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Yeah, but they also made the PS2/Wii ports of Unleashed, which featured even more werehog action than the PS360 versions.

I've tried, and tried, and tried to give Sonic every chance I could. I really have.

I had great times with Sonic Adventure DX and Adventure 2 Battle (Chao Garden ate up so much of my time), Adv. 2 Battle was the first Gamecube game I had. Sonic Heroes was great in my opinion (Yeah, I'm sure I'm in the minority on that one), wasn't the same, but I enjoyed it (Minus Team Chaotix's missions, screw them).

Sonic and The Secret Rings, was the beginning of the end for me with Sonic, it was just the start. I gave Sega a pass because it was a relatively, new format for them to start working on, motion controls and all that.

I gave every chance I could to the first 360 Sonic game, and the loading times for every single thing took the exact same amt. of time. 20 seconds for a bit of dialogue? C'mon! I can understand a level, or the hub world taking that long, but to hear someone just say,"Oh! I'm gonna beat you!", why Sega? Why?!

Then when I saw Unleashed, I thought maybe he'd return to form. But the Werewolf killed it. I still gave it a shot, but the frustration from the game's controls, nay, the boring Werehog stages, killed it. Look, I like beat-em up's, but when I play Sonic, I want to experience speed (ala FZERO GX? Anyone?).

I've seen Nintendo Power's score for the game, I'm still leary of even wasting money to rent Sonic and The Black Knight. I usually ignore IGN's ratings. I smell a partial rat on this one, maybe they want people to buy Mad World? Sorry, Mad World isn't my kind of game (the style is nice, but the over the top violence ain't my bag).

God, I hope Dave Halverson's (critic at Play Magazine) love affair with Sonic is over. Every single game of Sonic that's been released this generation, he's given high marks to, and I can't fathom why, beyond kissing butt to Sega. It's actually funny how he preferred the 360 vers. of Unleashed to the more "polished" version for the Wii.

If anyone is daring enough to play this game, please, do tell us what it's like.

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