a long intro, or getting the track going on something other than the intro loops, doind both doesn't work well imo. It sounds too repetitive with the intro playing, followed by the track getting started for real yet still sounding like the intro (just with more instruments). Cutting length or changing the latter part of the intro might solve this.

I've only got minor gripes like that. Overall, this is pretty cool. Good luck submitting it.


Ok so fast update. Sorry about the tindeck problems, dunno what's up with that. :(

anyway, regarding that phased noise...I don't hear it. :)

oh well, I brought the high end down to make that flute/string combo bearable so hopefully it is less noticeable now. (that solo WAS pretty grating)

Regarding the intro: it is long and I suppose I could add things to it, but I really wanted it to sorta "wind in" reallllly slow like. I guess I'll mess around with it a bit.

This is probably the last update unless I do something with the intro that I really like. Let me know what you think, and thanks for all the comments thus far!

update: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/erwn/downtempo_4


Put little delayed snippets of the lead melody in the intro, it could work. Maybe you'd have to change the key scale of the melody or transpose it, perhaps both. A long intro is fine, but it shouldn't get repetitive.

Leftnoise is there during the breaks and softer parts. Probably a part of a pad you've used. See if you cna cut back on the noise sometimes. It's a cool effect if used sparingly.

'Tis good, tho, the track, imo.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey, digging this back up real fast whilst taking a break from MM4.

It got rejected, and I'm actually happy it did. Don't know why I mixed it so muddily...it just sounds bleh.

Anyway, I went through and cleaned it up, added some new beats, a bass, that good ol' vinyl effect, fixed the string attacks, and, probably the biggest thing, changed the piano to a rhodes...:)

This is probably the only update I'm going to do to it; school and marching camp is starting and time = zilch.

So, what do ya think? I like it much better...gotta love that crackling.

linky: (1st post updated)



Here's an idea, cut the EQ lows and some highs before 1:09, add to the low-quality speaker effect. Also, when do you cut the vinyl. Once the track gets going, there's some bg noise, but I'm not sure its the same thing, could jsut be a noisy pad. In either case, noise is bad. Noise in the midsection is fine, tho. Could actually be more of that. :)

New e-piano melody is great. Some two-handedness might be even better, tho it could just as well just clutter the whole thing up. As a finale, that section is cut a bit too soon. The cut might work well in some cases, but for casual listening, it might feel a bit too abrupt, giving it an interrupted feel. While it might suit the setting, it doesn't quite suit most listeners, methinks.

Some comments. Good luck with the track.

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