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Until just recently, I had no real reason to learn anything about HD Video. I just had my VGA-input monitor and my co-ax/RCA TV's.

Well, now I have a nice new TV (bought it to use as a TV/Monitor so all video comes from one place... audiophile reasons), and it has a bunch of different hi-def video options. This one only has component, S-Video, and HDMI as far as hi-def goes, but I'm interested to learn about the whole market.

So basically I'm asking for a linear sort of explaination.. "this is the worst one because... then this one is better because... etc." From RCA to component to S-vid to HDMI to whatever spdif is and whatever DVI is.

Then, after that... tell me what the highest quality option is for my Gamecube and PS2. I read somewhere that the PS2 only outputs RCA-quality video, regardless of how it's connected?

Then.... someday I'll be buying the next-gen consoles. What's the best option for those?

Cheers in advance.


i am not sure but i think this is the order best to worst







co ax

both gcn and ps2 have component cables and this is the best they get


I have the same setup you're thinking of doing. Beware: cords will be fucking everywhere

Still, it's a fun setup. I have my computer going into the TV through a nice DVI->HDMI cable, you can get them on ebay for less than $10. Unfortunately I gotta daisychain my Genesis and my cable, and I don't have enough RCA jacks for my PS2, Gamecube, and Dreamcast, so I'm gonna try to get component video for two of them. I also have a SNES I haven't even hooked up yet, but once I do I think I might have to make one big "old-ass consoles, and my cable too" daisychain. R/F is kinda horrible yeah.


OverCoat, would it be possible to just use some Y-adapters for your composite stuff? Just have all the video and audio streams come together into their respective ports, and just turn one on at a time?

Would you risk blowing something out if you accidentally turned on too many systems and had too much video signal?

I think I have a Y-adapter, and I have two systems hooked to my TV right now. So tempting to try it.... and so tempting to see what happens if I try to feed two video signals at once...


i also have a similar setup i dont know why i didnt say it

i have a 24" monitor that i also use for my consoles

pc hooked to dvi (1920x1200)

360 on hdmi (1080p)

wii on component (480p)

ps2 on s video (dont know dont care)

being that there are no speakers on my monitor i have some nice computer speakers that i use for everything and control with one of those silly video selector things

everything looks really nice and works fine

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