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Hello. This is CHIPP Damage. This is message of apology to anyone who took offense to the thread I created earlier today. (If you don't know about it, that's good.) I asked people to post jokes and stereotypes about a certain race of people (all in good fun) without even thinking that someone might be offended by it. But after returning home and finding the thread gone, I thought for a bit and came to the conclusion that it must have been deleted because of its inappropriateness which I somehow failed to realize. You're probably thinking, "How could anyone who made that not notice?!" But it's possible with me. So, those of you who were offended, I am sorry. It won't happen again. And I promise that it was just me being absent-minded as usual. Please forgive me.

This thread doesn't really need any replies, though, if possible, I hope I can get an "apology accepted" from the person who deleted the thread for me.

Thank you.

PS: I'm glad to have people around to help keep me in check.


What I posted in it was sadly stuff said by other Japanese to me last semester about the behavior of my Japanese roommate to explain why they act so insane. But I guess it's possible to be racists against ones own race too. :P

i am offended that you would apologize for a thread you knew in your heart was meant to be harmless

man up and be proud of your threads

Regardless of whether or not he knew it was meant to be harmless, that he was man enough to apologise for his actions is far more impressive than some petty self-pride. He has my respect for being able to do this. Its a seemingly rare trait; and its one which he is no doubt a better person for having :-P

It's not like you're a big-name politician who up and said "Japanese are WEIRD!!!"

These are just forums. They don't effect the rest of the world at all. Unless Oprah's watching (9000 tentacles all raping children!!)

you made me lmao thank you.

just the internet guys. seriously.


. . . >|<__>|<

Well, I'll be damned. It IS just relocated to Off-Topic. This is embarrassing. Nothing I ever say on the internet goes the way I plan it to. I don't even know what else I can say except that I hope you found it entertaining. But, I do agree with Starla that it should be deleted. If it were just me making jokes it might not be so bad, but me trying to get everyone to post a whole thread of most likely derogatory things totally should have set off a bell or two in my conscience. I'm such an unprofessional mutha.

(sigh) I'm just gonna try and forget about this nonsense and read my book now. Thanks for the relieving comments though.

I'll say it again. These are forums. They really don't effect the rest of the world. If a Japanese person saw that thread, they'd probably laugh. Seriously, its nothing to worry about.

Actually they would probably be pretty apathetic because they're REALLY BAD AT ENGLISH in general. (see what I did there?)

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