Dunatis2000 Posted August 10, 2008 Posted August 10, 2008 Although there is already a thread for the video game tarot I was making, it kind of died so I will make a new thread for discussion of current choices should anyone think that they have any more suitable characters than the ones I have already chosen. Also there was interest in seeing the completed list and I said I would. The Major Arcana 0 Fool - The Gamer in a video game store 1 Magician - Kefka (Final Fantasy 6) 2 High Priestess - Rose (Legend of Dragoon) 3 Empress - Gaia (E.V.O.) 4 Emperor - Edgar (Final Fantasy 6) 5 Heirophant - Philia Philis (Tales of Destiny) 6 Lovers - Squall and Rinoa (Final Fantasy 8.) 7 Chariot - Gears (Xenogears) 8 Justice - KOS-MOS (Xenosaga) 9 Hermit - Deckard Cain (Diablo) 10 Wheel of Fortune - Kirby (Kirby Series) 11 Strength - Faris (Final Fantasy 5) 12 Hanged Man - Magus (Chrono Trigger) 13 Death - Luke cutting his hair (Tales of the Abyss) 14 Temperance - Soren (Fire Emblem) 15 Devil - Death (Castlevania: Curse of Darkness) 16 Tower - Cloud (Final Fantasy 7) 17 Star - Aya Brea (Parasite Eve) 18 Moon - Cyan (Final Fantasy 6) 19 Sun - Stahn and Dymlos (Tales of Destiny) 20 Judgement - Fusion Suit Samus (Metroid Fusion) 21 World - End game graphics (Super Mario World) Cups - RPGs Ace - Serge (Chrono Cross) 2 - Hero and Lufia (Lufia and the Fortress of Doom) 3 - Festival (Chrono Trigger) 4 - Setzer (Final Fantasy 6) 5 - Vincent (Final Fantasy 7) 6 - Rydia (Final Fantasy 4) 7 - Choice of 7 Pokemon (Pokemon) Magikarp, Caterpie, Eevee, Onix, Vulpix, Bulbasaur, Gastly 8 - Ness (Earthbound) 9 - Chrono's Revival (Chrono Trigger) 10 - Meru (Legend of Dragoon) Page - Mallow (Super Mario RPG) Knight - Wakka (Final Fantasy X) Queen - Nadia (Chrono Trigger) King - Headmaster Cid (Final Fantasy 8.) Swords - Action/Adventure Ace - Raz (Psychonauts) 2 - Tommy Vercetti (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City) 3 - Jak (Jak and Daxter Series) 4 - Carl "CJ" Johnson (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) 5 - Bowser (Mario Series) 6 - Link (Zelda Series) 7 - Mio (Fatal Frame 2) 8 - Peach (Mario Series) 9 - James (Silent Hill 2) 10 - Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2) Page - Navi (Zelda series) Knight - Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (Assassin's Creed Series) Queen - Jade (Beyond Good & Evil) King - Gordan Freeman (Half-Life Series) Pentacles - Strategy/Puzzle Ace - Nayuta (Monster Rancher EVO) 2 - Garrett (Langrisser) 3 - Owner (Rollercoaster Tycoon) 4 - Antarans (Master of Orion 3) 5 - Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics) 6 - Mayor (Sim City) 7 - Kerrigan (Starcraft) 8 - Jim Raynor (Starcraft) 9 - Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright 3) 10 - Farmer (Harvest Moon) Page - Angel Messenger (Actraiser) Knight - Kun Vine (Kartia) Queen - Holly (Monster Rancher Series) King - Laharl (Disgaea) Wands - Racing/Sports/Fighting (Direct competition) Ace - Donovan (Darkstalkers Series) 2 - Kokoro (Dead or Alive Series) 3 - Gado (Bloody Roar Series) 4 - Sophitia (Soul Caliber Series) 5 - Bomberman (Bomberman Series) 6 - Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat Series) 7 - Siegfried (Soul Calibur Series) 8 - Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat Series) 9 - Roadkill as Warhawk comes upon him after winning the contest (Twisted Metal Black) 10 - Takuma Sakazaki (Art of Fighting Series) Page - Yun-Seong (Soul Caliber Series) Knight - Vega (Street Fighter Series) Queen - Seung Mina (Soul Caliber Series) King - Calypso (Twisted Metal Series) All 78 cards of a standard tarot deck, I doubt I'll be making an oracle deck to go with it any time soon but hopefully printing these onto cards won't be all too difficult. Should anyone care to see what the cards mean and judge for themselves if the character is suited, traditional meanings can be found here. http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/learn/meanings/ I intend on using game art and screen caps for the images so I won't post the cards themselves in order to avoid the delicious legal issues that can bring up and don't worry about sending links to good images or image sites since I am very good at finding anything I need on the internet. Thanks for the help of anyone from the last thread, I likely wouldn't have gotten some of the characters I have were it not for you guys. Quote
