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I figure this isn't a straight chiptune with all the drums and whatnot.

I really like the feel you have here. I don't know about some of the notes in the ambient swirls at 0:49, but that may just be personal taste. I love the counter-melody from 1:12 to 1:19.

Depending on where you go with this, I would lower the cymbals at 1:29 and have them crescendo until they stop at 1:37. Or possibly make them less frequent throughout that time. Nice sound effects with the song there btw.

Good stuff! I look forward to updated versions.


This song is the song of champions.

That means I love it.

A great tune from the original and I'm thrilled to see it tributed thusly. Seriously, I dig this with a back-hoe. Finish it, give it to judges, etc. This is musical Zeldanic (it's a word) gold.


For me this tune really gets rolling at 0:46. The background chiptune sound that starts at 0:29 and repeats every two-ish seconds until 0:46 with a break between 0:35-0:38 really gets to me. Probably personal preference, but it sounds too hard and throws the groove of the track off. But man, after it gets going, you have one catchy song going. Gotta say I like it.

Edit: Just listened to the original, and I really like how well you've transferred orchestration back to chiptune.


dig it dig it

the sound :26 is playing some wrong notes

the sound at :35 is a little too loud, or a lot too loud, either way it's too loud

the arpeggios that enter at :46... maybe you could try those an octave down

the breakdown is pretty good, but it could use some melody

LOVE the kick drum btw

but, I think your non-chip drums are getting lazier because you're focusing more on the chip drums... don't forget all the crazy sounds you can make with your standard drum samples; they're a huge a part of your sound

fun fact for everyone: he made this remix using my computer at my apartment :o


I was just giving this another listen (because I love it), and I wondered if you could loop the tune around again but add in a new lead instrument on top. Like, maybe even a harmonica or a banjo. The whole track is already delightful and surprising, I think throwing in something like that would be really unexpected, but at the same time, it would really contribute to the overall feel of it.

I guess what I'm really saying is, I like it so much, I want it to keep going. And as most people would expect, I'd like to hear some more progression if you decide to loop it. It'd give you an opportunity to throw in a bridge and do some original writing too.

I gotta say at about the 3/4 mark of the track, it climaxes so well, but then as it boils down it still feels fresh and inviting. I really love this mix.


i remember when you showed me the earlier version of this over aim and i praised the hell outta it and now hearing the more updated version i must man im loving this. You've come a long way and its good that ive been able to watch you grow since your VGMix 2.0 days. I still wish you had finished your tal tal mountain mix. but yeah the only thing this mix is lacking some nice full string pads like really lush. but this mix is really upbeat kinda reminds me of some of my stuff but it has that nice ass hip hop-ish flow. i really hope you finish this so i can add this to the rest of your songs on my mp3 player. keep me posted!


I had my doubts until 1:03 when the melody came in. After that, it gets really good, really quickly. 1:38 to the end is gold. I would hold the beginning "get item" sound effect out a little bit longer like it sounds in-game so you get the mix off on a more deliberate note. The first minute is a little too "OK, I'm slowly layering this so it all sounds great later on." I think it should be able to support its own weight a little better. I know you can do it because the rest is an exercise in greatness.

I'm also in agreement here that you could easily do with another minute/minute-half or so. Good luck - I think this will join the ranks of Star Salzman's 'Duck Blur' and Mario Galaxy's 'Gusty Garden' in their innate ability to make anyone smile. :)

We got a winner!

I agree with Tappy. I unconsciously start rocking my head to this. It's just so fun. Its sound is more like what I'd expect to be playing from Beedles boat but it works for Outset too. WAIT thats IT!!! It sounds like a techno ice cream truck! its that reverb sound that you hear when the truck is like 4 streets over and you know your street is next. YAY! memories.

trivia: name my movie reference in this post and get a cookie.


I'm really liking how this is shaping up. V3 is excellent, and that added 43 seconds is solid stuff in my opinion. From 2:04 to 2:21 sounds a little empty...there doesn't feel like much is going on there. It fits with the progression of the mix, and I'm not sure what I'd put in there give that little bit a richer feel, but it just feel like something should go there...I dunno. The rest of it, though, is pure sweetness. Especially the new ending.

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