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Hey guys, so I started my first remix recently and figured I'd get some feedback on it to see how I can improve it. I decided to do the Final Fantasy Prelude as I think its a pretty easy piece to experiment with.

Anyways here's the link http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=711431

That'll take you to my main soundclick page...your looking for the song called Praylude.

Lemme know what ya think!



I'm not good with details, but I can say that the last note seemed pretty painful. To a song like that, ending on an obnoxiously loud blast from the leads seems inappropriate.

You've got a good style, though, I like it. You manage to cover a variety of sounds without jarring transitions, which impresses me quite a bit.


This is really good for a first remix. It's clean and the drumline is pretty interesting. You should get in an even more intersting drumwork in an original section before going into the calming ending though. Also, the piano in the ending sounds a bit weird. Proabably just the panning


Intro instrument sounds good, but the others... don't. The others being drums, and a synth string pad.

Drums either need more weight or more intentional sounding softness. Can't really help you with the latter, tho I've noticed that leaving out the kick helps a lot in making drums softer. As for the former, EQ and compression. Punch (kick and snare) is around 100-200Hz, hihats don't need anything much 1kHz.

String pad is too slow. I suggest separating it into two tracks - melody and backing. Backing is fine, tho it could use some more notes - chords, at least towards the end of the drums+melody+strings part. The melody should have shorter attack and release, lower sustain, and a few hundred ms of decay so the notes don't blend into each other.

Rhythmic pad has a good sound, but I think it's too fast to fit in. Either the melody needs to go faster, or you should drop the tremolo effect by half (half depth or half speed).

Arrangement felt ok to me. Source is definitely there. The additional melody (besides the rising/falling melody) sounds familiar, and is probably source. Dunno if this is integrpretive enough since I don't remember the source. A FF fan could probably evaluate that better.

For a first remix, this sure isn't bad. I have a feeling you'll do some great stuff eventually. Good luck.

Please take the time to answer the questions in this post.

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