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Wow! 8O I must say this is an awesome remix! :)

Very very risky and bold. The lyrics you've written are incredibly awesome! Yeah yeah some people have been complaining about your singing, but hey it's all good, nothing's perfect and I still love to listen to this song! Gotta love the guitar too man! I love how you go from a soft, romantic guitar to a raging hard rock melody!!!

This is great stuff my friend!

I hope to hear more from you Silent and keep up the good work!

Hey, don't be shy to use this for the ladies now! hahaha

I bet it would work! 8)

-The Diabetic Knight


Ok, I got this love hate realtionship with this song. (get it, love/hate song? ha ha!)

The song itself is not bad, on the contrary, I like how the song comes in slow, Piano, then it goes into that guitar, then a heavy rock with a Piano, then it fades out. That is the coolest remix I heard ever since Little Mac's Confession. It was very original, and with it alone, was able to get into my Favorite Music list.

However, my main problem was with the singer. He wasn't bad at all, but to me, he seemed slow trying to get in it, and High notes weren't his best attribute. However, I think he made up for that in the middle of the song, where he seemed to be getting really into it.

Lyrics are ok, I couldn't get a story out of it like I could little Mac's confession, and some words didn't really add up, but that's nit-picking.

All-in-all, I say a good job and keep up the good work!

Ok, if you had a decent ear, it would be very painful...

or, if you are just simply anal about perfect intonation ;)

Ok, that may be so, but i think if it were all on key, it would be 100 times better.

As someone said before, the vocals start out ok but by the end of the song, the vocals are WAY off key.

And like i said before, i freaking love this song, but i just want it to reach its full potential, and i think that that can be reached by spot on vocals.


Dude when I first heard the description, I thought about crying and smashing my head on steak knives, but I listened to it and its real smooth....maybe this song can get me laid man...lol


i disagree.. your singing is actually good for this kind of song..

and if you could improve the vocals are little.. the song will be great..

this is indeed very good..

quite long however.. but cool..

i liked it..


Look man, for one, this is one of the most beautiful songs in Final Fantasy 2(US). You made the song shine with your guitar, truly you did. Unfortunatly, and don't take this the wrong way, I am in no way bashing you, your singing needs major improvement. Is there any way for you to just post the instrumental version? Unfortunatly trying to come up with a decent lyric is not easy, but yours are too shallow. I'm just explaining to you my experience. I was listening to your song and I was REALLY surprised but when you started singing it was like hearing a car crash and the song, TO ME, fell completely apart. Like a person banging their head on a piano. Your guitar is absolutely outstanding but the singing should have been cut out. Making it hard rock at the end also decapitated the song, like being banged on the head with a bat. I enjoyed the song up to 1:26 after that I just stop it.

Look man, for one, this is one of the most beautiful songs in Final Fantasy 2(US). You made the song shine with your guitar, truly you did. Unfortunatly, and don't take this the wrong way, I am in no way bashing you, your singing needs major improvement. Is there any way for you to just post the instrumental version? Unfortunatly trying to come up with a decent lyric is not easy, but yours are too shallow. I'm just explaining to you my experience. I was listening to your song and I was REALLY surprised but when you started singing it was like hearing a car crash

If that isn't bashing then I don't know what is. Don't you think a car crash is a bit melodramatic.


hey silent what kind of guitar do you use, I personaly use a Strat Squire lower the saddels and attack the frett board like Steve Vai, Or at least to pretend to be Steve Vai. 8) someday. (sighs) try to redo the song with your tounge ha ha ha jk

I use a gibson les paul.

You had me going for a second, Have you ever played one,I can't say I have but I dream about getting a les paul supream, (Drools) And when I

pick it up,jack in take my first warmup strum,then maybe scale in GM

The world acually stops for a second to hear my riffs.

There would be peace on earth if everyone had a Les Paul,well maybe I'm exagerating but I hear there sound is uncomparable.(Omnitrix leaves to guitar shop to bug salesmen into letting him rock on the Les Paul)

what guage do you go with, I usualy stick to .009-.042


do you got aol instant messenger or anything, cause if you got some more remixes up your sleave i'll gladly lend my guitar or vocals.

I have a few ideas I'm playing with right now. like some video game theme dueled out by 2 guitarists.

  • 2 weeks later...

I thank the gods that you have made this remix, Silent. Final Fantasy 4 has always been my favorite Final Fantasy...the storyline was so good for a game of it's time. I used to fall asleep by going to the world map and listening to it's theme as I lied in bed. Your song gives it so much justice, and it gives it feeling. Sure, your vocals may need some work, but has any of you people who pointed it out negativley ever heard Nirvana? If your voice has meaning it gives the song more power. And the lyrics fit, despite the many cliche involved. All in all, I found it one of my favorite remixes, and this is coming from an FFIV fan. Good luck on your next version.


Ok, this song has been bashed to the depths of hell and praised up to heaven...now its my turn. The overall impression: AMAZING! when i started it out, the intro guitar caught my ear and just wouldnt let me go. Shortly thereafter came the lyrics, which is the weakest link in the song. Im not bashing, im not praising, i just think that the lyrics could be tweaked a bit and mebbe one more take the vocals could help. Other than that, i truly enjoy this remix. it just gets stuck in my head so easily!

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