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Theres a song i was doing for FF6(ff3 in america)and wipeout pulse.I did the whole songs no problem(ff6 remix im still working on)but the quality of it sounds kind of hazy.I dont directly convert it to mp3(just so you know that kills your ram slowly but surely)put it in a wav first listend and tweaked it a litlle bit and the quality still came out hazy(used fl 4 3 years so this is a surprise to me)

www.soundclick.com/pianosquall (i did not steal the guys name.didnt even know a pianosquall existed untill after one of my friends told me)

look for 2 songs.one named speed break and the other one named when does it end.you'll see what im talkin about.got any ideas let me know please!!


i don't understand. Are you asking about mastering as in using limiters, slight eq, maximizers, compressors, etc. as the final step in your production chain, or are you talking about encoding the final mix from a wav to an mp3?

Does the wav sound fine and then after you encode/upload you get "haziness" or is it already a problem straight out of FL?

I also don't get what "hazy" means. There's nothing glaringly obviously wrong about the mix, although i have to admit i'm not really listening to it closely under ideal conditions (bunch of noise here).

More importantly, what did you use to "tweak" the wav?


what i ment by tweak was after i exported it out as a wav it sounded fine but when i started editing it in fl i only used stereo enhancher,multiband comrpessor(comp 2.0 preset)and parametric equalizer 2(for a spectrogram)when i converted the wav into an mp3 the quality of it sounded as if the volume had been reduced and the bass was dimmed down some(hence why i said hazy)but if anything im not sure if the quality was messed up because of the conversion or something else(honestly dont know)

what i ment by tweak was after i exported it out as a wav it sounded fine but when i started editing it in fl i only used stereo enhancher,multiband comrpessor(comp 2.0 preset)and parametric equalizer 2(for a spectrogram)when i converted the wav into an mp3 the quality of it sounded as if the volume had been reduced and the bass was dimmed down some(hence why i said hazy)but if anything im not sure if the quality was messed up because of the conversion or something else(honestly dont know)

First thing, don't ever use Stereo Enhancer on Master track and/or final wav. It's just going to push the panning out of whack, which is probably what's contributing to your problem (depending on what you're changing on the plugin). Use it on specific instruments/synths to get them wider or narrower. Compression and EQ are fine, just try it w/o the Stereo plugin and see what happens.


so you're exporting from FL into a wav, then you're importing that wav back into FL for mastering, then you're exporting directly to mp3 from FL??

it's mostly agreed that it's a better idea to convert to mp3 separately once you have your final .wav export. You can use the LAME mp3 encoder for this, or something else if you wish. This will also isolate the problem to see whether it's your mastering, or if its your compression.

so you're exporting from FL into a wav, then you're importing that wav back into FL for mastering, then you're exporting directly to mp3 from FL??

it's mostly agreed that it's a better idea to convert to mp3 separately once you have your final .wav export. You can use the LAME mp3 encoder for this, or something else if you wish. This will also isolate the problem to see whether it's your mastering, or if its your compression.

Good method to use an external LAME encoder. I encountered noticeable differences between FL exports and LAME exports, mainly with the bass and how FL muddies it a bit.

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