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now many of you might have already heard about this new syndicated tv series that's starting this weekend on ABC called The Legend of the Seeker. i'm imagining that a good contingent of the people that visit this site are probably into the fantasy genre so i figured i'd mention it...

watch it.

i am a huge fan of the novel series upon which the show is based. i've been reading the sword of truth novels since terry goodkind started writing them and they've not disappointed. i love the fantasy writing genre, in general, and consider myself adequately knowledgeable and well-read in it and i have always thought that goodkind was spectacular at making the completely unbelievable and fantasy sort of elements of the genre plausibly human... the world he creates doesn't really alienate you and deals with real world issues seamlessly... set in a world painfully like ours except with a little magic ;) and we all love magic, right?

i've never read a fantasy series whose characters were more painfully human than the sword of truth and the ending of the whole thing twisted my pickle like you wouldn't believe. if you do research on the book, you'd probably know that there is more to it than just a fantasy novel and it isn't just a story of good v. evil, either so it's worth picking up if you're interested....

additionally, there is now this show...

the 1st half hour has been available on i-tunes for the past few days and i've watched it and i think it's gonna be good. it marks the return of syndication and of fantasy in a day and age overrun by reality TV and cop shows. those worried it'll be another xena should know that this is considerably more serious in tone and far better produced.

only a couple more days!!!


they're going to butcher a lot of it. i don't think we're going to have all that rape and testicle eating, either.

if only japan had done it. oh well

Im sort of glad that they chose to adapt it into a series, rather than have a movie that cut out half the material(coughharrypotter), even if it isnt going to be totally accurate

I just watched a 10 min preview for it, and it looks like they're distorting the timeline for it quite a bit. Kahlan bringing the Book of Counted Shadows to Zedd? Really? Richard not knowing who Zedd is? What?

get used to it, i forsee it getting worse as the series progresses. but i trust the folks at...wherever... its not a popular tv network like nbc...

I just watched a 10 min preview for it, and it looks like they're distorting the timeline for it quite a bit. Kahlan bringing the Book of Counted Shadows to Zedd? Really? Richard not knowing who Zedd is? What?

ah, nice, you're familiar with the sword of truth... awesome, bro!

yeah, i didn't really like that about it so far, either... however, you should watch the free 30 minutes of it on i-tunes... its free and the ten minute thing you watched was actually an abridged version of the actual first half hour which is considerably better.

sure it is, bud... it's ABC :)

what? then why does it say for me to watch it on some random channel at 7 on saturday?

oh well.

hey im familiar with the series too. there was that one demonality part in the second book. and they raped kahlan's sister to death or something like that, they didnt shoot her. and i was pretty pissed to see that the "quad" was not "bristling with weapons"

can i be your bro

what? then why does it say for me to watch it on some random channel at 7 on saturday?

well, disney-abc is the company making the series... however, it is syndicated so it shows up on everything from abc to fox to whatever local station has decided to run it

also, i made the dyslexic error of saying nbc earlier when i meant abc.

hey im familiar with the series too. there was that one demonality part in the second book. and they raped kahlan's sister to death or something like that, they didnt shoot her. and i was pretty pissed to see that the "quad" was not "bristling with weapons"

and not only that but the quad was made of five guys... which of course doesn't make any sense.

nah, one of the biggest problems i have with this is that the maturity of the series is going to be a lot lower than that of the books. this was somehting that had to be done by HBO or Showtime... DISNEY-ABC has no business tackling something that isn't close to being kid-friendly... instead they're dumbing it down and showing it to the world on saturday nights on local television.... sounds shady to me.

still as a deep, deep fan of the series, i'm not about to miss it, either. but this shit ain't no narnia... how are they going to deal with demmin nass? how about the fact that nearly every significant female character in the story gets raped or close to it.

fuck it.

can i be your bro

haha of course

i've known bahamut for a while and he's my buddy

but we can be buddies too ! :)

Maybe they're trying to find a show with success like Hercules or Xena from the 90s?

Well Sam Rami IS in charge of this...

*Crosses fingers for Bruce Campbell being thrown in here somewhere*

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
So I saw one episode just now...and wow did they add quite a bit of extra stuff & changed other stuff around :?

well its getting really awful. the effects are just terrible... wizard's fire is supposed to be epic... not some fucking hipside flamethrower. kahlan is still delicious but her spunkyness is dying off with each episode. richard is still very boyish and it is unnerving because even if he doesn't necessarily buy into the bigger picture of things as early as wizard's first rule, he accepts the task with a levelheaded maturity. i don't like the series system... the random adventures on their way to d'hara.... i think it's tacky. there's plenty of shit in the first book to fill the same number of episodes.

this should have been a showtime or hbo series. only then could it have been what it ought to be.

still, i am strangely addicted to watching it... i mean, it's just still sword of truth

also, did anybody else think the lady in the preview of next week's episode is shota? and why the fuck isn't she hotter? she's supposed to be nearly as captivating as kahlan and eventually nicci...

she looked like a haggardly witch.


  • 1 year later...

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