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This is definitely a nice piece of remixed DKC music. There's definitely plenty of change that's keeps the music from sounding repetitive; without it sounding all jumbled. I especially like the ending that trumps with this final, big, single beat.

Hmmmm, there is something around the beginning that slightly bothers me a bit. i'm not very good at identifying sounds, nor am i any kind of musical expert, but i can't help but feel that there's quite a bit of bass and not enough of something else. Like the real meat and potatoes is being masked by it a bit.

This is just an intuitive guess. Sorry i can't lend any direct details, but like i said before, my knowledge on actual musicl sounds and instruments is near zilch; although I've listened to a lot of OC Remixs to at least have some experiance in identifying the good from the bad. Just trying to be of inpirational help.

But yeah, do keep going at this song. We don't have enough Crocodile Cacaphony remixes, and that's one of my favorite DKC music tracks.


Right back up yours, Alex. Tindeck's working again.

Snare is a bit weak. Toms panning is a bit weak, and toms sound like they could use some reverb and some punch.

Strings could use some...thing. Can you give them a volume tremolo and make them rise in strength during sustained notes. That _could_ work. The strings are just a bit boring in their current stage.

Overall, it could use more strength, more punch, more weight. Use a multiband compressor to give each band its own dynamics and bring out the weight in each range.

As far as source/interpretation goes, I think it's in the green. Direction _could_ be a problem, but I can follow this without much problems. The J's might diss this a bit for the direction.

Good stuff, man. This could get on OCR fairly soon.


Multiband compressor - compresses lows, highs, and stuff in between (depending on how many frequency bands it supports). It means that you can punch the mids and lows without dirupting the levels of the high stuff. A really loud bass isn't gonna overpower the mids and highs. Try a multiband compressor on the master, some preset settings, see what it does.

Multiband compressor - compresses lows, highs, and stuff in between (depending on how many frequency bands it supports). It means that you can punch the mids and lows without dirupting the levels of the high stuff. A really loud bass isn't gonna overpower the mids and highs. Try a multiband compressor on the master, some preset settings, see what it does.

hmmm okay...but I remember one time that my CPU got overloaded. Maybe i had too many different VSTs going on, but iono.


Much better.

But you're still gonna have to work on cleaning up the progression and make it more deliberate. There's also some clutter with the synth bass, it's a little too loud in some sections.

Your drum writing, btw, has improved. I remember you posting about it a while back, asking for help.

Much better.

But you're still gonna have to work on cleaning up the progression and make it more deliberate. There's also some clutter with the synth bass, it's a little too loud in some sections.

Your drum writing, btw, has improved. I remember you posting about it a while back, asking for help.

The progression is going to, for the most part, stay :P, I'll work on the last transition and maybe a tad here or there, but yeah its there to stay. The thing thats important to me for this song is that I've improved quite a bit in my production/composition skills.


Argh, tom panned hard left. Not recommended.

I think a lot of your instruments have a little too high sustain levels/too long decay levels/too long release time/too much reverb. The notes blend together. You might want to use a faster attack, unles sit's the samples.

It's also a bit heavy on the mids, especially at 1:24-2:04. Most of your orchestral samples seem fat around the waist, so drop their mids a bit.

Bring out the leads more. This is already on the edge of overcompressed (I heard compression a few times), so I recommend carving an EQ hole in the other channels that share frequencies with the leads.

The piano you've got towards the end could come out more during that minibreak. It's clarity would make a great variation from the dark stuff in the rest of the track without taking away from the feel, imo.

Also, 3:45 chord clash.

Yeah, getting there... Soon. Good stuff.


I've def. cleaned shit out to my best ability; less middle mud and clarified piano. I'm not submitting the next update though, because that's my submission. Wish me luck Andreas :D

And thanks for the constant critiquing, unlike the other 600 or so lazy butts who viewed this thread :D

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