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An Open Arrangement Community Discussion @ MAGFest 7; Thoughts?

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A panel that included all the major sites in the community is something Brendan has been talking about for awhile now, and it's something I personally REALLY want to see happen. He's told my associates that he still wants to see it happen, but if it is going to happen it's going to take some organization from a lot of people to make it work. So I'm taking it upon myself to try and orgnize something like this because I REALLY think the community would benefit from a really open discussion ABOUT the community.

My thinking is this:

The community forum would be a sort of opening event. Something that happens before ANY other "major site" panel. There all the major sites (OCR, VGMix, R:TS, DoD, OLR, AnimeReMix, etc, etc...really whom ever we can have represented) could give a brief description of their site, their mission, and what you can expect them to discuss at their panel. Afterward there would be an open discussion, including questions and suggestions from the audience, of how we could better the community as a whole. Obviously there's going to be some stuff that simply just can't happen because it's either against what the site is about or the resources just aren't available right now (ie ratings @ OCR or something like that), but even it's not possible at one site, perhaps it could be easily implemented at another site, and we could work something out to be more cohesive as a whole.

We could also discuss trends in the community, and things would could share to help better each others sites so that we can BEST serve the community as a whole.

So what I'm making this post for, is to gauge interest in this sort of thing, and to ask for any feedback or suggestions BEFORE HAND so that I can know what/how to plan this thing to actually make it a reality.

I'd go just to see exactly what the point of panels really is

generally its people talking about how cool they think they are but in this case it would probably be a bunch of dudes arguing over how cool they think they are so count me in!

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