Mirby Posted August 10, 2008 Posted August 10, 2008 This is a good idea, but ZSS is from Metroid: Zero Mission. Unless you're thinking of Fusion Suit Samus. And for the pokemon, I think you should make it Eevee's evolutions, minus normal Eevee of course. Because you can usually only get one, but now with D/P out there are seven different choices. The rest sound like good choices. Quote
Triad Orion Posted August 10, 2008 Posted August 10, 2008 I voice my support in King Overlord Laharl! Beware of meteors. XD Quote
Dunatis2000 Posted August 11, 2008 Author Posted August 11, 2008 Oops about the Metroid game, it's been awhile, I'll have to change that. But the 7 Pokemon were actually chosen that way for a specific reason. Normally in tarot the person getting the reading looks at the cups which each have a different image and they choose one which helps the reader interpret how they will make their decision. For this one, since the 7 of cups is about choices, you choose your team of 6 Pokemon and who will lead, so basically who you leave out and who you prefer. My Girlfriend for instance chose to lead with Vulpix and ignore Magikarp. She's willing to forgo usefulness for appearance while she is not willing to do hard work for benefits later on. It's actually very accurate so far for interpretation of personality since none of the people we interpreted thought it was wrong at all. Quote
The Damned Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 But the 7 Pokemon were actually chosen that way for a specific reason. Normally in tarot the person getting the reading looks at the cups which each have a different image and they choose one which helps the reader interpret how they will make their decision. For this one, since the 7 of cups is about choices, you choose your team of 6 Pokemon and who will lead, so basically who you leave out and who you prefer. My Girlfriend for instance chose to lead with Vulpix and ignore Magikarp. She's willing to forgo usefulness for appearance while she is not willing to do hard work for benefits later on. It's actually very accurate so far for interpretation of personality since none of the people we interpreted thought it was wrong at all. I was about to comment about having 7 pokes, but then I read this, and it makes great sense. The Damned approves of this slightly Pokémon-related thing! I would love to see this deck's artwork, if you ever do it. Quote
Thylacine Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 Two things: 1. Make sure you do a spelling check on these names, because Phoenix Wright is not spelled correctly. 2. If you're talking about the SNES version of Sim City, the green-haired dude's name is Mr. Wright and he's not the mayor. Otherwise, disregard this second comment. Quote
Mirai Gen Posted August 11, 2008 Posted August 11, 2008 I would...prefer if the Knight card for direct competitive games was Sigfried. But other than that, I approve greatly. Quote
Dunatis2000 Posted August 12, 2008 Author Posted August 12, 2008 The knight card for the Wands (direct competitive games) signifies someone who is a huge showoff though, a very loyal guy who loves to be the center of attention, and Siegfried doesn't ever try to be the center of attention, and actually lacks allies entirely in the Soul Calibur series, though the closest can be said to be Hilde in #4, but there they just kind of know each other. Vega on the other hand loves the spotlight and was fiercely loyal to Bison's organization until it fell. Siegfried also fits the 7 much better since it symbolizes being under siege and others being jealous of what you have and trying to take it away, but telling you to keep fighting. This works a bit better since even while he was Nightmare, people have always been after his sword. It could be argued that Nightmare would fit the card better but Siegfried has to maintain the battle, especially in number 3 when he still has to combat his darker side as well as other enemies. Also thanks for the info on the Sim City guy, I'll have to look it up and yeah, it was a silly typo on my part about Phoenix Wright, thanks though. Quote
Mirai Gen Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 Okay you put way more thought into this than I had realized. Do your thing man. Quote
DJMetal Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 Holy crap! I go history diving and look what I find! A bump for sweetness and kudos for doing such an awesome job. I've long loved the tarot lore and I've longer loved video games...finally, something that combines the two! Quote
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